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Chapter 1

It was a hot sunny day in day in Florida. Priscilla McMichaels arrived at her new place of residence as the moving truck pulled up into the drive way. She parked her midnight blue 1998 camaro on the curb and greeted the movers as they started unloading box after box. She opened the front door and gave the movers a slight tour and designated where she wanted everything placed. She then went back to her car and got her suitcases and other personal belongings from the trunk. Taking them upstair and opening the door to her bedroom which she had decorated prior to moving in. The was adorned in off white walls and thick emerald green carpet, a large walk in closet and a set of double doors that lead out onto the balcony. She put her stuff away and changed into a pair a black Nike parachute pants, a form fitting black shirt and a black and white Nike jacket with matching sneakers. Just as she was making her way downstairs, her cell phone started ringing. She pulled it out of her pocket and punched the send button.

Priscilla- "Hello...Oh, hey Celest...Yeah, I just got here...No, the other girls aren't here yet...Cool, your on your way...Ok, you call Katrina and I'll call Madaline. Tell them to hurry up and get over here so we can get settled...Yeah, we have vocals at 6p.m. and choreography at 9p.m....Ok...Ok, later." She hung up and went back outside.

Priscilla- "Oh, please be careful with that stuff." She said as one of the movers set down two amplifiers.

Mover#1- "Where would you like these?"

Priscilla- "There's a side door in the living room that leads to the studio room. The amps, the mic's, the mic stands, the stereo system, the speakers and those two white leather couches all go in there. Just put them down anywhere and I'll unpack it later." They nodded and stared moving the equipment inside. Just as Priscilla was about to go back inside, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw a young girl, no more then 10years old, standing with a women who she assumed was her mother.

Little girl- "Are you Priscilla McMichaels?" She smiled at her and got down on one knee to be at eye level with her.

Priscilla- "Yes, I am."

Little Girl- "Cool, your from the music group Cloud NiNe right?" Priscilla couldn't help but giggle a little at her shyness.

Priscilla- "That's right."

Little Girl- "Could you sign my cd for me?" She handed Priscilla a copy of the groups first single ‘Baby, Whenever You Draw Near' and a pen.

Priscilla- "Sure I can." She quickly put her signature on the cover and gave it back to her young friend.
Mother- "Well, we just wanted to welcome you to Apollo Beach Tampa and tell you that we're both really big fans of yours."

Priscilla- "Well thank you. I appreciate it and so do the rest of the girls."

Little Girl- "Are the other girls here too?"

Priscilla- "No sweetie, not at the moment. But I'll tell you what, why don't you come by again around 3 o'clock and you can get the rest of the group to sign your cd."

Little Girl- "Cool! Mom, can I?"

Mother- "I don't see why not. Ok, we'll come back around 3 then."

Priscilla- "Ok, sounds good."

Little Girl- "Bye Priscilla."

Priscilla- "Bye." She waved as they walked away.

Around 12 noon, Celest showed up, and then half an hour later Katrina and Madaline got there too. They all worked together in helping to get their things up to there rooms as Priscilla filled them in about their young fan. They all got excited about meeting her later that day.

Katrina- "Hey Cilla, did they move the studio equipment in yet?"

Priscilla- "Yeah, it should be all in there by now."

Celest- "We should un-pack that stuff first and get it set up. Then we could get some practice in before we go to vocals tonight." The four of them agreed that that was the best course of action and went downstairs. Celest and Madaline set up the stereo system, while Katrina and Priscilla hooked up the mic's, amps, and speakers. They finished everything around 2:45 and realized that they only had fifteen minutes before there little guest arrived. So instead, they each grabbed some bottled water and went back out front. They watched the movers as they unloader the last few pieces of furniture and at exactly 3 o'clock the little girl showed up with her mother.

Priscilla- "So, you know who is who right?"

Little Girl- "Yes."

Mother- "Well, I don't. Tell me honey."

Little Girl- "Ok, the one with the long blond hair and blue eyes is Katrina. The one with the red wavy hair and hazel eyes is Madaline. The one with the short brown hair, blonde highlight with brown eyes is Celest. And Priscilla is the one we met earlier with the long curly brown hair and green eyes." They all applauded at the end of her speech.

Madaline- "Sounds like you know us pretty well."

Celest- "Well, this isn't fair. You know our names but we don't know your's."

Little Girl- "Mine's Karie, and this is my mom Susan." They all shook hands with the two of them and the rest of the group signed Karie's cd and gave her hugs. After about 20 minutes, they thanked the girls and left.

Celest- "Well, it's only 3:30, why don't we get some thing to eat. I'm starving."

Priscilla- "Your always starving. Don't you think of anything besides your stomach?"

Celest- "Yes."

Priscilla- "Like what?"

Celest- "Like what would be the best way to kill you." They all started laughing. Steak and Shake was the place agreed on for lunch. The four of them piled into Madaline's jeep Cherokee. Just before she got in Priscilla had the strangest thought that someone was watching them. And sure enough when she turned around there was a guy across the street staring in their direction. He was very tall and dressed from head to ankle in Tommy Hilfigure, along with a backwards hat. Priscilla thought to herself how cute he was, even though she couldn't really see him that well. At the same time she also thought about how familiar he looked, almost as if she had seen him some place before. He shot her a beautiful smile and waved. Priscilla waved and smiled back before getting the car.

Katrina- "Cilla, who was that?"

Priscilla- "I don't know. He looked kinda familiar, but I was so too far away and couldn't see his face really well." Her mind wandered with thought. She knew that face and that smile. But form where, she couldn't remember.