What A Coincidence!!! Chapter Six

We all walked into a big reception room where the party was to be held. The guys got taken away just as we walked into the room so they could get interviewed and have their pictures taken. Us girls decided to get something to drink and mingle for a bit. We were standing around talking to some executives from Jive Records when we heard some commotion at the door. I looked over and saw Britney Spears coming through the door. I looked at Mandy and rolled my eyes. She laughed back and said in a classic Britney Spears voice.

“Hi, my name is Britney Spears and thank you so much for buying my album!”

“That was so good, just don’t let anybody else hear you doing that, they would probably kick us out.” Ashley laughed.

“I know, this probably isn’t the place to be making fun of her.” Mandy said back as she slapped her hand over her mouth.

About ten minutes later I felt a pair of arms come around my waist. I pulled myself in closer because I knew it was Nick. I turned my head up to see Nick smiling down at me.

“Are ya having fun?” Nick asked.

“Would you be really upset if I said not really?”

“No, I’m not upset at all, to tell you the truth I’m not having that much fun either. I hate these kind of parties because all it is reporters asking you so many questions and having your picture taken thousands of times.” Nick said.

“How long do you have to be here? Not that I want to leave or anything I’m just curious.” I said.

“I’m not sure, but I could find out. What would you want to do if I could leave?” Nick asked.

“We could take a walk around or something. This hotel is so big, we’d get our exercise and not even leave the building.”

“That sounds good, let me go ask the other guys what’s up and I’ll come back and tell you okay?” Nick said. He left then to find the others.

“Araysa, what are you and Nick planning on doing?” Molly asked with a grin.

“Stop thinking like that!! We are going to go for a walk if he can get out of here.”

Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around thinking it was Nick but it turned out to be Britney Spears herself. I didn’t want to look disappointed so I put on a smile. Now, by the way I love her music but I just don’t like the whole child porno, hoochie image she has.

“Hi, you must be the girlfriends!” She said as she giggled.

“Uh...yea, we are. So, how are you this evening?” I asked.

“I’m just fine. I’m so excited for the awards tomorrow night. I hope that I win!” Britney said as she clapped her hands.

“I hope you win too!” Mandy fakingly said as she clapped her hands just like Britney did.

I choked on my drink trying not to laugh. Britney kind of looked at me funny but before she could say anything her manager came over and said that Britney had to talk to some people right now. As soon as she left we all bursted out laughing.

“That was so funny what you did Mandy!!” Molly said.

“I know, you have guts, thank God she didn’t really realize what you did.” I said.

“I shouldn’t have done it but it was funny at the time.” Mandy said with a smile.

Just then Nick and Brian came over to our group and motioned for Mandy and I to come with them. Molly and Ashley went over to talk to AJ and Kevin. Just before we parted ways Molly looked at me and said.

“See you guys later, behave yourselves.”

“Oh we will, you better behave yourself too. We all know how sex-obsessed AJ is!” I said with a big grin.

“Believe me, I know, if not better than you guys.” Molly said with a wink.

When we got out of reception room and into the hallway Nick took my hand leaned down to kiss me. The kiss deepened and I soon got weak in the knees. We pulled away from each other so I could catch my breath.

“Araysa, I’ve been wanting to do that all night long.”

“Me too Nick, I go so crazy everytime I even look at you.” I said back.

“Do you want to go for that walk now?” Nick asked.

“Yea that would be good.”

“Hey Brian, Araysa and I are going to go for a walk. We’ll catch you guys later.”

“Okay, see you guys later. Hey is it okay if Araysa sleeps with you tonight in our room so Mandy and I can sleep in the girls room?” Brian asked.

“No problem, I think that’s a better arrangement anyway. Don’t you think so Araysa?” Nick asked as he gave me a sexy smile.

“Oh yea, I think so too.” I said back.

I waved at Mandy as we left and headed down the hallway. We walked hand in hand for a while without saying anything. We got to the main lobby where they had a case of jewelry displayed.

“Hey isn’t this the jewelry that’s for all of your girlfriends?” I asked Nick while laughing?

“What do you mean?” Nick asked back confused.

“Don’t you remember when you were like 13 and you guys came to New York for the first time and you said that this jewelry was for your girlfriend and then you looked into the camera and you were like ‘I don’t have a girlfriend, all you girls out there you’re my girlfriend?’” I asked.

“Oh yea, how did you know about that?” Nick laughed.

“It was in that unauthorized video ‘Backstreet Stories’”

“Oh my god, I was so young and I looked so stupid in that. I can’t believe that all of our fans have probably seen it.” Nick said as he slapped his forehead.

“No, you looked cute in it. Your voice was so high, it was soooo cute!” I said as have Nick a quick kiss on the lips.

