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Before The Night Is Over

~Hey, baby, the door is open, slide on in,
this feels too good to be true,
I'll tell ya what I wanna do...

Before the night is over,
We're gonna get what we desire,
Remember what I told ya,
This could set our hearts on fire...

I don't wanna tell a lie,
This is something we can't hide...~

("Before the Night is Over", Bryan Adams)


I decided that it was high time that I had a vacation. Of sorts. I checked into what my schedule looked like, what needed to be done and where exactly the Boys were going to be. I was able to decide on two weeks over in Europe; going through Sweden, Germany, France and Spain. On Wednesday afternoon, I was ready to call Nick with the good news.

"No, no…the right button. You gotta run, then jump or you won’t…wait…yeah hello?" Nick said.

"Gee, it’s so good to talk to you too. Glad to see your obsession is still as healthy as ever. What are you all playing over there?" I asked.

"Oh hey Alex. Me and Rok were just playing some vintage Mario…I’m giving him a refresher course, or whatever it’s called. What are you up to in the good ole US of A?"

"You two are such video game freaks. What am I going to do with you? Nothing much is happening over here; same old, same old. Just thought I would give you a call about when you should be expecting to see me."

"No Rok…the other way. Remember that secret tunnel; you know, with all the coins? Hey, that’s great Alex. I’m happy to hear that you are doing good. Can I call you back in a…wait…did you just say that I should be expecting you? KICK ASS! So you are coming? For how long? When do you get here? What do you want to do while you’re here? Should I get you a room already?"

"Hold up, Nick. It took you long enough to figure out what I said. Let’s see if I can answer all of your questions in the order I got them. Umm, yes I am coming. I will be there for about two weeks. I get there on Friday of this week. I have no clue what I want to do because I’ve never been there before. And, no you shouldn’t get me a room. It’s already been taken care of. I’ve been talking to Denise to get all of this set up."

"Hey Rok, did you hear me? Alex is coming on the road with us for TWO WEEKS," Nick screamed.

I could hear Brian in the background telling Nick to shut the hell up. Of course, he was trying to concentrate. Obviously, Alex is not all that important when it comes to comparing to Nintendo. Excuse me.

"So Nicky, are you going to meet me at the airport? I get in at 2:35 on Friday afternoon."

"Umm, let me think. At one o’clock we are working out, at 1:45 we head to soundcheck. At three o’clock, we head back to the hotel to relax. So that would mean at 2:35 we would be in soundcheck. So, no, I can’t make it to pick you up. I’ll send Mike to meet you. He’ll take care of everything."

"Alrighty then, but remember that I can’t spend all my time with you guys. I have a lot of business to work on; this is partially a business trip."

"Ahhh, but the other part is pleasure, right?"

Those eyebrows of his were getting a workout with that statement, I knew it. I’m sure Brian thought he was nuts, which of course he is. All of the sudden, I could hear a muffled sound from his end of the line.


"Yeah Nick?"

"You wanna help me embarrass Rok for a minute?"

"Uh oh, what are you planning on doing?"

"Well, he gets really red when we start talking about sex around him. Not like him and Leighanne don’t do it, I’ve heard more than I’ve ever needed too. But if any of us bring up the topic of phone sex, he gets all flustered and can’t talk normal. I think it’s because that’s how he gets any if LA isn’t with us. So, I was wondering what he would do if he thought me and you were going at it. Are you up for it?"

"More like are YOU up for it?" I giggled.

"Haha, you’re so funny. Making fun of something I can’t help all the time."

"Yeah just like up on stage, Mr. Permanent Hard-On."

"Oh, and how would you know about that. And why are you looking?"

"Nicky, I’ve seen the pics of the shows over there. You’re looking a tad bit excited sometimes. Wait, all of the time. And, for your information, I’m not LOOKING for it. It just happens to be quite noticeable."

"Yeah whatever. You know you want some of what Nicky’s got."

