What A Coincidence!!! Chapter Two

We all laid there for about twenty minutes in complete silence just thinking about our favorite moments of the concert. My mind kept drifting back to when Nick dedicated

“Get Down” to me. I was trying so hard to figure out why he would do something like that. The Backstreet Boys have millions of fans all over the world and I have never heard of an incidence like this before. I finally decided that I needed to take a walk to get my mind off of the concert. I walked down to the vending machines and proceeded to pick out the worst junk food that I could find.

“Get down, get down and move it all around.” I started to sing out loud, “That’s it Araysa, you have to get your mind off of the concert,” I scolded myself.

Just then I saw a reflection of somebody coming up behind me.

“Well, well she sings and she dances!” I heard a voice say.

I spun around to find myself looking into the big blue eyes of Nick Carter. I jumped at the sight of him, not quite sure if I was dreaming or if this really was the man of dreams in front of me again.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Well, me and the other guys have rooms here.”

“What a coincidence me and the other girls have a room here.”

I couldn’t believe he was again standing before me. God defiantly was looking out for me today. Of all the hotels in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area they were staying here, at the same hotel as my friends and I. I knew that this would be the best opportunity as ever to hang out with them. I just hoped that Nick that would say yes.

“What are you guys doing tonight?” I asked.

“The guys and I are planning on going to a dance club called Club Cancun in St. Paul. It’s 18 and up tonight so I don’t have be stuck in my room while the other guys go out.” Nick answered.

“That’s cool, I love that place. We went there the last time we went to one of your concerts. They play good music and they have a really neat dance floor.” I said hoping that he would offer to take us along.

“Well, if it’s okay with all of the other guys do you and the girls want to come with us. It’s a lot more fun to dance when you have someone to dance with.” Nick said.

“I would love to come with you guys and I’m sure the girls will have no objections. Oh, and we will have to make the DJ play Everybody(Backstreet’s Back) so you can teach me the dance. I just can’t seem to get that one for the life of me.”

“Okay, I’ll teach you. It’s easy to do once you pick up, just don’t get so good that you’ll take my place!” Nick teased.

“I don’t think that will be a problem, you guys are some of the best dancers I have ever seen. But where there’s a good dancer there is a good choreographer, much love to Fatima.” I said.

“You’re right, Fatima’s the bomb!” Nick added.

“I’m going to go up to our room and tell the other girls to get ready. Our room number is 515 give us a call so we know the plan okay.” I told Nick.

“No problem, I’ll definitely give you a call.” Nick said while flashing his sexy smile at me.

That did it, I was completely head over heels in love with him. We both got in the elevator and made our way up. When it got to the fifth floor I was going to walk out of the door when Nick pulled me back in the elevator.

“I was wondering if it would be okay if I gave you a kiss.” Nick asked me.

“Yes, Nick that would be quite okay if you did that.”

He bent down and gently kissed my lips. I turned around and headed out of the door. As soon as the door closed I fell right on the ground. This whole day had been just like a fairy tale. After laying on the floor for what seemed like five minutes I picked myself up and dragged myself to our room. I threw open the door to find that Molly, Ashley, and Mandy were completely asleep. I ran over to them and started to kick them to get them up.

“What did you do that for? That hurt!” Mandy yelled while rubbing her leg.

“I’m sorry but I had to wake you guys up. You’re not going to believe who I ran into downstairs.”

“Who?” Ashley asked with a big grin on her face.

“Yea, who?” Molly stammered.

“None other than Nick Carter!”

“No way, that’s not funny you know.” Molly huffed.

“I’m totally serious. Nick said that the guys are going to Club Cancun in a little bit and he asked if we wanted to go with them,” I informed the girls.

“Are you kidding, of course we want to go. Oh my God! I’ll finally get to dance with Brian!” Mandy screamed.

Just then the phone rang.

“Hello,” I said.

“Um yes, is this the room that has four fine ladies in it? I think one of them has a really pretty name, and I believe that I kissed her earlier.” Nick said trying to disguise his voice.

“Can’t fool me Nick, I know it’s you.” I teased.

“Dang I thought that I did a good job this time.”

“So what’s up for tonight?” I asked.

“This is the plan, one of our guards is going to come and get you, because you have a key to get up the top floor. He’ll be down in twenty minutes is that okay. If you need more time that’s fine too.”

“No, that’s fine we can make it.” I said.

“Cool, well I’ll see ya in a little bit. I probably shouldn’t say this but I’m going to anyway. I can’t wait to kiss you again.” Nick said and then he hung up.