“Okay, whatever you say. I still think that I looked like a dork.” Nick said as he returned the kiss. “Doesn’t matter anymore because you are my one and only girlfriend and I would give anything to you.”

“Oh Nick, I never in a million years would think that I would hear you say those words and they would be directed at me.”

“Well, they are. And I mean every word of it.” Nick said.

Just then he leaned down and kissed me. Soon we were starting to get really into it. I pulled away from him because I realized that we were in the lobby of the hotel where everybody could see us.

“I think that we need to take this up to the room before we get ourselves in trouble.” I said.

“I know, the Paparazzi are probably snapping pictures left and right.” Nick said with a grin.

We got on the nearest elevator and continued to kiss as it went up to our floor. As soon as the elevator door opened we sprinted down the hallway to Nick and Brian’s room. Nick flung opened the door and when we both were inside he quick shut it and locked it. I ran over the bed and threw myself onto it. I pulled off my shirt and flung it on the ground. Nick came over and took his shirt off and jumped on the bed with me. We started to kiss me again and was starting to take my bra off. I stopped him and he looked at me with a funny face.

“What’s the matter?” Nick asked with concern.

“Nothing, I just have to know right now if we are planning on taking this relationship a step further tonight.”

“I would like too, but if you don’t want to that is fine with me. Plus I don’t have anything with me.” Nick said.

“Well, I’ll tell ya what. Hold that thought and I’ll be right back.” I said as I got off of the bed and ran over the door that adjoins mine and Mandy’s room to Nick and Brian’s.

I knocked on the door. There was no response so I knew that Brian and Mandy weren’t in there. I opened the door slowly and peered in just to make sure that no one was in there that I would be disturbing. When I saw that no one was in there I ran over to my duffel bag and took out my birth control pills case and a box of condoms that I bought before I came here. I’m always prepared my parents are pretty open about birth control so I never had to worry about it. I ran back into the other room and walked over to Nick with the stuff behind my back.

“What do you got back there?” Nick asked.

“Well, I’m on the pill.” I said as I showed him the pill case. “And I have a brand new box of condoms. So I don’t think that we have anything to worry about.”

“Wow, somebody is prepared. Did you know you would do this or something?” Nick asked with a grin.

“No, I didn’t know for certain. I was wishing is more like it.” I said back.

“Well, come here than I’ll make your wish come true.” Nick said.

I opened up the box and took out one condom and laid it on the table next to the bed. I put my pill case and the box on the floor and got on the bed. I got on top of Nick so I would be straddling him and leaned to down to kiss him. His hands reached up and unhooked my bra. I slid it off of me and threw it on the floor. Next thing I knew Nick pushed me over and then he was on top of me.

“Don’t mind if I’m on top do you?” Nick asked.

“Nope, I don’t mind. Just tell me when you are getting tired and I’ll take over.” I said back.

Nick got on his knees and started to pull my pants down. I kicked them off and then got under the covers. When were both under the covers I reached down and unbuttoned Nick’s pants and helped him slide them off. Soon we were both naked. I reached up and put my arms around Nick and I started to kiss him again. I could feel that he was at the point of being ready so I stopped and let him grab the condom from off of the end table. He opened it up and put it on. I leaned back just as Nick went inside me. I cried out as he did that and then I proceeded to match his rhythm. I had failed to mention the fact that I’m kind of loud but when I started to scream out it only made Nick go faster so I think that he wasn’t minding a bit. We both came at the same time and then Nick’s whole body went limp and he laid on top of me just holding me. Nick then took off the condom, expertly knotted it, put it back in the package, and threw it away. Nick put his boxers on and laid back down next to me. I kicked the covers off because I was so hot. I sat up and looked around for some of my clothes. Nick grabbed one of his t-shirts.

“Here you can wear this.”

“Are you sure? I can go get into my pajamas”

“That’s fine you can wear this. I think it’s cool to see you in my clothes.” Nick said as he kissed my forehead.

I put the t-shirt on and got back into bed. I cuddled up next to Nick and kissed him. I was so in love with him. There was no turning back. I realized at that point that I never wanted this night or this relationship to end.

“I love you Nick. I defiantly think that was the right thing for us to do.” I said.

“I love you too Araysa. And you’re right I think that it was a good thing for us too do.” Nick said back.

Soon after that we both fell asleep in each other’s arms.


The next morning I woke up to see the sun shining through the windows. I walked over to the window and pulled open the shades so the sun would light up the room. I was standing at the window looking out at the city below when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and somebody starting to kiss my neck. I turned around and planted a big kiss on Nick’s lips.

“Good morning hun.” Nick said to me.

“Good morning to you. Are you excited? The awards are tonight!!!”

“Yea, I’m so excited. I’m so glad that you will be there so I can share my excitement.” Nick said.