"Umm, Nick, I hate to burst that lovable ego bubble that surrounds you; but unfortunately not every female falls under the spell that is "Nick." I happen to be one of those lucky females; there IS a god. Therefore, I do not want some of what Nicky’s got." Yeah right Alex, you know you do. All he has to do is speak, and you are willing to do anything he asks. Maybe it’s time to see where this will lead too.

"Stop lyin’, you know that you are crying for a little Kid Nicky action. Why don’t we just take care of that problem? Too bad I’m not there in person, we could have some real fun then."

"Well Nicky, what do you have planned? Care to share with me, since I’m being dragged into making Brian turn the color of a tomato?"

"Okay, here’s the plan. You’ll know when I start. Because we don’t, ya know, talk like that. Ever. I’m gonna get Bone in here too, I’ve got to have a witness for this one. Rok is going to be so red and bursting at the seams to say something to me. Hold on."

Well then, I guess I’m holding. In a way, I feel so sorry for Brian being the scapegoat in this one. But then again, someone is looking out for me, because this is going to be fun.

"Alex? Bone just walked in. That’s why I’m talking so low. I think Rok has been sucked into the game long enough; it’s time to bring him out of it," Nick giggled.

Oh that giggle. Geez, and to think that I was just going to get turned on by what he was saying. Who am I kidding? That voice is enough to send me to smut heaven for the rest of my life.

"What is AJ doing? Is he just going to sit there and listen or what?"

"He’s just gonna sit there. Not do anything. That’s me and you. You know, we’re gonna talk dirty to each other to see what Rok’s reaction is. Well, you won’t. But me and Bone will, and we’ll tell you all about it."

"I’m glad that I don’t have anything else to be doing today, except having phone sex with a good friend of mine. Hmm, I guess I just forgot to pencil that in on my calendar. Shame on me!"

"You don’t have to be so sarcastic about this. If you don’t wanna, you don’t have too. Just tell me yes or no."

"Yes I’ll do it. Only because it’s you." Definitely because it’s you. Now if I can get this to actually mean something…

"Whatever. Hold on again. We’re gonna try to get his attention to see if he’s even in our world anymore."

I honestly can’t believe that I’m about to have fake phone sex with Nick Carter. Talk about a dream come true, and I have dreamed about this. Not that anyone over in Europe has any clue, but that’s beside the point. If this turns out the way that I hope it does, I’ll be doing more than being a buddy of his. More like a bed buddy. Ohhhh, what a thought.

"Alex? You still there?"

"Yes. Are we going to get on with this? Because I’m getting out of the mood…" Like that would ever happen around you or Kid Nicky.

There must be something wrong with me. Because I used to think doing anything remotely sexual with Nick would be hazardous to my health. Now here I am, wanting him to actually do the stuff we are going to be talking about. Strange how things change so quickly.

"I’m moving over to sit on the bed, right behind Rok. He’s not paying any attention, baby, so we can just have our fun and not worry about him. Now tell me Babygirl, what are you wearing right now?"

Ohhhhh, he called me Babygirl. My one true weakness of men. I will survive through this. Though I may have multiple orgasms by the time we’re through, I’ll still be alive to remember it.

"Well Nicky, right now I’m wearing a pair of flannel boxers. Actually I think that they are yours. You left them here the day after you got so drunk that you couldn’t walk. Your twenty-first birthday party. So I stole them."

"And what about your top? Or are you being my naughty girl and not wearing one?"

"Oh Nicky, you know I want to be your naughty girl. But I’m just wearing a tank top along with the boxers."

"Damn Babygirl. Why don’t you just take that top off, so I can imagine exactly what you look like right now."

You know, I’m thinking I might just get into this little game. Actually do what he tells me to do, and see what his reaction is.

"Hold on Nicky. I’m gonna put the phone down so that I can get it off. I wanna be comfortable. Is that okay?"

