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Angela Thirteen

It was about 5:00pm Saturday night, and Angela was looking out her bedroom window contemplating the events of her first day of ground school instruction, what she had learned and what she hadn’t learned. She hated to admit it, but she had learned all this a long time ago from her Dad, Was there anything that Tim, her instructor could teach her that her dad hadn’t? She hoped so, but didn’t think it would be possible. After all, she had been flying, it seemed all her life. Was there anything else that she should know? It was just a matter of time when she was old enough and could take the test for her private license. But she had to be patient. Her thoughts drifted to the day when she would get her private pilots license, but she wouldn’t stop there. That wasn’t enough. But what was enough?

Before she could think of an answer, there was a soft knock at the door, “Angela honey, there’s a phone call for you downstairs.” Okay Mom, be right down,” replied Angela. “ Angela, this is Phil, remember me?” Of course Angela remembered Phil, that tall good looking boy in her class today, but she didn’t want to be too obvious, and said. “Phil, Phil who?” “You know,” replied Phil, “ that dashing handsome guy you met in Ground school today, the one you invited for pizza tonight.” “Oh, yes, I remember, but I don’t recall inviting you for anything. I think you invited yourself.” “Well maybe I did”, said Phil, ”is it okay if I invite my self, I’d like to see you again.” Why not, Angela thought, maybe all the girls would be envious at her knowing such a good looking boy. “Sure,” said Angela, “ I’m meeting two of my friends at Mellisa’s Pizza Parlor at 6:30 tonight, you can meet us there if you like, and we will go dutch. Do you know where it is? “Yes, I think so ”replied Phil. “Okay then, see you later.

Mellisa’s Pizza Parlor, was a small place, it had only 7 tables, but it had the best pizza in town. Melanie and Cynthia were already there when Angela walked in. “Hi girls, gosh do you have a treat tonight,” Angela said enthusiastically. “We always have a treat when we come here,” said Cynthia, “so what’s different tonight?” “You’ll see,” replied Angela, he should be here any minute now.” “Huh, what do you mean, he, who’s he? Melanie asked. “He’s a boy I met today in my ground school class. He just moved into town, and we sorta got to talking, and he asked if he could join us tonight for pizza, oh, here he comes now.”

“Hello Phil, I want you to meet Melanie and Cynthia. Girls this is Phil, the boy I was telling you about.” “Gee,” replied Phil, “I hope it was something nice.” “Not really,” said Angela, but I didn’t tell them too much about you.” “Okay, okay,” replied Phil, I give up, say I hear that this place has the best pizza in town. How do you like yours?” “Well,” said Angela, Cy and I like just plain cheese, a lot of cheese.” “I like pepperoni on mine,” piped in Melanie. “Well I guess, we’ll have to order 3 separate pizzas,” said Phil, “I like anchovies in mine.” “What?” The three girls cried out in unison, “how can you eat fish on a pizza, ugh.” “Well, its really not fish, it’s anchovies,” replied Phil.

The pizzas came and went. The conversation throughout the meal consisted mainly of school, what their plans were, and things like that. It was a pleasant conversation, and all four seemed to get along fairly well. “Angela,” said Phil, “where do you live? Can I walk you home?” “Yes, I guess so,” replied Angela, “I don’t live too far from here.” During the conversation at the pizza parlor, Angela determined that Phil was an intelligent boy, with lots of ambition, but a bit on the flip side. He seemed right at home with the three girls, and not shy at all. However, Angela felt that there was something about him that she didn’t quite understand. Something didn’t seem right. But, maybe she was imagining things. Maybe she will find out.

“Phil,” said Angela, as they were walking to her home, “why do you want to get your Private Pilots License? What are your plans when you do get it?” “I really don’t know,” he said, “I guess I just want to get my license and fly anytime I want to, that’s about it I guess.” “ Then you have no other ambition beyond the Private License, aren’t you planning on upgrading in the future, like your Instrument rating.” “Well,” replied Phil, “ I just don’t have any immediate plans for the future. I just want to go flying with my friends anytime that I want to, and right now I’m just not interested in going beyond my Private License. ”How about you Angie, can I call you Angie, I heard your friends call you that?” “Sure, I guess so. I suppose I have a bit more ambition as far as flying goes. I think it’s in my blood. It’s in my Dad’s blood and I guess it’s in mine. I’ve been brought up with airplanes ever since I was a little tot. I’ve been fortunate because my Dad’s taught me everything I know about flying. I try to spend as much time as I can flying our Cessna, yes Phil, I hope to make a career out of flying. I dream every night of sitting in that left seat of a commercial jet airline. Hopefully one of these days, I’ll be able to actually live my dreams, for this is what I live and hope for.” “Whew’” said Phil, “that’s some ambition.”

“This where I live,” said Angela. “it was nice meeting you Phil, and hopefully, I’ll see you next Saturday at Tom’s class.” I’ll be there,” replied Phil, “ But I’ve got a better idea, how about we go flying tomorrow, it’s Sunday, we have a Mooney, and.....?” “You have a Mooney?” Angela interrupted, “Yes, it’s my Dad’s and I have permission to use it at any time.” “Gosh, I’ve never been up in a Mooney, that’s a sophisticated aircraft, are you sure that you can fly it?” “Sure can, so what say we go flying tomorrow.” Angela didn’t quite understand what Phil meant. Did he mean that they would fly together, just the both of them alone in the Mooney or would a certified pilot be with them. She hoped that he didn’t mean that they would be flying all by themselves, because that was not allowed, it was illegal for two students flying alone together. It would be just the same as carrying a passenger on a Student License, and that was a no-no. But Angela didn’t remark on this, she was more than anxious to fly in a Mooney. So she figured, lets wait and see. “Okay Phil, I’ll be more than happy to meet you at the airport, what time?” Let’s say about 10ish, that okay with you?” “Fine with me.? As Angela opened the door to her house, she took one last look at Phil, waived goodnight, and thought, What have I gotten my self into?

To be continued.....

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Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.