I just stood there with the phone still to my ear staring at the wall. I was in a complete daze.

“Quick get the smelling salts, I think she’s out for the count,” Ashley said while slapping me on the arm.

I snapped out of the daze and hung up the phone. Since we only had twenty minutes we rushed around trying to get dressed. We still had our outfits from the concert on and they weren’t suitable for a nightclub. We all chose outfits of black that complimented each of us. Soon we heard a knock on the door. Molly opened the door to find one of the biggest guys we had ever seen in our life.

“Are you girls ready? I’m here to take you up the penthouse level.” the guard said.

We followed the guard onto the elevator and up to the penthouse. When we got off the elevator none of us could move. This floor was ten times more luxurious than ours was. I peeked into a room and realized that the rooms on this floor were ten times the size of ours. I expected it to be nicer but I was not prepared for anything like this. We walked all the way down the hallway to a living room area. We walked in and all of the guys and their bodyguards were there.

“Are you girls ready for a night of dancing?” AJ said while doing a pelvic grinding move.

Mandy had to grab Molly before she fainted right in front of us. We always knew that AJ was preoccupied with his pelvic region but we had never seen this preoccupation close up before. It was a very startling in site. After we had collected ourselves the guys, their bodyguards, and us girls walked down the hallway to get on the elevator. We had decided to take two vans. Nick, Brian, their guards, Mandy, and me in one and Kevin, Howie, AJ, their guards, Ashley, and Molly in the other. We got down to the lobby when I realized that the crowd of girls that were there earlier had not left. They probably now knew that the guys were in fact staying at this hotel and were prepared to wait there all night.

“Great, well, this is the only way out so we’ll cover you guys while you get in the van.” the guards all agreed.

We stepped out and the girls just started screaming. A lot of them realized that we were the same girls from before and soon they all started asking if we were their girlfriends or something.

“Hey isn’t that girl the one that was kissing the window before? What a weirdo.” Ashley said pointing at one of the girls.

“I think so.” I said.

We all made into our respective vans and then we were off. Club Cancun was about 20 minutes away from the hotel so we sat back and relaxed. I couldn’t believe the mania that the boys caused. I saw it on TV all the time but I never knew what it actually felt like till tonight. I had to ask the guys what they thought of all of the screaming girls.

“How do you guys put up with having to do that all the time?”

“It was really hard at first, but when we started this we realized that was part of the job and you have to take in stride.” Brian said.

“Yea, when we first started out I was 13 years old, so it was great for me. I thought what guy wouldn’t want a bunch of girls screaming for them.” Nick said with a smile, “After a while though it got really hard to deal with. I’m sure you’ve heard the story of the girls that were taking grass from my lawn. But like Brian said you just have to take it in stride.”

“I just want to let you know that both Araysa and I would never do that. I mean sure I screamed at your concert but I don’t think that I would risk my life to see you.” Mandy said.

“Well, I’m glad that we have some fans that take their lives and the lives of others in consideration. I’ve seen people literally crushed to death at our concerts because of pushing and shoving that was going on.” Brian said.

We pulled up in front of Club Cancun and made our way to the door. As soon as the doorman saw who was coming in he moved aside and ushered us in. We got to the cash registers where they take your money for the cover charge when the manager of the club spoke up.

“The cover charge is waived for you guys. Have a great night.”

“Thanks, now Molly let’s dance.” AJ said while grabbing Molly’s hand and leading her out on the dance floor.

The song “Intergalactic” by the Beastie Boys was on. Beings this was one of my favorite songs, I motioned Nick to come on the dance floor with me. He took my hand and followed me out to the floor. I knew that the guys were really good dancers but I never realized until now just how good they really were. Everybody was looking at all of us and trying to imitate the moves that the guys were doing. After that song the song “Too Close” by Next came on. Nick pulled me in closer and whispered in my ear.

“We have to dance to this song right, okay.”

“No problem, you guide me.” I whispered back.

Soon we were grinding like we had been together for years. Just then all the other girls and guys came over and we formed a grinding train. It went Howie, me, Nick, Mandy, Brian, Molly, AJ, Ashley, and Kevin. We were doing pretty good when a whole bunch of girls came over asking for the guys autographs. We all knew that they had to have time for their other fans so we told the guys that we were going to be at the bar getting something do drink. Nick bent down and kissed my cheek.

“Don’t go to far, we’re not done dancing.”

“I won’t I have to tell the DJ to play Everybody.”