"Babygirl, that’s more than okay. You just make yourself as comfy as you want too. I wish I could get comfy here too, but I have an audience."

As I put down the phone to actually take off my tank top, I could hear him faintly in the receiver. "Damn, she’s actually taking it off. God what a turn on."

"Nicky, are you still there? I’m much more comfy. I decided I had a little too much on."

"What did you take off? Did you take everything off?"

"No, I just left my panties on. But your boxers are right here beside me, so I can still kinda feel you."

"If I was really there, you would definitely be feeling me. And Kid Nicky too. He wants some attention; he’s getting excited. What should I do? I mean Rok’s right there."

"I think you should do whatever you want too. If you want to make Kid Nicky feel better, then you should. It would really turn me on to think that you were making Kid Nicky feel better. Are you going to?"

"Damn Babygirl, I really want too. But I can’t…Bone and Rok are both in here. Why are you teasing me like this?"

"Nicky, stop your whining. And yes you do whine. Though it does sound kinda sexy, I don’t want to hear it right now. Tell me what you want to do to make Kid Nicky feel better."

"Baby, I can’t go into that right here, in front of the guys. You’re trying to embarrass me, and it’s working."

"Nicky if you want this to sound real, you’re gonna have to do something too. Brian isn’t going to care that you are listening to some girl tell you how she’s getting off. What’s going to get his attention is that you are trying to get off right there in front of him. If he’s even listening. Even Leighanne can’t bring him out of Nintendo-land without being practically naked in front of him with a bowl of mac and cheese. Now that’s just pathetic. So are you going to participate or am I going to be forced to take care of my now "problem" all by myself, if you catch my drift."

"You have a problem, Babygirl? Well then, let Nicky make you feel all better, just like he would if he were right there with you."

I guess he decided to change his mind. Fine by me. That meant that he might actually take care of my "problem" and not really even realize it.

"What would you do Nicky? To make me feel all better…"

"First I would start off by gently kissing all around your face. Just little kisses, just to show you that I’m in to you."

"Then what would you do, Nicky?"

"Then I would start kissing down your neck and behind your ears, because I know that’s where one of your weak spots is. I can hear you moan when I hit that spot."

I moaned for the effect, because he was definitely effecting me.

"Damn Babygirl, I can see your face when you moan. Your head tilted back, with your eyes closed. And while I’m kissing you, you are rubbing your hands up and down my back just like I like it. You don’t have any fingernails and I like that. No scratch marks anywhere."

"Then what would you do Nicky? I’m getting antsy."

"Then I would start rubbing your entire body. I’d start off at your breasts, massaging them until you can’t take anymore. Then I would take your nipples in my mouth and…"

"And what Nicky? What would you do then?" I was practically was begging him to go on. His voice, oh my god. It didn’t sound like him, his voice started getting deeper and deeper the farther down my body he worked. His breathing was even starting to get a little ragged, which is nothing compared to what mine sounded like. I sounded like I was having an asthma attack, and he wasn’t even on the same continent as me. Damn, he’s got power over me.

"I would suck on them like I was a little baby. Like our little baby will do. And then I look up into your face, and your eyes are still closed. I tell you to open them; I want to see your eyes when I’m making you like this. You open them; I can see the different colors coming out in them. Your eyes always turn more brown whenever you are getting off. Now I’m moving down your body…"

"What are you going to do to me now, Nicky? Are you going to make me yours?"

"Damn Babygirl, you’re already mine. I’m just treating you like it. Now I’m kissing your tummy. You’ve got the cutest tummy I’ve ever seen. It’s flat, but it’s not hard. I know you’ve been working on it, so I can feel the start of a six-pack on you. Your belly-button is so cute, I stick my tongue in it, and you squeal. That’s the only thing that makes you squeal, and I’m the only one who can make you do it."

"Nicky, you are turning me on so much. God, I wish I were over there with you right now. I want to see your face right now, as you are talking to me."

