Black Rose Ranch
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An Incident in the life of Big Boy Bear

There have been many incidents concerning Bear and his pals since I have been coming to the Black Rose ranch. Some good. Some bad. One in particular stands out as either being very funny, or else not being very funny. I’ll let you decide.

Although Bear and I have been very close since he decided to be my master., the closeness is not as intense as it was at the beginning. He doesn’t howl and cry nor go on a hunger strike whenever I leave the ranch. He does say goodbye by looking me straight in the eye, licking my cheek, then turning around to go back to his pals. And he does continue looking at my car going up the driveway until it disappears from his view when I turn to enter the main highway. I suppose that he figures what good does it do to stop eating whenever I leave. I tell you, he is one smart dog.

There was an awful lot of chicken left over from the evening meal, and it was decided that the 3 dogs would share in the leftovers. Bear, however, got a bit greedy, and tried to shoo his friends away, and when Bear decides to shoo someone away they shoo. For the first time since knowing Bear, I never experienced greed such as this. Yelling constantly at him to stop did no good, and he kept eating all the chicken until there was none left. Lizzie and Ally just stood there and could do nothing about it.

I was disappointed because this was a Bear that I’d never known before. After he finished all the chicken, he looked at me with those great big sorrowful eyes, waiting for me to say something. Maybe to forgive him for his unforgivable act. When I didn’t say anything, he turned around and walked very slowly away from the site of his criminal act. But looking back at me, every few paces, expecting me to call him and to forgive him for what he did.

Bear appeared again about an half hour later, walking slowly towards me, crying and whimpering as he once did, whenever I left the ranch. Stopping about 20 feet in front of me, he started to howl, and there was no stopping him, until I told him to be quiet. He was asking for forgiveness. I didn’t know whether I should forgive him or not, as his dastardly deed showed a side of him that I never knew nor expected. He started inching towards me, very, very slowly. He was determined, I know, to beg for my forgiveness. To tell me that he was sorry for what he did. But I wasn’t sure that I would.

Reaching me, he just sat in front of me, looking very pitiful, not moving an inch, just waiting for me to say something, like please forgive me daddy, I’m sorry. It will never happen again.

Would you forgive Bear for what he did to Elizabeth, Ally and me?

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Click Here For Another Story about Bear, "Night Time Story at the Black Rose Ranch"

Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.