I walked up the DJ booth and tapped the DJ on the shoulder. I explained who I was here with and why he had to play the song. The DJ wasted no time and told me he would put that song on next. Just as I walked down the stairs Brian’s opening to Everybody blasted over the speakers. I ran down the stairs and over to Nick.

“Well, you want to know this dance and who better to teach it than us,” Nick said while gesturing to the other guys.

It didn’t take long until all of us had the dance down. The guys however started showing off by singing along with the music. When the “Am I Sexual” part came Nick came over and pulled me close to me while grinding and singing at the same time.

“Nick, if you don’t stop this, I’m going to start to get sexual.” I teased.

“And this is a problem?:” Nick answered back.

When the song was over we all decided to sit down and take a much needed break. We had been sitting there for about fifteen minutes when an older man approached us.

“Um, hi I’m with the Pioneer Press and I was wondering if I could ask you guys some questions,” the reporter asked.

“You may only ask us questions that pertain to our music and our concert tonight, nothing about our private lives.” Kevin said.

“Well, then I guess that I don’t have any questions for you. I was just wondering if these are your girlfriends. You know that you have many fans in the Twin Cities area that are dying to know.” the reporter said while pointing us girls.

“I can answer that one. We are not the guys’ girlfriends, we are just really big fans that got a chance to hang out with them for the night and that’s it.” Molly said while getting a look of agreement from everybody else.

“I guess that cleared that then, thanks,” the reporter said and then walked away.

“That was really good Molly, I’ve never seen a fan stand up the press like that, I’m impressed.” AJ said.

“Well, I just am getting kind of annoyed when everybody assumes that every girl your with is your girlfriend.” Molly huffed.

Just then the song “All I Have to Give” came on. We all got up and went out on the dance floor. It felt so good to be in Nick’s arms. Even though he’s so much taller than I am, it felt that we were made to be dancing together. We were swaying along to the music when Nick started to sing along. I had my head on his shoulder so he couldn’t see that I had tears in my eyes. He lifted my chin up with his hand and looked into my eyes.

“Why are you crying?” Nick asked while wiping my cheek.

“I’m crying because you have such a beautiful voice and I’m just so happy right now.”

“I’m very happy too, you know. Hey, I’m going to kiss you again is that okay?” Nick asked.

“I think that we are now at the point that you don’t have to ask me every time. But yes you may kiss me.”

Nick bent down and kissed me. This kiss lasted much longer than the previous one in the elevator. He was such a good kisser, as I always thought that he would be. All of a sudden Brian and Mandy came dancing over by us.

“Woohoo, Nick!” Brian teased.

We broke apart just as Brian said that. My face turned completely red. I looked away because I was so embarrassed. Here I was kissing the man of dreams in front of everybody. I had to gain my composure before I tried to talk again. We danced all night long. Soon it was bar time and it was time to go. We all walked out and got into our vans.

“When we get back to the hotel I’m going beat you Mario Kart!” Nick said while pointing at Brian.

“Yea right, you never beat me at that.”

“I will this time, I guarantee it.”

“I would love to see this!” I said laughing.

“Araysa, you can play winner, because I know it’s going to be me.” Nick said.

We made our way back to the hotel. By this time there were only a handful girls still there. They were sitting up against the building most were sleeping. However, they all woke up when the vans pulled up. The guys got out and graciously gave all the girls their autographs. I was standing with Nick when all of a sudden a girl came up to me.

“You better get away from him, he’s mine and I’m pregnant with his baby.”

“I’m sure you are, how far along are you?” I asked the girl.

“What...oh...6 months.” she stammered.

“Wow, that’s a miracle, you must have a really flat baby then.” I said laughing at the girl. She had on really short shorts and a tank top. It was obvious that she wasn’t pregnant.

After all the girls had gotten their autographs and pictures taken we headed into the hotel. The guys invited us up to their rooms to hang out, watch movies, and play video games. After a while Molly and Ashley feel asleep on the couch in the living room. Mandy and Brian were in Brian’s room watching a movie and Nick and I were in a heated game of Mario Kart.

“I’m going get you! Get out of my way.” Nick yelled while trying to push my buttons so I would crash. He succeeded.

“You cheater!” I yelled as I tackled Nick and started tickling him.

“Oh so that’s how it’s gonna be!” Nick laughed as he pinned me down and now was tickling me.

“Stop, stop I’m gonna quit breathing.” I choked.

Nick stopped tickling me and was now looking down at me. He leaned down and kissed me. Soon we were in a full makeout session. His hand started to come up to my chest. I pulled it away and stopped kissing him.