"Alex, this isn’t about making Rok embarrassed, is it? I mean, we are really doing this, just for us. Right?"

"Oh yeah Nicky. It stopped being about Brian way before we even started. Though I do want to know his reaction when he figures out what you’ve been doing. Enough about him, let’s get back to us. Are you comfortable?"

"No I’m not comfortable. Bone is sitting across from me with a smirk on his face. Rok is in front of the TV, I wish I could just pull Kid Nicky out right now. He’s all excited and I can’t help him."

"Nicky, go back to your room and lock the door. I’ll help you with Kid Nicky. I think I have just the remedy for him. But I really need your help with me right now. Can you help me?"

"Babygirl, I’m in my room now. I can help you all you need. Where was I?"

"My belly-button."

"Oh yeah, your sexy belly-button. Now I’m moving down your tummy. You’ve still got your panties on. Damn Babygirl, you’re so wet for me. Let me take those off for you, and I’ll clean you up real good."

By this time, I was about flooding my panties. They were off. I had my fingers darting in and out of my folds, moving with the rhythm of his words. If he sped up, so did my fingers. If he was talking slowly, my fingers just barely touched anything.

"My panties are off, Nicky. What are you going to do about cleaning me up?"

"Well Babygirl, let me just get more comfy over here, and I’ll tell you what I’m going to do."

"Anytime you’re ready, Nicky."

"First I would make sure you were comfy on the bed. That’s where we are, we’ll do other places some other time."

"I’m comfy."

"Good, then I’d get in between your legs. You’re on your back already, looking up at me with those green-brown eyes, and you have a smirk on your face. My smirk. Your arms are by your sides, and your hair is all fanned out on the pillow. I peel your legs apart gently; I don’t wanna hurt my Babygirl. I look you up and down, licking my lips for what I’ve tasted and what I’m about to taste. You know where I’m headed with this, don’t you, Babygirl?"

"Oh yeah Nicky, I know where you’re headed. You’re headed south on me, aren’t you? That’s where I really want you to be…"

"Yeah Babygirl, I’m headed south. Your legs are now apart, on either side of me, bent and propped up. I rub your thighs; they are so smooth and soft. I look at you, all of you; you are so natural looking. You’re not fake like some others I’ve been with; your tummy’s cute, your thighs are so soft and warm, and your legs are so sexy. But it’s just you, not some image that you’ve made for the guys you sleep with. As I rub your thighs, I move closer and closer to your pussy. You’re getting antsy again; you want my hands and tongue right there. But I have to make you wait and want."

"Nicky, I’ve waited long enough for this. You know I want this, please, just do it."

"Where are your hands right now, Babygirl?"

"My hands are touching me. I’m moving them with the rhythm of your voice. Nicky, please continue."

"My baby needs her release. Let me talk you through it then. I’ve reached the tops of your thighs. I was sitting up, now I’m laying down with my head right there at your pussy. I blow gently on your lips; you start moaning like crazy. You keep telling me "don’t stop" so I keep going. Next, I oh-so-gently pull your lips apart, and start to massage your clit. Your inside folds are so wet and warm; I just want to leave my fingers there forever. You feel so good, Babygirl, I want to taste you."

"Oh Nicky, god, this feels so good. I wish you were here with me right now, I want to be doing this with you. I know you would do everything that you’ve said, and I wanna experience it. God Nicky, please go on."

"Now that I have your lips apart, your clit is sticking out and it’s throbbing. Is that for me?"

"Yes Nicky, it’s all for you. Please go on."

"Babygirl’s begging now, I really like that. I lean my head closer; I can smell your distinct smell. It’s your own sex smell. God, you feel, look and smell good. Do you taste as good? Let me find out…"

"Please Nicky…"

"As I lean my head in closer, I pull your lips farther apart so that I can get in good with your clit. I barely touch you with my tongue, and you jump. You scream out my name, and shudder. I’ve barely touched you and this is your reaction. I want to see what you do when I tongue-fuck you. So I decide to try it. After I’m done with your clit, of course. I work my tongue all around, you are wiggling so much on the bed, I have to hold your hips down. I use my finger to find your hole; gently I glide it in you. You stop suddenly, and sigh. I get my tongue in there too, and you go crazy. You’re screaming my name…do you realize how sexy it sounds when you call out Nicky?"

