What A Coincidence!!! Chapter Eleven

We made it to Florida safely. The plane touched down and we could see all of the guys and their families with big signs to welcome us. I looked down and saw Nick blowing me a kiss. I blew him a kiss back. I also noticed little Aaron Cater sticking his tounge out and making faces. Typical eleven year old I guess. We got out of the plane and ran over to everybody. I made sure that the first person I hugged was Nick. I hadn’t seen him in nine months. I gave Nick a hug and kiss and then I stepped back to look at him. He looked so good. He had his hair shorter and kind of slicked back with pieces falling in his face. I loved his hair like that. I almost felt myself drooling but held back.

“Wow, Araysa you look beautiful.” Nick said.

“Thank you Nick, you look really good yourself.” I said back.

“Guess what Araysa you get to finally meet my family.”

Nick then proceeded to introduce me to his family. I finally got down the line to Nick’s mom. I had been talking to her almost every week for the past nine months and finally got to meet her face to face.

“Mom, this is Araysa, Araysa this is my mom Jane.”

Jane opened up her arms and gave me a big hug

“Araysa, I’m so happy to finally meet you.” Jane said.

“I know me too. We’ve been talking for so long and know I get to talk to you face to face.” I said back.

Next we all the guys introduced us to all of thier families. I felt like I was at a family reunion. I met brothers, sisters, moms, dads, and a few aunts and uncles. After all of the introductons we all decided to split up and go with our guy and thier families so we could get to know them a little better. Nick’s mom and dad and his brothers and sisters decided to go back to their hotel and get something to eat. Jane pulled me aside and said that they were doing this so Nick and I could be alone together. She understood that we hadn’t seen each other for nine months and we had a lot of catching up to do. I had never seen Nick’s house either so he wanted to take me on a personal tour of beings I might be living there someday. We arrived at Nick’s house and my mouthed dropped open. His house was so big and it was a beautiful house. We got inside and I put all of my bags down.

“We’ll deal with those later.” Nick said as he pulled me in close.

I smiled at him and then I got on my tip toes and planted a kiss on his lips. He returned the kiss and then pulled me towards the stairs.

“I’m going to give you a tour of the house and I think that we should start in the bedroom.” Nick said with a smirk.

I laughed and followed Nick up the stairs. We got to his bedroom and all the magazines were right he did have mirrors in his room. I pointed up at them.

“Were these put here for a reason” I asked.

“Yep, they were put here for this situation.” Nick said as he pulled me down on the king-size bed.

“I love you Araysa, I’m glad that you could come on tour with us.” Nick said as he kissed me.

“Well, I love you to Nick. I’m so glad that I could come. It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

“Yep, it’s a lot of hard work but it’s a lot of fun too.” Nick said.

I looked up at Nick and smiled big. He smiled one of his signature smiles back. I melted at the site of him. I pulled him in for another kiss. Before long we had our clothes off and were having the most passionate sex we had ever had. This happened in every room of his house. By the time we got the living room I was so tired.

“Nick I think we are going to have to wait until tonight to break this room in.” I said.

“Yea, I think you’re right. We have to get going down the venue for sound check.” Nick informed me.

We got dressed and got into Nick’s car and drove to the Orlando Arena. We arrived a half hour before their sound check but everybody was already there. We walked into the guys’ dressing room and there was everybody just sitting around.

“Well, Nick, Araysa, glad you two could make it. We almost were ready to call the radio station to announce we would be having auditions for a fifth member.” Brian said with a laugh.

“Shut up Brian, I’m not late.” Nick said back.

“I know, I was just kidding.” Brian said.

“Well, now that everybody is here let’s get down to business.” Kevin said as he got up.

The guys all left the dressing room to go the stage. I started to walk out after them when Molly grabbed my arm.

“So, what did you do all afternoon?” she asked with a smile.

“Oh, Nick showed me every room in his house.” I said.

“I bet he did.” Molly laughed.

I leaned in and whispered in Molly’s ear, “I just got done having the best sex I’ve had in my entire life.”

“You’re not the only one.” Molly said as she walked out the door.

I watched Molly, Mandy, and Ashley walk down the hallway and I smiled to myself. Being on tour with BSB was something that we had dreamed about for years and we were finally here. I had to pitch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. When I was satisfied that I wasn’t I walked down the hallway toward the stage.

Soon the band filed on stage and guys went to their little black box to get harnessed to try out flying on the boogie boards. This was the first stop of the tour so they had to make sure that it was going to work just right. The band started up the music and soon the guys came flying out of the black box. It was just a sound check and rehearsel with all the lights on but I had goosebumps. After the boys had safetly landed, they decided to hook the harnesses on for when they would fly during “Quit Playing Games.” They got all hooked up and then took off. I was standing where Nick was flying over. He looked down at me and waved.

“Hey, watch this!!” Nick yelled as he did three sumersaults in a row.

“Nickolas Gene Carter!! Don’t you ever do that again, you are going to give me a heartache!!” I yelled back.

“Sorry, just wanted to see if I could do it.” Nick said as he landed back on stage.

“You are crazy you know that.” I said.

“Yea, I know. But that’s why you love me.” Nick said as he smiled and then gave me a quick kiss.

The guys than ran through their whole show. It sounded great. They had to stop a couple times when one missed a note or if a band member missed a chord or something. After they were done we all filed back to the dressing rooms for dinner. The boys told us that before every show they have dinner and say a prayer together. As soon as everybody had their food we sat down and discussed the plans for this tour.

“Mandy, since you want to be a human resource manger we decided to have you work in the payroll department. In other words you are the one that will report to us how much money we will be getting.” Brian said.

“Wow, that sounds awesome! When do I start?” Mandy said with a giggle.

“As soon as you call down to Jive records.” Brian said as he pulled out a cell phone and gave it to Mandy.

“All of you girls will have a cell phone with you at all times. This is the phone number that you can give only to your family and friends. Guard the number and the phone with your lives. Believe us you don’t want a fan to get the number.” Kevin said.

As soon as all of us got our cell phones we continued to eat and just chit chat. It felt so great to all be together, I felt like we were all just one happy family and nothing could hurt us. If only I wouldn’t have been so naive.....

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Email: backstreetcrew@backstreet-boys.com