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Chapter 2

By the time the girls got back from lunch it was already 4:30. They just barely had time to rush inside, grab their duffle bags, fill them with towels, bottled water, and a change of clothes. Then it was back to the car and they began the hour and a half drive to Transcon Studios. Their vocal coach was there to meet them and lecture them for being late. That day he pushed them really hard on harmony and correct pitches. Afterwards they walked 2 buildings over to the main studio where their choreographer, Mike was waiting on them. They spent 45 minutes of their time just stretching out to the music of Take 5.

Mike- “Ok, girls, we need to talk for a few minutes before we start practice.” Nodding their heads they all seated themselves in front of him.

Mike- “Now, I don’t know if I’m supposed to say anything, but Johnny and Donna Wright paid me a visit today. They were at your show at the House of Blues last week and they heard your demo tape too. Today, they signed on as your new managers.”

Madaline- “Well, that’s great news Mike, but don’t they already manage a group.”

Celest- “Yeah, aren’t they the ones who manage the Backstreet Boys?”

Mike- “Yes, they do. But that’s not all, there’s more. You guys are going to be the opening act for whatever group the wrights choose. They’re gonna make a decision today and get back to you at the house tomorrow. One of them will stay with the Backstreet Boys and the other will go with you. Chances are it will be Donna.”

Priscilla- “So, when do we get to meet them?”

Mike- “Tomorrow, they’ll call and tell you which group you’ll be touring with and then they’ll set up a meeting with you and the other group to go over details.”

Katrina- “Wait a minute! Did you just say we’re going on tour?”

Priscilla- “When?”

Mike- “I’m not sure. All the other groups are going or already are in Europe. The Wright’s will fill you in on all the details tomorrow.”

Madaline- “Whoa, first we have a number 1 single, and now we’re an opening act and going on tour. This is way cool!” They all started talking a mile a minute and all at the same time, until Mike silenced them.

Mike- “Ok, lets get started. If you guys are going on tour, your set has to be perfect.”
The girls worked their butts off until about 1a.m.. Their dance break consisted of a mix of songs like Sex You Up, When The Lights Go Out, and Are You That Somebody. Then introductions for each girl were done and then the two songs. A remake of the song “Sailing” and a song written by the girls themselves called “Baby, Whenever You Draw Near.” Then there was a closing dance break, which ended their set. They didn’t arrive back at the house until about 3 in the morning. Katrinal, Celest, and Madaline all went to bed immediately. Priscilla however decided to take a walk down by the lake, and unwind a little. She got there and found a wooden pier with a boat tied up to it. Feeling quiouse and a little bit intrusive, she examined the boat which was very nice. Smooth sides and painted a white with green striping.
“Do you like boats?” A voice from behind her asked. Startled, she whipped around. Standing there was the guy that she had seen earlier that day as they were going to lunch. The trouble was that it was so dark outside she still couldn’t completely make out his face. The only thing she could really make out were his eyes. The only light that was on was a lamp at the end of the pier and the brightness that was there made his eyes shine like two blue safires. There’re brilliant color seemed to shame the moonlight and they’re sparkle made the evening stars look pale.

Priscilla- “I’m sorry if I was intruding. Is this your boat?”

“Yes, but there’s no need for apologies, you weren’t hurting anything.”

Priscilla- “You have a really nice vessel here.”

“Thanks, she’s my pride and joy.” I walked along the side of the boat, running my hand over the surface.

“So, your new here. What do you think of the neighborhood?”

Priscilla- “It’s nice I guess. I’ve only been here for a day so I haven’t seen much of it yet.”

“Well, on the other side of the lake there’s a small park. And you can drive a boat right into the keys from here. That’s a great spot to go scuba diving.”

Priscilla- “What’s your name?”

“Oh, pardon my rudeness. I’m Nick, I live across the street from you.”He held out his hand for her’s.

Priscilla- “Nice to meet you Nick, I’m-.” He cut her off as she gave him her hand.

Nick- “Priscilla McMichaels. I know who you are. I really like your groups single.”

Priscilla- “Thanks..Well, now your gonna have to pardon my rudeness. Have you and I ever met before? You seem so familiar to me.”

Nick- “I don’t think so. I defiantly would of remembered a face as beautiful as yours.” Priscilla was both surprised and great full for the compliment. She felt her face turn red with a little embarrassment.

Priscilla- “I’ll bet you say that to all the girls.”

Nick- “Oh I do, but this time I mean it.” He face turned an even deeper shade of red and she felt her skin heat up under his gaze. It was then that she just happened to glance at her watch.

Priscilla- “I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have to go and get some sleep. I have a meeting with two new managers tomorrow and practice tomorrow night.”

Nick- “Ok. Do you want to get together sometime and hang out if you have some free time?”

Priscilla- “Sure. Why don’t you come over sometime tomorrow in the early afternoon. You can also meet the rest of the group.”

Nick- “Ok, then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Priscilla- “Ok, bye.”

Nick- “Later.” She smiled at him and then started back to the house. She couldn’t seem to wipe the image of him out of her mind. Whoever he was, he was by far the most gorgeous guy she had ever laid eyes on.