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My name is Charlie

Hello, my name is Charlie, and I am a dog a Beagle, a purebred, and I’m darn proud of it. And don’t let the name fool you, I’m a girl. I don’t know why my master named me Charlie, but it’s okay, I’m happy with that name. I’m really not sure how old I am, I guess I’m sort of middle aged. Anyway, I think it’s about time that I replied to the unfounded rumors that a certain canine has written about me. I think that this self proclaimed thinks that she is Queen of the roost. Maybe so, but not in my book. Sure she’s a beautiful dog, and all. But the only thing that I’m jealous about is that she never gains weight. No matter what she eats. She’s always trim, you know, like a snake.

Sure I’ve got problems. I get real bad when my masters away, and I get into the garbage, and boy do I really make a mess. But I just can’t help it, just like me eating tissues, napkins and anything made of paper. It’s a bad habit I know. I’ve had this habit ever since I was a little girl. I don’t think that I was more than 8 weeks old when I got the taste for tissues. But let’s face it, doesn’t everyone including humans have habits, some of which are real bad, and I don’t think my habit is that terrible. I can think of lots worse. And I’m more of a lady because I won’t tell you of all the bad habits some of the dogs have around here. If I told you what Gloria does here, you would have a fit.

I know that I’m not the most sociable dog, but that’s my nature. I was beaten badly by my former owner and I just can’t get over it. I’m very suspicious of people, and it’s very hard for me to be friendly. Although I really do try. I have no problem with the other animals and cats. Gloria is the only one that gives me a hard time. It’s just that she’s so jealous of me that she can’t stand it. I guess it’s because I think that I am my master’s favorite. After all I was the first one here.

I know that Gloria has special attributes. And I’ll have to admit that she does some good healing. Why, she even comes over to me and sort of licks my eyes when they hurt, and it does make them feel better. I don’t know why she does that when she dislikes me so much, but she does that to all the animals here. I think that it sort of uplifts her ego, and does make a good impression with our master. I can’t imagine why Gloria is making a big thing about the vacuum cleaner. Don’t all dogs bark and sometimes, like Bobo try to eat it as it was some sort of monster. It’s all a game anyway, and I don’t know why Gloria is making a big thing of it.

Well, I just wanted to tell you my part of the story. I think that I am a nice dog. Maybe I don’t show it like the other dogs do. I keep things in a lot, but my heart is always in the right place, and that’s the way it is.

Love, Charlie

To be continued

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Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-2000. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.