Chapter Three: The Story We Live Out

Cursed with reason in a world
So defiant without conclusion
This is the story, the story we live out
And it is the moral too…
Look at me, I'm falling for you

-Vertical Horizon

"Could someone please remind me why I'm here?" Gwen sighed, working her fingers through her thick brown curls. Her eyes darted around the dark room, searching for any sign of familiarity. She found none.
"You're here," Adrienne reminded her, flashing her a grin, "because you're going to start having a social life. Because you want to spend time with us chicas instead of your books. Remember?"
"Oh yeah," Gwen sighed. She leaned her chin on her hand, her elbow on the booth's table in front of her, and continued to probe the smoky air around her with her eyes. The dance club was throbbing with the bass of the music playing over the loudspeakers, the air pungent with the smell of sweat and perfume. I should be studying. I should be doing something productive. I should not be here. She shook her head subconsciously, as if in an effort to chase away the guilt she felt.
Adrienne swayed along to the beat of the song in the seat next to Gwen's. This was what she lived for. She was surrounded by people, carried away by the music…she felt free. Liberated from the burdens of school, magically transported away from her problems. Everything was looking up - she was having fun tonight, and tomorrow night she had a date with Chase. True, he wasn't perfect, but he was decent. He was available for her, that was what mattered.
She closed her eyes and envisioned herself dancing with him. Only in her fantasy, Chase metamorphosed into someone else, and she realized that she was dancing with a stranger who looked vaguely familiar. When her eyes opened again, she found that the person in her vision was dancing, oblivious to her stares, directly in front of her.
"Hey Gwen," she said as quietly as possible to be heard over the music, "Check out that guy over there. Does he look familiar to you?" She pointed in his direction.
Gwen squinted her eyes. The smoke in the air was making them watery, and everything in her field of vision was blurry. She finally focused on a guy, about twenty-two or twenty-three years old, wearing a yellow shirt and dancing with several women at once.
"Not really," she responded. "Why? Do you know him?"
Adrienne let out a sigh. "No. But I think I'd like to."
Gwen rolled her eyes, turning her body slightly away so that she faced the wall. Sometimes Adrienne and her man-craziness drove her nuts. She studied the nearly-invisible cracks in the plaster of the wall and tried to remove herself from her surroundings. The only thing that would make tonight tolerable would be if Corrina were there.
"Adrienne, is Corrina coming?" she asked, not turning her head. When she didn't receive a response, she glanced at where Adrienne had been sitting only to find her missing. She twisted to face forward and sat up in her seat, craning her neck to look for her friend. Her eyes finally rested on Adrienne dancing her way toward the stranger she had pointed out. "It figures," she sighed.
Gwen excused herself and left the other members of her small group sitting in the booth. She squeezed through the crowds of people, avoiding those who were dancing or holding drinks, toward the hallway in the back of the club where she thought she'd seen a pay phone.

The minute AJ entered the club, he felt the outside world slipping away from him. It dissolved from his body; it fled without a second thought from his mind. There were no Backstreet Boys. There was no empty house. There was only this night, and this music.
He immediately made his way directly to the dance floor. No stops at the bar, nothing. The song that was playing he'd never heard before, but it grabbed ahold of him and he went with it. He enjoyed a few precious minutes of anonymity, but soon three or four women about his age recognized him and asked him to dance. He gladly obliged. After all, he thought to himself with satisfaction: They're gorgeous. And they all want me.
This had continued for almost forty-five minutes when he saw a blonde girl about his age approaching. She had a determined look on her face and, he had to admit, she was very attractive. He excused himself from the fans he was dancing with just as she reached him.
She looked him in the eyes and shouted over the music, "Dance with me."
"Gladly." He was taken aback by her forwardness, but he didn't mind. Usually he was the one to make the first move, at least with a non-fan. The two of them started to move together flirtatiously. With each passing song they found themselves closer and closer together, until they were pressed up against each other, dancing without speaking a word.
After a while - both of them had lost track of time - AJ attempted conversation. "You're a good dancer, you know that?"
"Yes," she grinned. "Wanna buy me a drink?"
He couldn't help laughing at her boldness. "What would you like?"
"Vodka martini, very dry, three olives."
AJ nodded and then made his way over to the bar on the other side of the club, leaving her to dance solo for a few minutes. When he was halfway there, he glanced over his shoulder and noticed a girl emerging from a hallway in the back. The darkness and smoke clouded her features, but he was struck by the thickness and color of her hair. She looked like the girl he saw by the river that afternoon, but… It can't be. McLean, you're a psycho, he told himself.
He turned away before she had a chance to catch him staring, but a few seconds later he couldn't resist a second glance. His breath caught when he found that she was looking directly at him. Their eyes held each other's for a mere moment, but AJ nearly found himself drowning in their liquid darkness, even from twenty feet away. His heart fell when her eyes moved on, and he realized that she was looking for someone and had only met his eyes by mistake.
He dismissed the incident from his mind. When he reached the bar, he placed his dance partner's order. "And a shot of tequila," he added. Why not? he thought to himself. One shot won't hurt. After everything I've been through, I could damn well use a drink.
The bartender placed a martini and a shot glass on the bar in front of him. AJ paid, then quickly downed the shot. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand and then picked up the martini glass. He carried it to the edge of the dance floor, where he was met by the girl he had been dancing with.
"Thanks," she shouted. "Don't you want anything?"
"No, I'm not thirsty," he lied. "Let's dance some more."

Gwen slipped a quarter and a dime into the slot on the front of the pay phone. She dialed Corrina's cell phone number and let it ring three times. She was about to hang up when she heard a voice answer.
"Hey, Corrina, it's me." She tried to speak at a normal volume, even though she felt the instinct to yell over the music.
"Gwen? I tried calling you, but you didn't answer your phone."
"I know, I left it in the car. Where are you?"
Static crackled over the line, and Gwen couldn't hear the first part of what she was saying. "…club. I talked to Adrienne earlier. Where are you?"
"What was the first part of that?"
"I said, I'm at the club. Where are you?"
Gwen smiled. "So am I! How come I haven't seen you? How long have you been here? I didn't know you were coming!"
"What? You haven't been paying attention to my whereabouts? Your bestest friend in the whole wide world? Gwen, muchacha, I'm ashamed of you!" Both of them laughed out loud. "But no, I don't know why you haven't seen me. I've been here a good twenty minutes."
"All right, well then let's just meet over by the bathrooms. Seeya in a few."
Gwen placed the handset of the pay phone back into its cradle. She smoothed her hair down with her left hand and checked her pockets to make sure her car keys and twenty dollar bill were still there. Finding everything in order, she turned on her heel and walked back out into the crowded main floor of the club.
She scanned the throng of people with her eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of where Adrienne had gone off to, but she couldn't see her anywhere. She did, however, pause when she saw the guy that Adrienne had run off to dance with. But where was Adrienne?
She was a bit startled when he turned his head almost immediately to hold her gaze through the smoky darkness. She found herself drawn in, mysteriously, and unable to move. Something about him intrigued her, and she now understood why Adrienne had been so enthusiastic when she had spotted him.
Slightly disconcerted, Gwen broke the visual connection between them. She gave the club one last inspection with her eyes before moving on to meet Corrina - she would get the lowdown from Adrienne later. The only thing that troubled her was the fact that…she couldn't get his image out of her mind.

Continue to Chapter Four: Stays the Same
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Becky's Stories
Underwater Backstreet World