"Oh god, Nicky, please don’t stop."

"As I work my tongue and finger in and out of you, your hips are moving to the exact motion that I’m using. Then I try a second finger, then a third. Now you have three of my fingers and my tongue inside you. You are moaning my name now, almost to the breaking point. As I move my fingers and tongue faster and faster, your hips buck and you start screaming my name louder and louder. I can see your clit throbbing, you’re almost there."

"Nicky, please…Oh My God…I’m about to cum."

"As I’m working my tongue inside you, I say "Cum for me…cum for Nicky." The vibrations I make are enough to add another sensation to your coming orgasm. I move my fingers even faster, you are so loud. I bet someone else can hear you. Your hips are bucking like crazy, and I can feel your walls tightening up around my fingers and my tongue. As they tighten for the last time, your orgasm hits full force. I keep moving my fingers, my tongue is now lapping up your cum. Babygirl, you taste so good. You just keep cumming, and I keep moving my fingers. You scream out my name for the last time with this orgasm, your walls clenching around my fingers. You are so wet now, and I made you that way…"

"Nicky, oh my god. I’m cumming right now, ohhhhhhh…NICKYYYYYYYY…"

"That’s it Babygirl…cum for Nicky. I’m the one who made you do it, let me know what you feel."

"Nicky, shit…

"Babygirl, are you okay? You are breathing so hard right now; try to catch your breath."

"Nicky, that was the most amazing feeling I’ve ever felt. I’ve never done that before. Only with you, that’s how it’ll always be. Never will I react like that with someone else. Nicky, only you can do those things to me over the phone, across the world."

"Babygirl, I’m so glad to hear that. It makes me feel all manly inside. Now what are you doing?"

"I’m just laying here on my bed, wishing I was in your arms. Nicky, I can’t wait until I get there on Friday. What’s going to happen to us?"

"I don’t know Babygirl. All I know is that Kid Nicky is awfully excited and he needs some help. What do you suggest?"

"Hmmm…now it’s time for me to help out Kid Nicky. What are you doing right now Nicky?"

"Right now, I’m laying here on my bed, staring at the ceiling."

"What are you wearing? I wanna be able to completely imagine what you look like and what you are doing while I’m talking to you."

"Well, I’m wearing Tampa Bay jersey, with a white shirt on underneath it. I have jeans on; they’re kinda baggy, but not too bad. And then my shoes…"

"What about underneath all that Nicky? Do you have boxers on or briefs? Or maybe you’ve got those sexy boxer-briefs on. Remember that conversation?"

"Oh yeah, Babygirl, I remember that conversation. And ever since, that’s all I’ve worn. I’ve got a pair of white boxer-briefs on. God they’re tight right now."

While he’s describing everything, I’m sitting here on my bed absolutely naked. That’s how I want him to be. I wonder how long it’s going to take to help Kid Nicky. Hopefully all night long…

"Nicky, I want you to stand up. Right now."

"Ummm…okay. Now what?"

"Now I want you to take off your jersey and your t-shirt. Nothing left on top."

I could hear him rustling around through the phone, since he threw me on what seems to be the bed. God I wish I were really there right now. He wouldn’t be able to walk straight for a couple of days.

"Okay, nothing on top. Now what do you want me to do?"

"Now I want you to take off your jeans. Leave your boxer-briefs on…but take of your jeans. Along with your shoes and socks."

