What A Coincidence!!! Chapter Ten

We boarded the plane, I sat down in my seat and just stared out the window. I was getting so sick of the feeling of having to leave Nick all the time. I knew when I started to go out with him that I would have to deal with things like this. But it was beginning to be too much for me to handle. I started to tear up and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Molly look at me with concern. I looked up at her as tears started to stream down my face.

“What’s the matter Araysa?” Molly said as her tears started to fall.

“I can’t handle this anymore.” I sobbed. “I hate having to leave Nick and not being able to see him. I cry myself to sleep every night because I can’t be with him.”

“You know you can trust him.” Molly said.

“No Molly, it’s not that I don’t trust him it’s just that I want to be near him always. I can’t describe how I feel when I’m with him but I love that feeling. I want to be able to feel that again and again.”

“I know how you feel Araysa, AJ does things to me that nobody else has, and I’m not talking all sexual here either. I just love everything about him. I cry too when I think about not being able to be with him. But we have to be strong, these are things that we are just going to have to deal with. I know that the guys would say and think the same way. They want us to go on and know that they will always love us. And that nothing will come between us and them.” Molly said.

“Molly, you always know how to make me feel better. You are such a good friend.” I said as I gave her a hug.

Just then Ashley and Mandy came over to see what was going on.

“What’s up girls? Everything alright?” Mandy asked with concern.

“Yep, everything is great.” I said as I smiled at Molly and gave her a wink.

“Defiently!! What do you say girls, group hug?” Molly said. We all embraced each other. It was one of the best moments of my life to know that I had a man who loved me, I loved myself, and I had the best friends in the world that loved me. The rest of the plane ride was uneventful and we landed safely at the Minneapolis International Airport.

Nine Months Later....

“Will you hurry up?!?!?” Ashley screamed at the top of her lungs.

It was June and we were all getting ready to take a much needed vacation and go on tour with the Backstreet Boys. Of course Nick informed me that it wouldn’t be much of a vacation but that we would be working on the tour. That is how it was possible that we could come along. The guys had specific jobs that they knew that each of us would like. My job since I wanted to be a lawyer and I was very interested in the business side of the music industry was to assist the legal team for the boys and help with PR and advertising. This also included some Internet work which I was very excited about.

We were getting all of our stuff packed into the cars to make the journey to the the O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois. Then from there we would take a plane that would take us to Orlando, Florida. The place where the first concert of the Backstreet Boys US and Canadian tour would be. We were all really excited to go on tour with our guys and we all wanted to make sure we didn’t forget anything.

“I’m hurrying, I’m hurrying.” Mandy said as she dragged a heavy suitcase down the sidewalk.

“Geez, you’d think that we were leaving for months.” I said with a giggle.

Mandy put down her suitcase and gave me a death look.

“We are leaving for months.”

“Yea, I know. I just had to say it.” I said back.

“Girls, girls let’s not fight. We have to be the luckiest girls in the whole world.” Molly said.

“That’s right. We are the envy of millions of girls all over the world. Kind of a cool feeling don’t ya think?” Ashley said with pride.

“I don’t know. That envy is starting to get a little annoying. How many times have we had to change our phone number in the past few months. I believe we are working on number six if I’m not mistaken.” I said.

“Yea, that is getting a little annoying. Oh well, gotta deal with it. Imgaine how the guys families feel and what they have to deal with.” Molly said.

“Well, at least they haven’t started taking chunks of our grass or we can kiss our security deposit goodbye.” I snickered.

“Yes, we are not the Carter family.” Mandy said with a laugh.

“Come on girls, let’s get going we are gonna be late.” Ashley said motioning towards the car.

“Goodbye girls!!” the guys that live next door yelled out the window.

“See ya later. We will tell you all about it when we get home.” I yelled.

“Get us some girls numbers will ya.” one of the guys yelled.

“Sure thing.” Molly laughed.

We all climbed into the car and we were on our way.

“Geez, remember when we first moved into the house and those guys just hated it that we played Backstreet Boys all the time?” Mandy asked.

“Yea, Steve was about to rip my head off one day when I was home by myself. He came over and yelled that if I didn’t turn that off right now he was going to throw the stereo out the window.” I said.

“He said that? What a jerk. But now they are all cool with it. Mike even asked if he could borrow my Millennium cd for a little bit.” Molly said.

“Yea, all they needed was to have a little sense knocked into them. And now they are BSB fans.” Ashley said.

We made it to the airport a little early for our flight so we decided to check out some of the shops in the airport. We came upon an accessories type store called “Claire’s.” As soon as we walked in we saw all of the BSB merchendise that they had for sale. The first thing that I saw was necklaces of the guys’ names.

“Hey girls, I’m getting one that says ‘Nick’.”

“And what are you going to do with that?” Ashley said.

“Yea, I want one of Brian. Wouldn’t be funny if we all got our guys name and wore them when we get to Florida?” Mandy asked.

“I don’t know Mandy. Do you think the guys would find it funny or childish?” Molly asked.

“What’s the worst that can happen? They could tell us they are stupid and make us take them off. I don’t think that they are going to be mad.” I said.

“I guess you’re right. But what about Howie?” Molly asked.

“Well, we could buy Howie’s and hope that Allie will be close by and that she will be willing to wear it.” I said.

“That sounds like a deal.” Mandy said as she got the necklaces down for each of us.

We got to the register and were paying for the necklaces when the cashier spoke up.

“So, you guys big BSB fans?”

“Umm...yea we are.” Molly stammered.

“Oh defiently! I would take a bullet for Nick Carter.” I said with a giggle. (That’s what I always say about Nick when somebody asks if I’m a BSB fan.)

“Yep, 100% Backstreet certified.” Mandy said.

“We Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive!!” Ashley said while pumping her fist in the air.

“Okay.....I guess you guys are fans.” the cashier said with hesitation.

We all paid for our necklaces and walked out of the store. As soon as we did that we all burst into laughter.

“Oh my god, that was so funny!! 100% Backstreet certified, that was a good one Mandy.” I said hardly controlling my laughter.

“I couldn’t think of anything else to say. And Ashley I liked that Black Panther thing you did with your fist.” Mandy said back.

“I thought that would add a bit to my point.” Ashley said.

We continued walking towards our gate. It was almost time to board the plane and we didn’t want to miss it. The call was given for the first-class passengers to board the plane we got up and made our way to the ticket taker.

“Goodbye Minneasota!! Florida here we come!!” we all yelled at the same time.

Chapter Eleven
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Email: backstreetcrew@backstreet-boys.com