~ The Twin Theory ~

It didn't take us, Becky and Molly, very long to realize that there is a conspiracy against us! We've been separated at birth!!
Fortunately fate brought us back together, even if we can only be together over the net (for now!).
You might say now: "Wait a minute - you girls can't be twins. You're not the same age!" We answer: "Yeah - that's what they made everyone think!" (Thanks to Kay for being so smart and realizing that even before we did! *lol*)
Want proof for our theory? We came up with the idea (well, it was just a joke first!) to make a list of all the stuff we have in common. For our own pleasure and fun and to prove the world, what both of us know:


1) We both totally love the Backstreet Boys!!!
2) Our favorite is AJ McLean! (And we don't even fight over him! *lol* That's real friendship, folks, hehe!)
3) Before we learned to love each other, first there was - and still is - utmost respect, then there was and is admiration and of course there was the bond! Always!
4) We can't stand to be separated for too long, we always miss each other like crazy!
(I missed her even before I knew she existed - no kidding! ~ Molly)
(And I can't sleep some nights if we haven't had our daily chat! ~ Becks)
5) We can feel each other's online presence: before we even go online we often feel if the other has sent mail or if she's online, too!
(One time I booted up my computer at 5am because I had the feeling Becky had e-mailed me! Sure enough the mail was waiting in my mailbox...!!!!! ~ Molly)
6) We're always looking out for each other!
(Sometimes Molly goes to sleep after 4 AM...or doesn't sleep at all. It's my job to yell at her until she gets her ass in bed!! LOL ~ Becks)
7) When we chat, we often write the same things. We don't mean just talking about the same topics, we mean even using the same words!!
(That happens to me with Mandy also! Great minds think alike, hehe! ~ Molly)
8) We have the same humor - TOTALLY! We crack up over things no one else would think is funny. And we're both sarcastic b*tches! :o)
9) We are internet-junkies - we're addicted BIG-TIME! It's not funny anymore... We feel the withdrawal both mentally AND physically!
(When I'm away from my computer for a long time, my fingers start twitching.. it's very weird. ~ Becks)
10) Our computer hates us. Period.
11) No offense to anyone else, but we're few of the Backstreet Boys fans that love and respect Howie in every way! Just like every other of those five amazing men!! (This goes for the whole Backstreet Crew!)
12) We are freaks! :o)
(I prefer to say, we're on a different level of normalness than everyone else. LOL ~ Becks)
13) All of our friends are wackos, but we wouldn't wanna be friends with anyone else!
(When it comes to me and my friends..."wackos" is putting it nicely. ~ Becks)
14) We have similar features!
15) We have a lot of CD's - and a lot are the same!
16) We have the same taste in so many things: clothes, music, guys, literature, ...
17) Literature leads us to another common thing: both of us LOVE Shakespeare!
18) Often unexplainable things happen...strange things...almost scary things that we think are awesome!
One of the weirdest things was probably that Becky sent me, Molly, a new chapter of one of her stories - and when I read it I was wearing the same things as the character in her story (black pants and boots, light blue spaghetti strap top)!
Do you kinda get what we mean? - Strange "coincidences"!!!
19) Our fave "word" during chats is ~LOL~ !
20) Becky is the only other person I know that says: "Come back to the mothership!" Usually people realize what a weirdo I am when I say that, but for Becky it's normal! *grin* ~ Molly
For me, *anything* is normal. ~ Becks
21) We love food fights - and had some good ones (unfortunately not together, but we'll change that some day)!!!
22) We have a thing for dramatic stories! *LMAO*
23) We're X-Files freaks!! The screen names "danascullybsb" and "foxmulderbsb" say it all, don't they?!

...And last, but not least: we complete each other!
We write fan fiction together and it feels like the other is that last certain missing thing that makes it really good! *grin*
Whenever Becky can't bring herself to make a decision, Molly has already done it instead - and Becky is happy and satisfied with the decision! :o)
We could - and will! - go on with that! So...
Are there any doubts left? We ARE twins! At least spiritual twins... *grin*

Hey? Have you - yes, YOU - probably noticed similarities in our personalities that we haven't listed yet? If so, then please help us prove our conspiracy-theory and e-mail us what you have noticed!! Thanks!! :o)

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