I want to be a boxer
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Jimmy’s eyes were glazed as he left the gym after his talk with Max. He was elated that he had so many friends there to greet him and to welcome him back. He was more than elated with the conversation he had with Max. Now he knew what he was going to do. Nothing else mattered; he was going to be the best fighter in the world.

Jimmy’s thoughts were many as he slowly walked the few blocks to his tenement building. His mind was racing. He remembered, not too long ago when he was a nutty feisty kid, who would fight anyone at the drop of a hat. He recalled the harassing of the street cart merchants, and the sudden changes in their attitudes. He thought of the boxing matches he had. Of the change in his personality, a more grown up personality, he thought. He wasn’t feisty anymore, and would fight only in the ring and never on the street, even if he were provoked. His thoughts drifted to Pissy. Oh gosh, how he missed him. He wished that he could see him again. Maybe some day. Who knows, maybe he would have a match where Pissy lived. He thought of his two best friends Frankie and Joey, how they stuck with him, even though he couldn’t spend too much time with them anymore.

But what worried Jimmy was his Mom. She always wanted the best for him, and did the best she could in his upbringing. What will he tell her that he will not go to college. Sure he would finish High School. Then he would turn pro, that is if Max thought he should. Then maybe, he could make some money and help her. Sure, then maybe she wouldn’t mind him not going to college. No, he didn’t think that she would accept that reasoning, but he was determined, nothing , nothing would stop him in his quest to be the best.

“Hey Jimmy, hold on,” called Joey as he and Frankie caught up to him after leaving the gym.” Whats the hurry, ya left so fast that we didn’t see ya leave?” “Sorry fellas, I had so much on my mind, I just wasn’t thinkin.” “So whatcha gonna do Jimmy” asked Frankie, are ya gonna start training again?” “ Yes, I am,” replied Jimmy, “ya all know that fightins in my blood, and I’d rather do that than anything else.” “Yeah, we know,” said Joey, “so when ya gonna start fightin again?” “Well Max wants me at the gym foist thing Monday morning. He says I gotta lot of woik ta do, so I don’t know when I’ll be able to start fightin again. I gained a lotta weight and I gotta take that off foist. Anyway, I got lottsa time, no school or anything like that.” “Okay, ya know that ya can count on us anytime Jimmy,” said Joey, seriously.” ”Yeah, I know fellas, and I sure appreciate it, ya know that, so I’ll see ya later, gotta go home and do some errands for Mom.”

“Hi Mom, I’m home,” called Jimmy as he entered his flat. “Hello jimmila, how vas your day at the gymnasium, did you have a good time?” “Yes Mom I did,” replied Jimmy, I had a nice talk with Izzy, did you want me to do something?” “ No, I already did it, Bertha downstairs vent shopping for me, so you just rest and I’ll have dinner for you soon.” “Okay, Mom.”

Jimmy felt pretty good as he walked to the gym early Monday morning. He knew that it was a new beginning and that he would probably have to start all over again. As Izzy said, he would have to lose some weight and that wasn’t an easy thing to do, and that he was in for a lot of work before he could get back into shape again, but he would do it, come…….or high water. Yes he would do it. He was full of anticipation as he opened the door of the gym. The only thing is that he didn’t tell his Mom was about his plans; that he wouldn’t be going to college. He just couldn’t tell her yet. He knew that she would be disappointed, but he would have to tell her sooner or later.

It was unusually quiet as Jimmy walked inside the gym. Maybe it was too early. Yes that was it. It was only 7:30am, and only a handful of boxers were there. Apparently Max and Izzy weren’t there yet. One boxer was skipping rope in the corner, another was shadowboxing in front of a huge mirror. Another was beating the living daylight out of a sandbag as if his life depended on it. He noticed a lone boy, sitting in front of the large boxing ring, usually a beehive of activity, but now eerie in the low dim overhead lights of the ring. The boy was dressed in street clothes, just sitting there looking at the ring as if he wished that he could be in there. Jimmy wondered what he was doing there so early in the morning. Was he waiting for something or someone? “Hi there,” said Jimmy, “can I help ya or something?” “Oh, I’m just waiting for Izzy, he told me to be here this morning, but I’m a bit early, and I just thought that I’d come and look around,” said the boy. The boy sounded pleasant and Jimmy took an immediate liking to him. “Well, if I can help you on anything, before Izzy gets here, let me know. By the way my name is Jimmy, and I sort of train here.” I’m Jake,” said the boy, pleased ta meet ya.” Jimmy assumed that Jake was about the same age as he. A bit taller, with broader shoulders and a slimmer waist than Jimmy. He appeared to be in great shape. “So, where ya from?” Asked Jimmy. “I’ve never seen ya around here before.” “Oh, I’m from the Bronx, around 180th Street and Bryant Avenue,” said Jake. “I hoid that this gym was the best place ta train to be a fighter, and it’ll be worth it coming all this way if I could get some good advice and experience here.”

Jimmy’s mind was full of questions. How did he know of this place? Who send him? How did he know Izzy, but before he could think of anything else to ask Jake, the gym door opened and in walked Izzy. “Hello boychicks, good morning to ya” called out Izzy in his usual jubilant voice. I see that the two of you have met, good. Jimmy, why dontcha put on your gear and we’ll get down to business of getting rid of some that weight ya got there, okay?” “Okay Izzy,” replied Jimmy. Izzy looked at Jake rather intently, looking him over from head to foot, smiling, apparently liking what he saw. “Lets go in the office, Jake, Max will be here soon, and we’ll have a little talk,” Okay,” As Jimmy walked to the locker room, he kept looking back at Jake and Izzy, wondering what was going on. Gee, he thought, it’s really none of my business, but I’m curious as all ……..and so it was for the time being.

To be continued…..

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Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.