“What’s the matter?” Nick asked concerned.

“You’re getting too fresh with me too quick.” I said.

“I’m sorry, I’ll control myself.” Nick said.

“Good, when I say you can go farther then you can.”

“Yes ma’am!” Nick said with a salute.

“Now, you better start kissing me again before I go through withdrawal,” I told Nick while pulling him closer.

We continued like that for a while. Soon I was to the point were I was completely comfortable with him. I took his hand and placed on my chest were it was before I had brushed it way. Nick sort of jumped when I did that, but he left his hand there. I couldn’t help but think all the while we were kissing about what’s going to happen tomorrow when we all have to leave. I couldn’t wait any longer I had to ask him.

“So, when are you guys leaving tomorrow?”

“The guys and I decided to go to the Mall of America tomorrow. We’ve never been there and AJ said that there is this salon that he wants to get some more hair dye from.” Nick paused, “When are you girls leaving?”

“You are never going to believe this but we were planning on going to the mall tomorrow too.” I said with a big grin.

“We should all go together. You can help me pick out some new clothes.” Nick said.

“Yea, I’m sure the other girls wouldn’t mind if we all went together.” I said, “You can help pick out clothes for me too.”

We got up from the floor and sat down on the couch. I laid my head on Nick’s chest and he put his arms around me. By the time we feel asleep it was almost 4:00 in the morning.

We woke up the next day to the sound of singing coming from the bathroom. Kevin was in the shower and he was singing “Nobody But You.” I had to admit that he had a very good voice.

"Looks like Kevin’s up.” Nick observed.

“Wow, he has such a good voice, how come he doesn’t sing more solos?” I asked Nick.

“You know what, I don’t know why. I think that he has an awesome voice too. I think he’s singing one on the new album.” Nick said.

“Well, I’m sorry to leave you, but I have to go back to my room and take a shower and change before we go to the mall” I told Nick.

“Okay, I have to get changed too. I’ll give you a call when we are ready to go. It will probably be in a hour or so.” Nick said.

He walked me down the hallway to the elevator and gave me a kiss goodbye . As the door closed Nick flashed his smile and waved. I got off the elevator and made my way to our room. I walked in the room to find all of the girls were up and changed and ready to go.

“Araysa, you looked like you’ve been up all night.” Mandy commented.

“Almost, Nick and I didn’t get to sleep until four in the morning.” I remarked.

“And what were you doing that would refrain you from going to bed.” Ashley said with a grin.

“Nothing much, we played Mario Kart for hours.”

After all the girls were satisfied with my answer I got ready and waited for Nick to call. About a half an hour later the phone rang. I jumped to answer it.

“Um...is this the room with those girls in it?” Nick started.

“Don’t even try it Nick” I said.

“Okay, okay I’m just calling you to tell you to meet us downstairs in the lobby.” Nick said.

“We’ll be there, see ya.” I hung up the phone and we made our way down to the lobby.

“Are ya girls ready for some shopping?” AJ said doing another grinding move.

“Wow, AJ that was little graphic for ten o’clock in the morning.” Molly teased.

“I’m just trying to get you riled up again.” AJ said while planting a kiss on Molly’s lips.

We all got into the same vans as last night and made our way to the Mall of America. It was a thirty minute drive so I snuggled up against Nick and closed my eyes. The song “As Long As You Love Me” came on the radio and Mandy piped up.

“This is my favorite song of yours.” “Well, if I would’ve known that I would’ve dedicated it to you like Nick did for Araysa before “Get Down.” Brian said while kissing Mandy’s nose.

“Yea, Nick I’ve wanted to ask you this question all night. Why did you do that? At the time you had no idea if we would ever see each other again.” I asked.

“I don’t know, I just did it on impulse. I was thinking about song was next in the set and when I remembered that it was “Get Down” it just slipped out.” Nick remarked.

“I was in a complete daze the rest of the concert when you did that. By the way I did the entire dance right with ya. I went out on the stairs right by our seats and danced. I’m sure I looked like a fool but at the time I wasn’t caring.”

“She did look kinda funny!” Mandy teased.

“Hey, Mandy you were doing the dance too, just not as good as me.” I said.

“I know I was just teasing ya.”

We pulled into the Mall of America parking lot and got out of the van. We were there on a Thursday morning so the guards weren’t expecting a mad horde of people, but just to be on the safe side all of the bodyguards came with. We walked across the parking lot and made our way to the doors to the biggest mall in America.

Chapter Three
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Email: backstreetcrew@backstreet-boys.com