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        It has been along time for me since my burns. I can't say that the whole recovery process has been easy, or short, still today, I struggle sometimes, with thoughts of that horrible night, or the scars that still remain with me, both internally and externally. I am not afraid of fire anymore, I love fireplaces, campfires, cooking, and lighting candles. I am however very cautious with fire, and have tried to instill the dangers associated with it to everyone I know and meet.

        I never became a nurse. I went to nursing school for one year, and quit to get married and have children. I still regret that sometimes, as I know I would have made an excellent nurse in some burn unit somewhere. I have been a mother/housewife/homemaker for the past 17 yrs. I love what I do. It is almost ironic that currently I have just became a Partylite consultant, and sell candles.

        I will be honest and say, at times I still wonder why God chose me. Why it had to happen to me. I still get stares, and glares from strangers, but there are also people whom I have known for months who sometimes say that haven't even noticed. I find that hard to believe but they insist that it is true. I don't hide my hands anymore like I used to. They are who I am. My daughter sometimes says that I am lucky, because I only have five fingernails to paint, not ten, and that I can go about doing things even if my nails are wet. That is one advantage I have. I don't really have any limitations due to my burns other than picking up small things with my right hand, like coins, pins, things like that. I type, play the piano, draw, write, just like anyone else. My index finger is fused straight, so when I make a fist it sticks out but the Doctor's angled it so that it is useful. They contemplated about amputation for awhile, I am glad that they chose not to. My thumb is also fused, and one joint in my pinky finger.

        I still have a large scar on my right jaw line, and my nose has deep pitted scarring, that I can pretty easily conceal with makeup. I was extremly fortunate with the scarring on my face. My legs are very smooth, I think that is the result of wearing my Jobst leggings for over a year. They were a hassle, uncomfortable, hot, but the results of what they can do far outweighed the problems I had with them for that year.

        I do go in the sun still, despite what I was told in the past. The tan seems to conceal the scars, and who wouldn't like that?

       I have some advice for others who have been burned. First of all never give up. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and things do get better and improve with time. The scars do fade, the pain does go away, and the horrifying nightmares you have about how you were burned will diminish. It is true that time heals all wounds.

        Secondly, never be ashamed. Do not let anyone make you feel ugly, or different, or strange. You are none of the above. I think that most of the time the reason people gawk, stare, and snicker, is because they are curious, and are afraid to ask. I now just stick my hands right in their face, so to speak and tell them myself, I was burned in an automobile accident. That either shuts them right up, due to embarrassment of their stares, or most of the time, they are generally interested and ask more questions.

        Thirdly, remember that you are a very special and unique individual. No to people in this world are the same, and this society emphasizes to much on physical beauty, and not enought about inner beauty. Find a message that you would like to portray, and use your scars as your business card. People will never forget them, or your message if you use them right. Mine is teaching dangers of fire to children.

        My story is just one of millions. Every year 2 Million people are burned, 300,000 of them seriously, and 6,000 people die as a result of burns injuries. Never feel like you are the only one. You are not alone. And remember there are only two kinds of people who have been burned. There are Burn Victims, and Burn Survivors....I chose to be a SURVIVOR!!

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