
Alyson led AJ into the living room of the house and grabbed two bedspreads that lay on the couch in front of the fireplace. She wrapped one around him, the other one around her.
"Stay here", she said smiling. "I'll be right back." She quickly ran upstairs and into the bathroom. There was a huge bath-tub and she thought a nice, hot bubble-bath was exactly what they needed now. She prepared everything for it and even brought a radio into the bathroom, put on a bath-robe and went downstairs again. When she came down, she saw AJ picking up their clothes from the floor. She grinned as he took her top and smelled it for a moment.
"Miss me already?" she asked.
He turned around with a grin. "Yeah..."
She walked past him and picked up the grocery bags. She had bought a bottle of champagne for herself, but drinking it with him would be even better. She was glad to find that the bottle had survived the earlier crash to the floor.
"AJ", she snickered, as he came up behind her, pulling her close. She stood up straight and he immediately began kissing her neck and nibbling on her flesh. She forced herself to walk away from him into the kitchen, where she found two long-stemmed glasses. She grabbed them and the bottle of champagne and walked out to AJ again. "Come with me", she purred and smiled seductively. He didn't need another invitation.
Up in the bathroom the tub was already filled with warm water and foam. Alyson quickly turned off the water and put the glasses and the champagne next to the tub. She switched on the radio and played one of her Christmas tapes with love songs on it.
"I like the ideas you have", AJ smiled. Alyson turned around to him and slowly let the bath-robe slip from her body. She laughed as she saw him admiring her body and quickly got into the warm water.
AJ let go of the bedspread he still had around him and joined her. He got into the bath-tub behind her and Alyson leaned against him. "I love you, Aly", he whispered into her ear and she got the goosebumps. AJ laughed lightly as he noticed her reaction and began slowly rubbing up and down her arms. She was playing with the foam, until she reached behind her with one arm and put it behind AJ's head. She ran her fingers through his hair as she turned her head to face him and kissed him deeply. She felt AJ tense up with desire again, so she stopped. She looked into his eyes and softly said: "We still got some talking to do..."
AJ nodded and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"Why did you come back to me?" she asked.
"I just told you", he replied, talking in the same soft way that she did.
"But why now? I mean...was it just that Christmas-time reminded you of me again? AJ, you can't be in love with me. It's ok if all you wanted was reliving the memories and-"
"Alyson", he interrupted her. "Look at me", he demanded. She did as he wanted. "Aly, I didn't need anything to remind me of you because I haven't forgot about you all this time. I came back now because I didn't have a chance before. I couldn't just call you and make everything right again - I thought it would take forever until you would let me back into your life, and...well, I'm free from business until February now and thought I'd take the time to be with you. I hope two months will be enough time to convince you that I love you!"
"You might be lucky", she smiled. They were silent for a moment, just enjoying the other's presence.
"Did you forget about me?" he then asked.
"No", she answered. "No, I didn't. You left me with a bunch of wonderful memories, even though I should've wished you to hell." She looked into his eyes again. "But I didn't do that either."
"Did you ever...believe...that maybe you had fallen in love with me?" AJ questioned.
Alyson smiled up at him sadly: "No - but I was ready to."
AJ leaned towards her and kissed her slowly, but passionately. He hoped that she was ready to fall in love with him another time, and this time he would make her love him. This time he would make sure to do it right.
"Last Christmas I gave you my heart,
But the very next day you gave it away.
This year, to save me from tears,
I'll give it to someone special..."

"Hey, that's our song", AJ smiled, as he pulled away from her gently.
"Yeah", she smiled back. "God, how many times have we listened to this song last year?!" She laughed as she remembered that they had heard that song everywhere they had went.
"They played it everywhere", AJ remembered as well. "Wherever we have been shopping, in every restaurant, that guy with his guitar in the park..."
"Remember when we started dancing to it in the middle of the mall?" Alyson laughed.
"Yeah", AJ smiled. His voice was raspy as he asked: "Remember when we made love to it?"
Alyson just nodded, hardly noticeable. AJ's hands wandered along her waistline, over her stomach and then down between her legs. She closed her eyes as he began to work his magic on her. Not long and they were making love again, but this time didn't rush it. It was slow and gentle and better than ever before. This time it felt like they were actually making love...

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