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Danny, Louie and Tony left Mr. Capiloni’s office without saying a word to each other. Outside, Tony said, “hey lets go down to the club and grab a couple cold ones, whatcha say?” “Okay with me,” said Louie, how about ya Danny?” “No, I don’t think so, I think I’ll just go home and take it easy, if it’s all right with you fellows, maybe later on.” “Sure,” said Louie, “come on down later, we’ll be there, we’ve got things ta talk about.” “Okay,” replied Danny. He knew that there was plenty to talk about, but he didn’t want to hear about it tonight.

Danny’s Mom and Dad were home listening to the radio when he got home. With brief hellos and how are you son, Danny retreated into his room to ponder the events of the day. What have I gotten myself into, he thought. I’ve made a commitment. Did I do right? I think so. I didn’t have much choice. I want so bad to go to college that I would have done anything to do so. What do I have to do, I’m not sure? What favor is Mr. Capoloni talking about? There were so many things on Danny’s mind at this moment. He had some sort of an idea of what was expected of him, but it wouldn’t be any brutal force on anyone. This he had Mr. Capiloni’s word, and he was sure that he kept his word. But all these questions would be answered tomorrow. Tonight, he was exhausted, and all he wanted to do was to get some sleep. But first, he had to have a glass of milk, and maybe a donut or something before he went to bed. Opening the ice box , he reached in for a bottle of milk. It was not very cold, but still he felt that it was drinkable. The ice in the box was melting very rapidly, as the day had been a bit warmer than expected. Oh, well, the iceman will replenish the ice in the morning.

But why can’t we buy a refrigerator, like most people have? simple, my parents couldn’t afford it. But maybe now, things may be a bit different, if he had some money left over from his college expenses. Maybe he could buy his parents a refrigerator, so they wouldn’t have to yell down to the Iceman,” ”Iceman, bring me up fifty cents of ice, please.” So the Iceman would cut, with his ice pick what he thought was a fifty cents piece of ice, grab the ice with his ice tongs, carry it upstairs on his shoulder, and repeat this about every other day, depending upon the weather. No he wanted something a lot better for his parents, and for himself, too. Maybe, some day.

Danny couldn’t find a donut, so he settled for a piece of near stale bread, and that was it for the night. He had enough going on today, too many surprises, and as he finished his milk and stale bread, he was suddenly exhausted, couldn’t keep his eyes open, and the last thing that he thought about before he closed his eyes and was completely asleep, was the meeting between his friends, and Mr. Capiloni, and the following Monday, when he would start a new life, a dream to be fulfilled, something that he had planned on for many years. He was going to college.

The next morning, Louie and Tony rang the door bell to Danny’s house. When Danny looked out his bedroom window and seeing who it was, said, “be right down guys. “Okay echoed Louie.” “Danny, Mr. Capiloni dropped by the club after we left his office, and though maybe you were there, “said Tony, he wanted to speak with you, but we told him that you wuz tired and went home.” “Sorry, I wasn’t there,” said Danny, “no sweat, said Louie, he just wanted to get more acquainted withcha, and to more or less give you an idea of what you will be doing for him, and how much money he was going to pay ya. But he wants us to brief you, if that’s okay with you, Danny?” “Sure it is,” replied Danny. “You know that anything you want to tell me, will always be in confidence; you can tell me anything you want to.” “That’s why we like you Danny. That’s why we introduced ya to Mr. Capiloni. You can bet your sweet.....if we wuznt sure of you, we would never of let you meet him. We’ve spoken for you, that makes us more or less responsible for ya. Do ya understand?’ It didn’t take a genius to understand what Tony meant, and he replied, “yes, I do Tony”.

“Okay, here it is,” said Tony, “Mr. Capiloni, wants ya to take it easy till ya have a chance to get settled in college. But he’s going to pay you starting now, so here’s a few bucks to tide ya over for awhile.” Tony took a wad of bills from his pocket, took the rubber band holding the bills off, and started to peel and count the bills. As he handed the money to Danny, one by one, Danny’s eyes opened wide for he could not believe what he was seeing. In Danny’s hand was six 20 dollar bills. Danny, in his whole life never even had a twenty dollar bill. This was a fortune. “Whatcha say?” said Tony, “Do ya think that’s gonna be enough to tide ya over for a few days?” “Tide me over, are you kidding. This will last me forever. How come you’re giving me this money ?” Because Mr. Capiloni said to. He likes ya Danny,” said Tony. He also said that he made arrangements to pay for your college education like he said.”

Danny was speechless.” I don’t know what to say.” “Don’t say anything for now,” said Louie, we’ll talk about it next week, after you’ve gotten settled in your college, then Mr. Capiloni wants to see you. Danny, you’re goin ta love woikin for him. You know that you’re the only Jewish boy that he ever let into the outfit. That’s a honor, a big honor, and you’re not goin to regret it. Let’s just hope that he’s not goin to regret it. Okay, Danny?” “Yes,” replied Danny. And so, it was to be.

~ To Be Continued ~

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Click Here For Part Seven of Danny

Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.