Updated, baby!!!

A time to cheer and party - the Backstreet Crew has updated! Not that we don't update often, but...well...ok, we just wanted to find some excuse to party our butts off, alright?! *LOL* Somebody's spazzing out again! Hey, it's the voices in our heads, you can't really blame us, ya know...

On this page you'll always find the five latest updates of the site. Just for the case that this is your first stop at Under Water Backstreet World, or in case you missed something, or probably you just couldn't remember what we wrote in the updates-mail! HINT: For all of you who wanna know when we update, but who haven't joined our mailing list yet: just scroll to the bottom of the main page! There you go! *grin*

Here are the nominees - ahem, I meant...the updates:

June 20th:
Yet another chapter of Becky's There and Back Again. It's chapter ten: 'Seen the Danger.' Becky would LOVE to hear what you think, so don't forget to send any comments or suggestions!

June 6th:
Another chapter of Becky's There and Back Again. This one is chapter nine: 'Whispers of Your Name,' and it's a long one! Don't forget to check it out and send her any comments.

May 28th:
Becky's finally got time to write again now that school's out, so she's posted a new chapter of There and Back Again. It's chapter eight: 'Miss is Love.' Don't forget to check it out and be on the lookout for more chapters coming soon.

December 7th:
Becky's comin' at ya with a new chapter of There and Back Again. It's chapter six: 'Dying of Thirst.' Make sure to check it out and send her any comments you may have.

October 19th:
Molly's back in fan fiction land, bringing you not one, not two, but five (!) new chapters of Close Encounters...Of Another Kind. As always - enjoy! And you feedback would make Molly's day... ;o)

September 11th:
Becky has finally finished her short novel "A Thousand Pieces." Make sure to check it out and send her any final thoughts you have on the story!

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