What A Coincidence!!! Chapter Four

The vans pulled up in front of the hotel and we all got out. We all walked up to guys’ hotel rooms and they proceeded to take their luggage down to the lobby. Just then Denise came out of her room.

“Oh my, all you guys look like somebody just died.”

“Feels like it.” Molly said through tears.

“It’s okay baby, were not gone yet. We still have some time” AJ said giving Molly a kiss on the cheek.

After all of the guys had brought their luggage down to the lobby they came with us girls to get our luggage. We finally had all of the luggage in the cars and vans. Each guy decided to find a private place to talk to each of their girls. Nick took my hand and guided me over to the water fountain in the lobby. We sat down and Nick just held me in his arms for a bit. I pulled away from him and reached into my pocket.

“Here is my phone number, snail mail address, and my e-mail address. Please keep in touch. I know it will be hard so I’m not going to expect anything.”

“Here is my phone number and address. I know that I won’t be home very much but I called my mom this morning when you were getting ready and I told her about you. She will expecting a phone call from you.” Nick said with a grin, “She will keep you the most up to date on where we are if I can’t get a hold of you or something. But don’t worry I will keep in as much contact as I can. I really would like it if you would be my girlfriend.”

“I would love to be your girlfriend!” I said while giving Nick a kiss.

“Well, then that’s settled. Let’s go see how the others are doing shall we?” Nick said.

We walked over to all of the others and saw that everybody was in a little better spirits. We all walked out of the lobby to our vehicles. I walked over to Nick and gave him a big hug and kiss. My tears were starting again.

“Don’t cry Araysa, please don’t cry.” Nick choked out. “We are going to St. Louis now. I will give you a call tomorrow sometime. I don’t know when but I will defiently call you tomorrow.”

“If I’m not home just leave a messege and a phone number or something where I can reach you okay.” I said.

“No problem, I will. Talk to ya later baby.” Nick said. He gave me one last kiss and hopped into the van. The door shut and then they drove away. The guys were gone, it was a reality we never wanted to face. We all got into my car and drove away from the hotel. We all decided that the best thing to do was talk about the good and funny times we had these past couple days. That seemed to ease the pain a bit. Finally we made it back to good ole Winona State University. We all had classes the next day so we thought that just going to bed would be a good idea. I fell asleep with thoughts of me and Nick together.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:30am.

“Damn, I missed my eight o’clock class again.” I cursed to myself.

I grabbed the phone before the answering machine picked up and said hello.

“Hey there girl, it’s me how are you this morning?” I heard a familer voice say.

“Nick is that you? I can’t believe you called me already.” I said with a smile.

“Yep, it’s me. I told you I would call. I miss you already.”

“Nick, I missed you the second you climbed in the van yesterday.”

It felt so good to hear his voice again. Even though it was only yesterday that I had last talked to him, I felt an emptiness inside that wasn’t there before I met him. But now that I was talking to him again it made everything better.

“So are ya gonna call my mom today?” Nick asked.

“Sure, is there a special time that she would like me to call?”

“Nope, just whenever. You can always leave a mesege if she’s not there.” Nick said.

“I will sometime today, I promise. So, what’s your plan for today?” I asked Nick.

“Well, we are in between sound checks and stuff for the concert tonight. Then we have some promotional interview stuff to do. Then the concert.”

“Wow, sounds busy. I just have Biology class at 2:00pm and then I’m done for the day. I should do some studying tonight but I know that I’m not going to.”

“Sometimes I wish I had a normal life like that. I stress sometimes.” Nick said.

“I understand now after seeing what you guys have to go through. It would be too overwhelming for me I think.” I said.

“You get used to it. But, I’m sorry I have to be going. I’m not sure when I will be able to call you again, but I will be in touch. Talk to ya later Araysa.”

“Bye Nick, I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you more. Bye” Nick said and then hung up.

I felt really good that he called. The second I hung up the phone I ran over to Mandy’s dorm room. I knocked on the door and let myself in. Mandy was sitting at her computer chatting with someone.

“Who are you chatting with?” I asked.

“Brian, can you believe it? I had an e-mail from him this morning telling me to meet him in a private chat room at 10:00am. So here I am.” Mandy answered back.

“Well, tell him I said hi! Oh, Nick called me this morning. He’s so sweet.” I said.

“Yep, Brian told me that he thought that Nick was on the phone with you.”

“I’m going to call Molly and see if she heard anything from AJ.” I said.

“Okies, talk to ya later. Brian says hi!” Mandy said back.

I walked back to my dorm and proceeded to call Molly. All of a sudden a heard a knocking on the door. I opened the door to find Molly standing in front of me out of breath.

“Hey girl, doing a little running today?” I asked.

“Yea, I guess you could say that. I ran all the way from my house to your dorm. I just had to tell you what happened this morning.” Molly choked out.

