Chapter Six: Dying of Thirst

And if I told you I was dying of thirst
And the sky was falling just to make it worse,
Would you just smile and continue on
As if your mouth had a race to run?

-Vertical Horizon

Gwen sat at a large, heavy wooden table in the center of the library. She was the only one in the entire building, but it wouldn't have mattered even if she were surrounded by talkative students. Gwen was in the Bubble.
It was a place she liked to retreat when she felt tired, angry, or upset - in this instance, she was stressed out. Encasing herself within the Bubble helped her to calm down and sort out her feelings. All she had to do was imagine a giant, impermeable bubble completely surrounding her, so that no person or object could enter or interfere.
That's right've just gotta study. That's all there is to it. Nobody else exists. Her nose was buried deep in her textbook, all her thoughts focused on each individual word on the page she was reading. She dusty smell of the book drifted up to her nose, making her sneeze once or twice, which sent echoes bouncing off the high ceiling and nearby bookshelves.
For the past few days Gwen had been completely absorbed with two things: her academics and her rowing. After temporarily venturing out into the world of social lives with little success, she'd decided to stick with what she was good at. Or, in other words, what she was comfortable with.
It was for that reason that Gwen had been spending more time than ever in the library, studying when she should have been sleeping, and putting in extra time at crew practice on the ergometer. With a little hard work, she'd easily and quickly forgotten the fun she'd had at the club with Corrina, as well as the stranger she had locked glances with there. Things were back to normal after that one slight interruption of a week or so ago.
Suddenly, the Bubble was burst as an excited, bubbly Adrienne plopped down into the chair next to her, chattering away. "Gwen! I've been looking everywhere for you! I have the best news, you aren't even going to believe it, trust me!"
"Adrienne, I was in the Bubble," Gwen sighed, exasperated.
Adrienne rolled her eyes. "Gwen, the Bubble can wait. Don't you ever get tired of studying?"
"Don't you ever get tired of boys?" Gwen retorted, a small smile appearing on her face.
Adrienne just let out a laugh. "How could I? Boys are so much fun! Especially when a certain one of them calls my cell phone asking to do something this weekend," she finished in a sly tone of voice.
"Let me guess. Chase?"
"Chase? No, but we do have another date tonight," Adrienne responded. "I'm talking about AJ! This is so very cool. The first time we met, I detected definite boyfriend potential."
"What?" Gwen squinched her eyebrows in confusion. "Who's AJ?"
"Some guy I met that night we went out clubbing. I kinda just found out his name, which Corrina somehow finds rather shocking."
"But isn't Chase your boyfriend?"
"Well, yeah," Adrienne sighed happily. "But we're still really casual. There's always room for something better to come along, ya know?"
"Not really," Gwen said quietly, but Adrienne didn't notice.
"Anyway, I haven't called him back yet to make arrangements, but I am so excited. I can't even explain it!" She let out a little squeal and clapped her hands together, bouncing in her chair.
Gwen forced a smile, which after a few moments actually became genuine. "Adrienne, I'm very happy for you. Really. But I have a few more things to look over, and don't we have to get to crew practice soon?"
Adrienne glanced down at her wristwatch. "Oh, shit!" she exclaimed, her head snapping back up. "You're right. We're gonna be late to practice if we don't get going right now."
"I can't believe I lost track of time so badly," Gwen said as she hurriedly gathered her books and pencils. "But I've been busy studying for this midterm, though, and it looks like you've been running around like a decapitated chicken on crack for the past forty-five minutes."
Adrienne giggled and slapped Gwen lightly on the arm. "Yeah, yeah... But at least I was having fun doing it!"
"Come on," Gwen said cheerfully as she finally got organized. "Let's get to practice before we're too late to save ourselves." With that, the two friends linked arms and walked speedily to the parking lot outside.

