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Chapter 3

The next morning, the sound of ringing alarm clocks at 11a.m. could be heard throughout the entire household. The girls got up, showered and dressed. Meeting downstairs for breakfast they eagerly awaited the phone call from Johnny and Donna.

Katrina- “So, when are they supposed to call? I can’t wait much longer.”

Madaline- “Mike didn’t give us a time. He doesn’t even know if we’re supposed to know anything.”

Katrina- “Oh yeah.”

Celest- “And speaking of time, Cilla you didn’t come home last night until after Where were you?” Priscilla smiled shyly as the memory of last night and her mysterious stranger flooded back into her mind.

Priscilla- “I went down to the lake. Do you guys remember that guy I waved at yesterday as we were getting in the car to go to lunch.” They all nodded their heads in a ‘yes’ motion.

Priscilla- “He was at the lake last night and we started talking.” Big broad smiles appeared on all the girls faces, as they urged her to go on.

Celest- “Did he know who you are?”

Priscilla- “Yeah, but he didn’t seem to care much.”

Katrina- “Is he cute?”

Priscilla- “Well, it was pretty dark, but from what I could make out, he isn’t cute. He’s gorgeous.” All the girls laughed in unison.

Priscilla- “He’s gonna come over sometime this afternoon.” Just then the telephone rang, making all the girls jump out of their seats in excitement.

Priscilla- “I’ll get it.” She ran over to the counter and picked up the reciever.

Priscilla- “Hello....Yes, this she....Ok.....Ok then, around 2. Do you know how to get here?....Yeah, but can you tell me who they are first....Oh really!! Great!....Alright, bye.” She hung up the phone and turned back to her friends that were crowding around her.

Madaline- “Well?”

Priscilla- “That was Donna Wright.”

Katrina- “And?”

Priscilla- “She and Johnny are coming over around 2 o’clock with the group we’re opening for. We’ll discuss the details for the tour then.”

Celest- “So, give already. Who do we get to open for?”

Priscilla- “That’s the best part. We get to open for the group they already manage, the Backstreet Boys.” There was a loud ‘Oh My God’ said and then squealing with delight at this most unexpected but wonderful news. Celest had always been in lust with Brian, Katrina had it bad for AJ and Madaline’s eyes lit up every time you mention the name Kevin.

Katrina- “You know Cilla I never asked you who your favorite was.”

Priscilla- “I don’t have a favorite. I’m more interested in that guy I was with last night. I can’t wait for him to come over today.”

Celest- “Cilla, we have a meeting.”

Priscilla- “I know, he should be over before it starts. If I have to ask him to wait until later I will.”

Celest- “You really like him don’t you?”

Priscilla- “I don’t know, I’ve only met him once but-. I don’t know, I still get the feeling like I’ve seen him some place before.”

Celest- “Well, maybe you’ll figure it out after you get a good look at him.”

Priscilla- “I sure hope so.”

Disappointment rose over her when he didn’t show up, but she figured it was for the best since Johnny, Donna and the Backstreet Boys would be there any minute. At exactly 2:15 the door bell rang. Celest jumped up from the living room couch and ran to open it. She lead Johnny, Donna, AJ, Howie, Kevin and Brian into the living room, were they greeted the rest of the girls. Introductions were made and hands were shaken before sitting down and get getting started.

Madaline- “Aren’t we missing one of you?”

Donna- “Yes, the blonde trouble maker should be along any moment.” At her words the door bell rang for the second time.

Johnny- “That would be him, I’ll get it.” He went to the door as the rest of us chatted amongst for a few moments.

Brian- “You guys have a nice house. How do you like it so far.”

Celest- “We love it, don’t we guys?” They all shook their heads as Johnny re-entered the room.

Johnny- “Well, look who decided to finally grace us with his presence.” Everyone turned around.

Nick- :I’m not gracing you. I was supposed to be over here earlier to hang out, but I got side tracked.” Priscilla’s mouth dropped open as she heard his words. But she wasn’t totally convinced until she saw the familiar eyes that she had looked at just last night.

Johnny- “Celest, Madaline, Katrina, Priscilla, this is Nick Carter. Nick this your guys new opening act Cloud NiNe. Nick exchanged hello’s and handshakes with everyone. Except Priscilla who was still in a state of slight shock. It was him, he mystery man form the pier. He was dressed in baggy khaki pants, and a long sleeved white shirt with his ear length blonde hair hanging so perfectly around his face. He finally took the initiative and walked over to where Priscilla was standing. Just as last night, he held out his hand for her’s.