“Well, come in and tell me all about it. I have to tell you some stuff too.” I said motioning Molly to come in and sit down.

“AJ called me this morning but I was at class. He left the sweetest message and then he sang a little of “I’ll Never Break Your Heart” I cried when I heard it.”

“Wow, that is sweet. Nick called me this morning too, it sounded so good to hear his voice. I miss him so much. I didn’t tell you guys on the way back that Nick asked me if I would be his girlfriend.” I said.

“Well, what did you say?” Molly asked with a smile.

“I said yes silly!” I laughed.

“Oh, I knew you would, I was just joking with ya.” Molly laughed back.

“Do you know if Kevin asked Ashley?” I asked Molly

“I talked to Ashley when I left and she said that her and Kevin decided to just be friends. They both mutually felt that their age difference was just too much.” Molly said.

“Yea, I understand that. I mean Kevin is almost like a dad. Well, okay not like a dad maybe a really hot friend of an older brother or something.” I said.

“True, AJ said that he had something important to discuss with me when he left a message so I wonder what it is?” Molly said, “He sounded happy when he was saying it so I don’t think that it was something bad or anything.

“I’m sure it wasn’t. What could’ve happened over night that would be bad pertaining to you guys?” I said back.

“I hope he asked me to be his girlfriend. That would be so neat if all of us were together with them.” Molly said. “Well, I better be going I have a class in fifteen minutes. I’ll give you a call tonight. Let’s all get together and go to Fitz’s okay.”

“Sounds good, talk to ya later then.” I said.

After Molly left I decided to get online and check my e-mail. I was scrolling down when I saw a message from Nick. I clicked on it and it opened up to a card that had floating hearts all around it said: “You are the best thing that has happened to me. I miss you so much! Love always Nick” I started to cry at the site of it. I have to be the luckiest girl in the whole world to be able to have a guy that I love so much love me back. At the bottom of the card it said “I will call you tonight at midnight”

The rest of the day went smoothly. Later that night we all hopped in my car and went to Fitz’s a local dance club. We were dancing when “Everybody” came over the speakers. Since the guys had shown us the dance we decided to try it out and show off our moves to the other people in the club. We did the dance perfect and when it was over a man approached us.

“Hey you guys are really good. Where did you learn to dance like that?” He asked.

“Well, we kind of had special training from some people” Ashley said with a snicker.

“Well, I’m in charge of Dancescape 99 and I was wondering if you girls would like to do that dance for it.?”

“We are going to have to ask the person that came up with the dance if it’s all right if we perform it.” Mandy said.

“That’s fine, here is my number give me a call as soon as you find out. We start rehearsals next week, but from the looks of it I don’t think that you girls will be needing much rehearsal time.” He handed me his number and then walked away.

“Wow, I didn’t think that we were that good. You have to be a really good dancer to be in Dancescape.” Molly said.

“I know, I think it will be fun. I hope Fatima and the guys are okay with it if we do it.” I said.

We left the club around 11:30pm because I wanted to be home when Nick called me. True to his word the phone rang at midnight. I picked up and said hello.

“Hey Araysa, how’s it going tonight?” Nick asked.

“It’s going better now that you called.” I said.

“I know same here. I miss you so much. Oh, our show tonight went awesome. Remember that girl that you said was kissing the window when you guys first arrived at the hotel after the concert?” Nick asked.

“Yea, I do why?”

“Well, she was at the arena in St. Louis. I recognized her and she was doing the same thing that you said she was doing in Minneapolis, she was kissing the window. It was hilarious”

“Really, what a weirdo, she must like the taste of dirty glass or something. I can’t believe that she went down to St. Louis after being in Minneapolis. She must have really nice parents to drive her or something.” I said.

“Yea, I know, it’s funny we see fans all of the time that must follow us to every show because we see them nonstop. I don’t know where they get the money for it either it’s expensive to travel all around like that.” Nick said.

“Well, remember that just because I’m not at every show of yours it doesn’t make me love you less or that I’m less of a fan.”

“I would never think that. Hey did you get my e-mail card? I want you to know that I mean every word of it. I was thinking about you all day yesterday and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m in love with you.”

“Oh my gosh Nick you are so sweet. You don’t how lucky I feel to have you in my life.” I said back.

“I would love to talk to you all night but I have to get some sleep, we have a big day of traveling tomorrow and I don’t want to be a zombie tomorrow. Remember I love you always. I constantly think about you. Here is a kiss for you.” Nick kissed into the phone.

“I love you so much Nick. Talk to ya later.” I said. I hung up the phone and climbed into bed. I think that I feel asleep in seconds with thoughts and dreams of Nick.

Chapter Five
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Email: backstreetcrew@backstreet-boys.com