Angela - Part 11
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The Boeing 747 was cruising along nicely at 43,000 feet. Enroute from New York city to Los Angeles, California. Angela, sitting in the left seat of the airplane was its Captain. “Good morning ladies and Gentlemen, This is your Captain. Welcome to American Flight 101 to Los Angeles. This will be a non stop flight and we will be cruising at 43,000 feet. We estimate our arrival time in Los Angeles to be about 11:30pm, and the weather man promises us that we will have a comfortable flight So sit back, relax and enjoy yourself. Breakfast will be served soon. In a few minutes the no smoking sign will be out and you may remove your seat belts and if you need anything, our stewardesses are always available.”

“Angela, Angela, wake up” called her mother,” you’ll be late for school, breakfast is all ready, so hurry.” “Oh, my gosh” Angela woke up with a start, “wow, what a dream, it was so real. I actually felt that I was flying that monster.” Angela was a bit shaken up as her voice trembled a bit as she called down to her mother. “Aw, aw, all right Mom, be right down.”

Oh my gosh, thought Angela, as she peddled her bike to school, I wonder if dreams come true? Wouldn’t it just be great if she could ever fly such an airplane. Even a little smaller one would be great. But that was only a dream, and surely, she would never have the chance to do that, or would she? Then she remembered that this was the last day of her restriction. Her Dad had told her that she could not go to the airport or anywhere near her airplane for 30 days, and today was the thirtieth day. But why wasn’t she elated as she thought she would be. For a whole month, all she could think about was the day that she could again see her shiny star. Maybe its because I’m longer interested in flying. Maybe, I’ve got other interests. Naw, I guess I’m still in a rut as Mitzy said she was. No, I’m not. Mitzy got me out of the rut I was in. She showed me that I had friends who cared about me. She showed me that I could have both. My friends and my flying, and I am going down to the airport after school today and see my Cessna. That is if I don’t have too much homework.

Angela also remembered that her dad said that he would take her to see Tom, the C.F.I. and have her talk to him again about getting started in getting her Private License. She also remembered the information and advice that Tom had given her., and how helpful he had been. She just couldn’t wait to see Tom again, and to see what plans he had for her. Angela knew that being a little over 16 years old, she had a long time before she would be able to take the test for her Private Pilots license.

Alone in the hangar, Angela looked intensely at her beloved Cessna. She missed it, but she was also happy that she had been put on a restriction, not to see the Cessna, nor even go to the airport for a whole month. It made her realize how self centered she was, thinking only about flying and nothing else. Not even her friends. It’s different now. She could have both, and she was very pleased with herself for having these feelings.

It was a Saturday morning and Angela and her Mom and dad were having their breakfast. “Angela,” said her dad, ‘Are you going to the airport today?” “I am.” replied Angela, “but first I promised Mitzy that I would go shopping with her, then I was thinking of taking the Cessna out and practice a few touch and goes in the pattern, do you have anything in mind Dad?” “Yes, I do.” replied her Dad. “First of all I want to tell you how proud I am of you for keeping your promise of not going near the airport for 1 month.” “I wouldn’t break a promise to you Dad for anything in the world, you know that. You’re my Dad, and I love you very much. I would do anything you asked me to do.” Angela’s Dad thought, how fortunate he was to have a daughter like Angela. Their relationship had been like this as far back as he could remember. “You know Dad, that restriction did me a lot of good. It brought back my friends. It made me realize that there was more to flying than just going up in an airplane. It made me aware that there are people around me, people who care for me and me for them. Flying and being a good pilot is my dream, and you made me realize this, and I feel now with your help and all of my friends, I’m going to be the best pilot in the whole wide world.” Angela’s father and Mother didn’t say a word for a long time but tears started to swell a bit in both their eyes.

Angela’s Father interrupted the brief silence, ”Angie, if you have time later on after your shopping, I’d like you to come with me and see Tom this afternoon. He was asking about you the other day, and he would like to talk with you, and give you some literature to read and things like that.” “That’s great Dad, We should be finished around 2:00 pm, is that okay?” “Sure” said her Dad.”

“Hi Tom,” called out Angela, as she and her Dad knocked on Tom’s office door. “Come on in and have a seat.” answered Tom. “I’ve been expecting the both of you.” “Angela,” said Tom, ”I know that you’re rather impatient in getting started on your Private Pilots license, and that’s just natural. I know that you’re all ready to get up there, grab those controls and get into the intricacy of learning how to be a Private Pilot, but first I’d like to make a few suggestions if that’s okay with you.” “Sure,” said Angela, “what are they?” “Well, you have plenty of time to start your flight instruction, and as you know that gets pretty involved. I won’t go into any great detail now. We can talk about that later. But you know, you have to have at least 40 hours of flight instruction by a certified flight instructor. You have to have instruction in night flying. You have to make cross country flights all by yourself, and a multiple of other things to do before you can even take your flight test.” “I understand,’ said Angela. “Okay,” said Tom, “before, we go into all that, here is what I’d like you to do. I’m going to give you lots of reading and instructional material. It covers just about all there is that’s required for your oral and written test; navigation, radio procedures, use of navigational equipment, Vortacs, DF equipment and a lot more. In about two weeks, I am starting a ground school here at the airport, which I would like you to attend. The school runs about 10 days, and shouldn’t interfere with your regular school work. It covers everything thats in the literature and manuals that I just gave you. Study them thoroughly, and you should be prepared to breeze through the ground school with no problem. So how does all this all sound to you? After you take your written test, we’ll set up a flight instruction program for you.” “Wow,” said Angela, “sounds great to me. How about you Dad?” Angela’s Dad was listening intently while Tom was outlining his plans for Angela. “ It’s fine honey, Tom has laid out a fine program and I agree with him completely, but there is one condition that you must agree upon before I approve of this.” What, whats that, Dad?” “You must agree to not let this interfere what-so-ever with your school duties, nor your chores at home, or relationship with your friends, or the people around you, your teachers and everybody else. Honey, I want you to grow up to be a fine person, as I know you will, and I don’t want anything in the world to prevent you from being this person.” Angela was in tears as she answered her Dad. Dad, I will never let you down, I promise.” And so this is the way it was.

to be continued

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Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.