I Promise

AJ embraced her and kissed her passionately, as soon as Alyson closed the door behind her. After laying in the snow kissing for another five minutes, they had finally come to their senses at least that much that they decided they couldn't stay in the cold, wet snow any longer. They had rushed back to Alyson's car and had driven up to her uncle's house.
While they kissed, Alyson let out some weird noises. She was trying to say something, but before AJ could even make out what it was, the grocery bags, that had been between them, slipped to the floor with a dull crash. Alyson didn't care. Instead she threw her coat off and opened AJ's jacket. She wrapped her arms around AJ's waist, letting her hands be warmed by the heat of his body. Despite the pullover he wore she could tell that his body was still as muscular as a year ago. She loved everything about his body. He seemed skinny, but the muscles made it look so natural, so perfect. She loved the way his skin felt, when she caressed it, when it rubbed against her own or when sweat glistened on it. She loved the way he tasted and the way he moved, like a wild cat. And she wouldn't want to miss the tattoos, which lines she had already traced with her tongue and her lips. Every single one of them.
Alyson moaned loudly as AJ began kissing and licking her neck, after he had removed her scarf. She stripped his jacket off and then pushed him against the wall, kicking the groceries aside. Her whole body tingled and her knees got weak already. She got wet, but this time not from snow. "AJ", she breathed into his ear.
AJ gently bit into her flesh, as Alyson whispered his name. How he had missed to hear that, her sweet voice talking to him with passion and lust, calling out his name, moaning, laughing - or telling him whatever he asked her to say, when they made love. His mouth traveled back up to hers, kissing her hard on the lips. He wanted her, right now. His member had already hardened after only the kiss. Just the memory of what he knew she could give, what she could do was enough to arouse him to no end. He pushed up her pullover, breaking the kiss only shortly to pull it over her head. Her top landed beside it soon. He felt the heat of her skin, knowing she wanted it just as much as himself. No other woman's body had ever felt this good to him, had ever tasted so amazingly. He wanted to feel her again, all of her and that was all that mattered now. He opened her bra and sank down to his knees, pulling the bra down with him.
Alyson ran her fingers through AJ's hair, gently pulling on it as he began flicking his tongue into her belly. He worked his way up to her breasts, sucking on them, before coming back up to kiss her. She fumbled with his pants and quickly shoved them down when she had opened them. AJ took off his pullover at the same time. The rest of their clothes were discarded soon as well, and AJ pulled Alyson close to him. She could feel his hard member against her flesh, while AJ gently caressed her erect nipples. It made her go even crazier that he was so gentle with her, when all she wanted was to feel him inside of her.
"God, Alyson", he exclaimed, as he moved her over to the opposite wall, pushing her up. He grabbed on of her legs and wrapped it around his waist. When he pushed her stronger against the wall, Alyson wrapped her other leg around him as well. She let out another loud moan as she slid down the wall a little and in the process felt AJ slide into her. His strong arms held her up, guiding her up and down slowly first. He was licking the sweat off between her breasts, while Alyson believed she was going to pass out. She couldn't think anymore, she couldn't even do anything. Nothing but feel him inside her again and love every second of it.
"Aly", AJ moaned, pushing himself into her harder and faster.
Alyson panted, letting out more and more soft moans of pleasure that became louder as AJ thrust deeper and deeper into her. She called out his name as her climax hit her and the waves of her orgasm swept through her body over and over again. She claimed his mouth for another passionate kiss, running her fingernails over his sweaty skin.
AJ kept on guiding her up and down on him, getting closer to his own climax as well. When he finally reached it and exploded inside of her, his orgasm shook his body just like Alyson's had done it to her before.
They stayed in that position for a while, before their panting stopped and their heart-beats slowed. He slowly let her down again and Alyson threw herself around him, kissing him deeply again. She couldn't get enough of him, ever. AJ ran his fingers over her face, pushing her hair back and holding her face in his hands, not letting her pull back from the kiss, although she had no such intentions anyway. Then, after a while, she broke the kiss and just hugged him tightly. She felt so happy in his arms, that pulled her close to him. She wanted to imagine that he would never leave again, that they could always stay like this. She wanted to make herself believe that, if only for a split second.
"Aly, I never want to leave you again. Please don't let me leave you again, please don't send me away ever..."
As she heard him say that, Alyson's body was shaken by unshed tears and uncried sobs. AJ felt it and caressed her, still holding her close to him to keep her warm. She removed her head from his shoulder, looking into his eyes: "I'm not gonna send you away. Just promise me you'll stay, AJ. Just promise you'll stay this time."
"I promise", he replied, sealing his words with a kiss.

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