“Me too. I’m so glad that I could be here for you. I love you”

“I love you too.” Nick said back.

“Well, I’m going to take a shower if you don’t mind.” I said.

“No problem. I’m going to play a little Nintendo while you’re doing that.” Nick said.

“You and your Nintendo!” I laughed as I went into the bathroom and shut the door.

As soon as I finished my shower I put on a towel and walked out into the room. Nick was standing right outside the door just waiting for when I would come out. He grabbed me and picked me up. He carried me over to the bed and laid me down. Nick undid my towel and threw it too the ground. He then started to kiss me all over my body. Just then we heard a knock at the door. I quickly got underneath the covers and Nick quickly put a shirt on and walked over to open the door. It was Brian.

“Hey Frack, morning. I was just wondering if you two were up or not?”

“Yea, we are.”

Brian peeked his head in and saw that I was underneath the covers and that I was obviously not wearing anything. I saw him peek in and I looked up and waved.

“Well, I’ll leave you two to get dressed. Mandy and I are all dressed so you can just come in when you guys want.” Brian said.

“Thanks we’ll be ready in a little bit.” Nick said as he shut the door.

I got out from under the covers and started to find my bra and underwear. Nick came over and got on the bed.

“What do you think you’re doing? I’m not finished with you yet.” Nick said with a grin.

Just then he leaned in and kissed me. I could feel his hands all over me. I wanted him so bad but I knew that we had to get ready because we had a long day ahead of us.

“We really have to get ready Nick, we have so much to do today.” I said.

“I know, I know it’s just that I want you so bad. I wish we could stay in here and make love all day long and then all night long.” Nick said back.

“I know me too. But we have to wait for that. I don’t want this whole relationship to be based on sex so I think we should wait for a while before we do it again. You know what I mean?” I asked.

“Yea, I defiantly know what you mean. You are such a smart and careful girl you know that. I really admire that about you.”

“Thanks, I try to be.” I said.

I got up and put the towel back around myself and made my way over to the door to go back into my room. I walked in and went over to my duffel bag to find something to wear. I found a pair of pants to wear but I was having a hard time deciding what I wanted to wear for a shirt. Nick could sense my frustration.

“You can borrow a shirt of mine if you want.”

“Nick, you know that your clothes are like ten times bigger than mine. I would look funny.” I said.

“Here try this FuBu jersey on, it’s getting too small for me so it should fit you.”

I tried the jersey on and realized that it wasn’t that bad. It looked good with my jeans too so I decided that I would wear that. I left Nick to get changed so I could blow-dry my hair and put my make up on. Just then the telephone rang. I walked over to the table and answered it.

“Hello.” I said.

“Hey there girl!! So how did last night go?” Molly said.

“It was amazing. I haven’t had that good of sex in a long time. How about you? Did ya get any last night.?” I asked.

“Oh yea, AJ, all I can say is wow!!” Molly laughed back.

“Well, that’s good. I wonder how Mandy’s feeling this morning. I haven’t talked to her yet. Brian did have a big smile on his face this morning when I saw him so who knows.” I said.

“I wonder myself. I’m sure it was good whatever it was. Anyway I called to tell you that me, AJ, Kevin, and Ashley are down in the restaurant eating breakfast if you want to join us.”

“Sure, tell them that Nick and I will be right down there.” I said.

“Sure thing, see ya in a bit.” Molly said and then hung up.

I walked back into Brian and Nick’s room and walked over to Nick playing Nintendo. I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, do ya want to go downstairs and get breakfast? Ashley, Kevin, AJ, and Molly are down there right now”

“Sure, let’s go.” Nick said as he turned the power off to the video game and got up.

We made our way down to the restaurant and over the table where everybody else was. We were all eating when Brian and Mandy joined us.

“Where were you too?” I asked.

“We decided to go for a little swim this morning.” Mandy said.

“That’s cool, we should’ve done that.” Molly said.

“But baby, if you went swimming then who would be in the room to keep me company?” AJ asked with a pout.

“Oh, yea, I guess you’re right I couldn’t have left you all alone.” Molly said as she gave AJ a kiss on the cheek.

“So what’s the agenda for today?” Ashley asked to change the subject a bit.

“Well, I believe my mom set up your hair and make up appointments for this afternoon sometime, you’ll have to check with her.” AJ said.

“We have rehearsal today almost all day so you guys are going to be on your own after breakfast up until we come back here to change.” Kevin said.

“That’s fine I’m sure we can find plenty of stuff to do in New York City to keep us busy.” Mandy said.

After we were done eating we all got up and made our way out to the lobby. All of the guys said goodbye to their girls and they made there way to Radio City Music Hall for rehearsals. Us girls got into another limo and made our way to where we were to get our hair and makeup done.

Chapter Seven
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Email: backstreetcrew@backstreet-boys.com