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It was 5:00 AM Monday morning, and Danny was running down the stairs of his building, not sure of what time he was to be at the Registrar’s office in City College. He ran the 3 blocks to the elevated train, surprised at the huge crowd that was walking up the stairs. There was only one train line that went to Manhattan, so he knew that he had to be on the right side of the station. While waiting, he gazed down below the train's platform. The streets were a beehive of activity this morning. People going to work, tradesman selling their wares in the street. Gosh he thought, what a life, getting up so early to make a living. Is this what he wanted? Getting up at 5:00 AM, just to go to work. Work 8 hours or more, then home to dinner, listen to the radio or something like that. Go to bed, wake up for a another similar day. No, this wasn't for him.

Danny always dreamt of something much better than this. He would not settle for this kind of life. All through his younger school days, living in Harlem, he wanted to be somebody, but what? He wouldn't dream of impossible dreams, like being a Governor or President of the United States. A Doctor, a Dentist, or maybe a lawyer. He had been thinking about this for quite a while. Many thoughts came to him as he waited for the train to carry him to City College.

What am I meant to be. I love aviation. I'd like to be a pilot, but they don’t teach you that in City College. Maybe an Aeronautical designer, but no, that was not ambitious enough for him. He had no interest in medicine, and the thought of being a dentist sort of turned him off. He was good at mathematics. Maybe, I'll be a teacher, no, that would be too boring, An accountant? No, he didn't like to be tied down to a desk all day long. At least that’s what he heard. Well, maybe a lawyer. Who knows. Maybe I'll give it a try. He heard that City College had a fine pre-law program

Just before the train arrived, Danny looked down from the elevated train station. There was O’Shanunessy’s candy store, Loew’s Plaza movie theater where he went to occasionally with Louie and Tony. He wondered if he would have time for this anymore. Maybe on Saturday’s or Sunday’s. Maybe never, who knows.

The train was very crowded. He had to force himself through the doors of the train. Everybody was trying to get in and get a seat. Few succeeded, including Danny. The train was a mixture of people bleary eyed from lack of sleep enroute to their work day. None seemed happy. Some were around Danny’s age. Probably going to school. Maybe to City College. Gee, do I have to do this everyday, morning and night. Maybe I’ll change my mind and not go to college. City College had no dorms. There were no facilities on campus. Those who wanted to live in the area of the college had to rent rooms, apartments or whatever they could find. But they were expensive. Could he afford to find a place near the college. No, he didn’t think so.

Looking out the window of the elevated train taking him to the land of mystery, he passed some familiar sights, the Junction Boulevard station, Woodside, then Queens Plaza, which was the end stop; then across the bridge to the borough of Manhattan,. He gazed at the sights and the vast expanse. He could not believe that all this land was sold by the Indians to Peter Stuyvesant for a mere $24.00.

Finding the right train that will take him to City College after a change over stop wasn’t a problem. It wasn’t a very long ride, although he still didn’t have a seat. Getting off at 137th Street and Broadway, he didn’t have to worry about which direction to take to the campus. All he had to do was follow the crowd, walk 3 blocks and there it was, City College of New York, which will hereafter be called ccny. There it stood, with all its splendor. So this is where I’m going to spend the next four years of my life, Danny thought. How will my life be here? Will I make any friends? Is this the beginning of my dreams, or is it the end of them.

Danny found his way to the Registrar’s office, filled out a bunch of forms, after waiting in line for 2 hours. Danny was to enter the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, with a major in pre-law. He looked over all the required courses. He read the Programs and Objectives. Wow, How in the world am I going to do all this but he was determined, come....or high water. Then he thought of Mr. Capaloni. What affect will he have on all this. Plenty he thought.

Orientation was scheduled in another hour. Danny took this time to walk around the campus. The atmosphere seemed friendly. After all, most of these undergraduate students were in the same boat as Danny, and as he passed them on his tour of the campus, he was usually greeted with a smile and how are you doing?

Orientation went swiftly. There were several speakers, and they all seemed to be saying the same thing. They outlined the various colleges and the courses that were offered. What was to be expected of the undergraduates. Their mingling with the other students and things like that. It was an interesting session, but Danny was waiting for the next lecture. One designed for those entering the major in pre-law. The professor, a woman outlined the courses that were required, and the credits needed for graduation. It sounded real tough to Danny, But, he thought, I’m here now and I’m going to do the best, the very best that I can. There are too many people counting on me, and I can’t let them down. He mind once again wandered to the last conversation he had with Mr. Capaloni.

Danny noticed a boy unusually dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, just sitting next to him. The dress was unusual as most of the students were fairly well dressed, in slacks and a shirt, while the girls wore skirts and blouses. What was unusual about this boy, he didn’t seem to be listening to the lecture. He kept gazing around the lecture hall as if he didn’t have a care in the world. What was more unusual, the had a half gallon size thermos bottle that he opened fairly often and poured a colorless liquid in the cup, and each time that he did, a slight smile appeared on his face. The boy appeared to have an intense thirst and Danny assumed that he was drinking water. The boy noticed Danny looking at him and smilingly said, “want some?” Danny had no idea if what the boy was offering him, but curiously said, “sure.” The boy poured a small amount into the cup and handed it to Danny. Danny made a face as he drank the liquid. Danny never tasted anything like this before, but it sure wasn’t water. “Like it the boy asked?” “I don’t know, what is it?” “Vodka,” he replied and took a sip himself, Oh my gosh thought Danny, and asked the boy, “ this isn’t allowed is it? “Who cares, by the way my name is Steve.” “I’m Danny.” And that’s the way it was, the unusual friendship that developed between a Vodka drinking student and a boy from Queens who had a mission and an obligation. A friendship that had many twists and turns, but would endure for all time.

Click Here For Index

Click Here for Part Ten of Danny

Original stories written, published and copyrighted by Larry Delmar. (c) 1970-1999. If you would like to use something, please email for permission.