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Louie and Tony were well known in the neighborhood, but most people did not know them as well as they thought. Besides going to school, doing odd tasks for the older men, they loved to hang around in their clubhouse. The clubhouse was a small store which they rented, located several blocks away from the neighborhood. This was their retreat, to unwind, to invite special friends whenever the occasion arose. Here they held parties, played cards, drank a little beer, sometimes they invited girls to listen to music, play a few games like spin the bottle, dance a bit; and do anything they wanted to do.

They kept this place very exclusive. Generally, only Italian boys were invited to the club house, but on extremely rare occasions, they would invite boys of a different denomination, but only if there was something to gain; a favor perhaps or something of a personal nature. Louie and Tony ran the club and they ran it with an iron hand. They made the rules. It was their territory, and if anyone disobeyed these rules, they were kicked out on their.......

It was here in the club where Danny was invited, an honor indeed. A rarity, as Louie and Tony did not expect anything from Danny. They just liked him. They liked his intelligence. The way he carried himself. His refusal to join any gang, and the way he stood up to them. It was the first time that a Jewish boy was invited.

“What do you fellows do here?” asked Danny curiously. “oh, a little of this, a little of that,” replied Tony, “ we just relax, have fun, and do what we want to do.” “What kind of fun, and doesn’t this cost you to rent this place?” “Whoa, take it easy Danny, sure it cost us, but we can afford it, no problem at all, all in time Danny, you’ll see.”

This was a bit beyond Danny’s scope. He was by no means stupid, but he wondered why anyone would want to rent a store. All the people he knew only rented if they had something to sell. Did Tony and Louie have something to sell? He was curious, but he had to have patience for as they said, “you’ll see.” He also wondered what he was doing here. How could he have made friends with two Italian boys whom he had nothing in common with. He had never made friends with anyone even when he lived in Harlem. This was bewildering, but on the other hand, it seemed natural. He genuinely liked them, and he felt that they liked him too.

Danny was curious as how Louie and Tony could afford such luxury. They wore nice clothes and always seemed to have money in their pockets. They didn’t appear to have a job for he never saw them do any work. They went to school, and afterwards went to their individual homes; ate dinner; and did what ever they had to do. Then it was down to the club house for an evening of frolicking. Perhaps their parents gave them money. Naw, they couldn’t afford it. Although it was none of his business, he was curious. He would never ask them, but he figured that they would tell him one of these days.

The summer was gradually coming to a close. Although Louie and Tony were about the same age as Danny they would not graduate this year, so it was back to school for them. Danny had already graduated High School, and was ready and anxious to start his college year. He had already been accepted at City College, in New York City, and was anxious and ready to start.

City College wasn’t a prestigious school, but it was a great one with a splendid record of graduating many of our nations leaders. It’s various curriculums were some of the finest in the country. Danny’s parents would have a difficult time in paying tuition costs, but they would, no matter what it took. Skimping a little on this, a little of that, but to college he would go.

Danny was well aware of this, and knew that he must help in some way. But how? Get a job? Sure that was it, but could he handle it. It meant getting up around 6:00am, taking the elevated train that would take him to his school. Putting a full day in his classes. Return home, eat his dinner, and do any studying that he needed to do. There would be very little time remaining in the day for him to do much else. He had to find a way. He didn’t have any sort of experience in much of anything. He wondered how he would be able to go the airport on weekends. Would he have the time? He had to find the time. He couldn’t give up his weekend jaunts to the airport, and possibly going to the club house whenever he felt like it. His relationship with Louie and Tony had taken on an added dimension, and he didn’t want to lose that relationship.

Danny had two weeks to think about this, for his schooling would be starting then, and he had to do something about it. But what? The answer came soon, much sooner than he ever thought possible.

~ To Be Continued ~

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Click Here For Part Four of Danny

Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.