Nick- “Hi, I’m-.”

Priscilla- “I know who you are.” They shook hands. As their star at each other grew more intence, Priscilla snapped out of it, suddenly realizing that every eye in the room was on them.

Priscilla- “Ok, well why don’t you sit and we can get started.” Nick smiled and sat down right next to her.

Donna- “Ok, this is what we know so far. The tour is scheduled to start in 2 weeks. We’ll leave for Frankfurt, Germany two weeks from today (Wednesday) and you have your first concert that Friday night. Here’s a copy of the itinerary for the entire tour of Europe.” She handed each person in the room a copy.

Johnny- “Now, I need you girls to listen up closely for a minute.” The girls gave their undivided attention to him.

Johnny- “The boys have already toured Europe and they know what it’s like. The fans over there are a lot more persistent then they are hear in the U.S. And I know you have already been made aware of your popularity status over there. So, to be on the safe side, like the boys, we’ve hired bodyguards for you when your out in the public eye.” Even thought they nodded their heads in agreement, they were a little uncomfortable with the idea of having strangers watching their every move. But they didn’t argue about it.

The conversation went on for about another hour, then they finally left saying that they would be in constant communication for the next two weeks. Nick and Priscilla were the only one’s left in the house. The other girls had gone out front to see everyone else off.

Priscilla- “So, you knew all along.” He smiled at her.

Nick- “Yeah, I knew.”

Priscilla- “So, why didn’t you tell me who you really were?”

Nick- “I don’t know. I guess I just liked the idea of talking to someone who didn’t know I was famous. It’s hard to know who to trust and who really likes you for who you are.”

Priscilla- “I know how that feels.” Nick then stood up.

Nick- “I guess I’d better get going. We have a rehearsal tonight and early morning tomorrow.”

Priscilla- “Ok, I’ll walk you out.” She stood up and walked with him out the front door. They spotted the rest of their friends at the end of the driveway seeing each other off.

Priscilla- “Looks like everyone is getting along really well.”

Nick- “I know, I noticed B-Rok staring at Celest pretty hard all through the meeting.”

Priscilla- “Really? Whoa, she’ll be happy to hear that.”

Nick- “So, anyway, I wondering. I mean if your not too busy, would you maybe like to have dinner with me tomorrow night.”

Priscilla- “Well, I have vocals tomorrow until 6p.m. So, if dinner around 9 would be ok, I’d love to.”

Nick- “That would be great. So, I’ll pick you up here around 9 tomorrow night. And dress semi formal.”

Priscilla- “Ok, then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Nick- “Tomorrow. Later.”

Priscilla- “Bye.” He flashed her a beautiful smile that made her knee’s get weak. He ran across the street to his house as the girls said their last goodbyes and came back inside.

Celest- “Oh my god. Cilla, guess what?”

Priscilla- “You and Brian are getting married.” They all laughed.

Celest- “No, but he did ask for my phone number.”

Priscilla- “You go girl!”

Madaline- “God, and Kevin is so sweet. He and I have a lot in common.”

Katrina- “Same with me and AJ. I can’t wait to start touring with them.”

Madaline- “Me too.” They all re-settled themselves in the living room.

Celest- “Ok Cilla, your turn. What did you and Nick talk about?”

Katrina- “Yeah, I can’t believe he’s the same guy you talked to last night. That whole time you were talking to Nick Carter and you didn’t even know it.”
Priscilla- “Well, we didn’t say much. But he did ask me to go to dinner with him tomorrow night.”

Madaline- “Oh my god, what did you say?”

Priscilla- “I said yes.” She whispered under her breath.

Madaline- “You don’t look too happy about it.” Madaline regretted saying that after she saw the look on Priscilla’s face.

Madaline- “I’m sorry Cilla, I forgot.”

Priscilla- “It’s ok. I have to admit that I am a little nervous.”

Celest- “Still thinking about Jeremy?”

Priscilla- “Yeah, sometimes. I just hope that this thing with Nick turns out better.”

Celest- “Well, do you like him?”

Priscilla- “I don’t know him that well, but so far I do.”

Madaline- “Well, looks like you finally found a favorite Backstreet Boy.”

Priscilla- “Yeah, I guess I have.”