"Girls, that was a pretty decent practice, but I expect you to do some erg work before our next on-water day. Lara, make sure you do a timing call more often to keep your rowers together. Claire, I want to see you lengthening your stroke. Adrienne, don't rush your stroke, and Gwen, I want to see you pushing your hands down and away at the finish. That's all for today - and be here on time next time, you two!" Coach Tom concluded the after-practice speech as he gave a stern but joking look at Gwen and Adrienne.
The nine girls standing in a semi-circle around him slowly disbanded, wandering off to gather their things and head to their cars. Adrienne ran from person to person, sharing her good news. She was so excited - she just couldn't keep all of her enthusiasm to herself.
And why should I? she asked herself silently. There's nothing wrong with being happy. Just because my friends aren't all in the same situation I am doesn't mean I'm not allowed to tell them about it. After all, we are friends.
After making her rounds and getting high fives from her teammates, Adrienne slid into the driver's seat of her car, grinning madly. She rushed home as quickly as she could, because she needed to shower as well as change clothes, do her makeup, and fix her hair in less than an hour.
What am I really doing with Chase? she thought to herself suddenly as she waited at a traffic light. Whoa, that was random. I thought I liked dating him - well, I do like it. But seriously. Is a relationship with him really going to go anywhere? We don't even do anything on our dates. Dinner, maybe a movie, and then a goodnight kiss. That's it.
But do I want more? Physically, definitely not. I'm happy with nothing sexual right now. But I don't feel like I'm getting too much emotionally from Chase. When it comes down to it, he really doesn't interest me as a person all that much. Although I do like the feeling of having a boyfriend...I don't want to lead him on.
With that, Adrienne decided to make a choice in the near future about Chase. Maybe her date with him tonight would be the final deciding factor. However, her thought process was cut short when she arrived at her destination. She ran up the stairs to her apartment on the second floor and unlocked the door.
Jogging quickly inside, she made a beeline for her bedroom closet and ransacked it, tossing shirts, skirts and pants aside. Finally, she made a decision and carried her newly picked outfit with her into the bathroom, where she took an extremely brief shower. After drying off, getting dressed and blow-drying her hair so that it fell in soft golden waves to her shoulders, she felt like she was just about ready.
However, just as she was preparing to put on a bit of makeup, she stopped short and stared at the phone. A strong urge overcame her.
"Adrienne, just do it," she told herself. "Don't be chicken. Just call him." She couldn't understand the slight fluttering feeling she felt in the pit of her stomach, because honestly, she didn't often get nervous about boys.
Pulling a scrap of paper from her purse, she ran her fingers across the number she had scribbled there in blue ink after listening to her cell phone messages. She decided to forge ahead with the idea and not give up so soon.
She picked up the cordless phone and dialed, holding it to her hear until she heard someone say: "Hello?"
"AJ, hi, this is Adrienne," she said, trying to sound confident. She sneaked her left hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Adrienne...oh yeah, Adrienne! How are you doing?"
"Good, pretty good, how about you?"
"Oh, not bad," he chuckled. "So, I take it you got my message."
"Yes, I did." She was extremely glad that he couldn't see her blushing. "Hey, is this a bad time? I can call back later if it would be better."
"No, not at all. I'm just doing a little shopping."
"Ooh, one of my favorite activities! I can already tell we have a lot in common!" Both of them let out a laugh, followed by an almost-awkward pause.
"Well, um..." AJ cleared his throat. "Did you want to do something this weekend?"
Adrienne smiled. "Sure, why not? What did you have in mind?"
"I've actually got a party to go to on Saturday night, so how about we have lunch earlier that day?"
He sounds hopeful. Definitely a good sign. "Of course. That would be great."
"Wonderful, then I guess I'll give you a call sometime before then to make more definite plans."
"Great," Adrienne cheerfully agreed. "I'll talk to you later, then!"
"You too...bye."
Adrienne pushed the 'end' button on her cordless, dropped it carelessly onto the couch, and jumped up and down in a circle around her coffee table seven times until she had calmed down slightly.
"Yes!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. This exclamation motivated her upstairs neighbor to bang a broom against their floor three times as a signal for her to shut up. "Sorry," she yelled in the direction of the apartment above hers.
Resisting the urge to do a cartwheel, Adrienne quickly went back to the bathroom to continue getting ready for her date with Chase. After all, she didn't want to mess up her hair.

Continue to Chapter Seven
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