Shattered Dreams

~*~TEAR JERKER(Araysa told me to put this)~*~

I always thought that was what I wanted. What you ask? To meet and have sex with Brian from the Backstreet Boys. I know what you are probably thinking, You met him and had sex and now you wish it didn’t happen. Are you crazy?? No, I’m not crazy, it was totally different then I had expected. Let me tell you about that night and how it changed my life forever…

It was a cold fall night in late October. I had bought 2 tickets to go and see my favorite group, the Backstreet Boys. This was the second time that I was going to be seeing them in concert and I was pumped. My best friend and I had heard rumors that the guys were going to be staying at this hotel about 5 blocks from the venue. So after the concert we were going to go down and check it out. We figured, heck, it’s worth a shot.

Back to the concert, we both loved the show very very much. Tears were shed, hugs were shared, smiles were shown and bodies swayed. They were great performers; they knew how to work the crowd.

As soon as the show was over we walked down to the hotel. We were standing outside for a few minutes when 2 white vans pulled up. The doors opened and out came AJ, Howie, Brian, Nick and Kevin. I walked over to Brian and asked for an autograph and picture. I made small talk with him as he signed my CD liner notes. I couldn’t believe the next thing that came out of mouth. “Would you and your friend like to come up and have a couple drinks with us?” I will never forget those words in all my life. Of course I said yes. We got in the elevator and went to the top floor. We were all in Kevin’s room talking, laughing and drinking. I felt like I had known these guys personally for a long time. Yeah, I was a huge fan and knew a lot but it was a different feeling. Almost like I had grown up with them.

We had been there about an hour when Brian finally stopped making eyes at me and came and asked me if I wanted to go someplace a little more private. How could I resist those blue eyes, those high cheekbones, that chiseled chin and that cute nose? So, of course I said yes…again. I knew my friend was in safe hands…well, Nick Carter’s hands to be exact.

Everyone was having such a good time they didn’t even see us leave. Brian took me by the hand and led me to his room. He sat down on the bed and motioned for me to come and sit next to him, once again I couldn’t resist. We sat there in silence, looking into each other’s eyes. His hand caressed my cheek. Shivers went through my body; I had wanted this for so long and it was finally happening. He began to kiss me, the taste of his lips was so sweet, like nothing I had ever imagined. He was gentle, I felt safe, wanted, needed. He laid me down on the bed and began to take off my shirt. No words were exchanged; he would just look into my eyes and smile. I would smile back; I wasn’t going to stop him even though in my heart I knew it was wrong.

He took off my bra and tossed it onto the floor. He began to kiss my body. He moved lower and lower and lower. He unbuttoned my jeans and unzipped them with his teeth. My breathing began to get heavier, I knew there was no turning back now. Brian crawled down to the end of the bed and pulled my jeans off. He stood at the end of the bed and removed his clothes. Brian from the Backstreet Boys was standing in front of me, NAKED! I kept biting my lip, not because I was nervous but because I couldn’t believe this was happening. I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming. He spread my legs apart and slowly pulled of my panties. He crawled on top of me and slowly pushed his manhood into me.

Up until this moment in time I was a virgin. Oh, just in case you thought I left out the part where he put a condom on, I didn’t! We had 100% unsafe sex.

He was good, it hurt like hell but in another way it felt so good. He had started slowly and began to move faster and harder. I moaned, but didn’t scream. I wanted to so bad but figured I should try and be quiet. He finally had the big O and I don’t mean Orlando. Then he began to slow down. He stopped and pulled out; he kissed my lips tenderly and helped me up from the bed. I didn’t wanna move; it felt like my insides had been torn apart. But we slowly walked to the shower. We stood under the cold water and made out. It was then that we finally talked. He was a sweet talker. He told me that he had never done this before, that there was something about me he couldn’t resist. Hmmm, same feelings I had for him. I ate up everything he said to me and as I look back on it now, it seems like something he had said many times before. We got out of the shower, got dressed, dried our hair and returned to Kevin’s room. No one noticed we were had been gone for almost 3 hours.

When we had gotten another beer Brian turned to me and asked me my name. I told him. It was then I realized he knew nothing about me and that I really didn’t mean anything to him. He didn’t even know my name and he had sex with me. I had been so caught up in the moment that I didn’t even realize this. I sat my beer down, grabbed my friend, said good-bye to everyone and left. My friend didn’t want to go, but when she saw the tears in my eyes she knew something was wrong and she left willingly. So here I sit, a year later, telling you my story. I told my friend what happened that night. Both of our feelings for Brian changed. We still love their music and she, of course, still loves Nick Carter.

There will always be a place in my heart for Brian Littrell. But his son, whom I hold in my arms, is now the man of my life. It breaks my heart everytime I look into little Brian’s baby blue eyes because he will never know what a great guy his dad really is.

Let me know what you think of my story!! :o) Click on the mailbox and give me all kinds of feedback!

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