I could hear the clunk on the floor when he dropped his shoes. And then the sound of change jingling in the pockets of his jeans. Just imagining him doing all this for me was such a turn on. Even though I had just had the most mind-blowing orgasm EVER, I was really for round two. My nipples were extended and I was rubbing them in between my fingers. I was holding back on touching my pussy until we were both getting into it. I thought if I was right there with him when he had his orgasm, that would heighten the experience for me too.

"Okay, now I don’t have anything on except for my boxers. Anything else you want me to do?"

"Oh Nicky, just hearing you say that you only have boxers on is making me so hot. Do you wanna know what I would do to you if I was right there with you?"

"Babygirl, please, don’t tease me like this. Of course I wanna know what you would do to me. Please tell me…"

"Nicky, that whine. Right now it sounds so sexy. I know I told you earlier to not whine, but if you need too, go right ahead. Your voice sounds so hot when you are getting horny."

"Babygirl, I’m way past horny. Kid Nicky is feeling left out. What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to lay down on the bed. Get comfy. I’m getting comfy here too. Make sure you can hear me real good, don’t let the phone fall from your ear."

"Okay, I’m on my bed, on my back. I’m comfy. But why do I have my boxers still on?"

"Because those are part of my fantasy. I like your boxers, even if I haven’t seen them. But we’ll deal with that later. Describe everything about you, right now. Tell me what your hair looks like, your tummy, your legs. I wanna be able to visualize it all."

"Babygirl, you know what I look like."

"But not through your eyes, I don’t. Please Nicky? Do you want me to beg you for it? Will that work?"

"You don’t have to beg. But you know I don’t like to talk about myself like that. I guess I’ll start at the top. My hair is cut right below the tops of my ears. Right now it’s messy, because me, Rok and Bone got into a wrestling match."

"Go on Nicky…"

"Ummm, my face is my face. I don’t know how to describe it. My eyes are closed though; I’m trying to get the picture of you back into my head. The one of you when you are moaning my name."

"Nicky, you are turning me on so much right now. Tell me more."

"My chest is normal. My nipples are kinda out there, it’s cold in here and I’ve been thinking about you. My heart’s racing, just for you. You moaning my name turned me on so much. I don’t think I’ve ever been so horny in my life. My tummy, it’s kinda soft. I’ve been working on it, but nothing I do seems to work. I watch Bone and Train work out, and it looks so easy for them. But I can’t look like they do…"

"Nicky, you are so sexy. I love your tummy; I love everything about you. You don’t need to look like AJ or Kev; you look so edible just like you are. I wish I were there so that I could feel your tummy, and run my tongue all over it. Just because you are so sexy."

"Babygirl, you just made me feel better. I don’t hear that from anyone, everyone keeps telling me that I’m overweight and fat. I try not to hear it, but I can’t help it. But if you say that I’m sexy and edible, than I’ll believe you."

"Tell me more Nicky. Tell me about everything."

"You want me to tell you about Kid Nicky?"

"Tell me all about him. Tell me what he looks like right now."

"Right now, he’s sleeping. I haven’t touched him since you got off. But he’ll wake up in a minute. He’s kinda stirring. All around him are little blonde hairs; I’m a natural blonde. When he’s awake, he’s about 8 inches long, and he’s really thick. He’s really starting to wake up now. What else do you wanna know about?"

"Tell me about your ass, Nicky. Tell me all about it. Tell me about your legs and your feet. I think that’s about all that’s left for you to tell me about."

"My ass? Umm…it’s kinda big. It’s really soft too, just like my tummy. I think it gets a lot of attention, and I don’t know why. I don’t think it’s that big. My legs are long; they’re getting really hairy too. I’ve never had really hairy legs until I turned 19. Now the hair won’t stop growing. And my feet? They are big too, just like everything else. I wear a size 13 shoe; I think it’s true the comparison between a man, his hands and his feet. Is there anything else you want me to tell you about?"

"Oh Nicky, you just talking about yourself turns me on so much. I’m so wet from hearing your voice, and thinking about Kid Nicky and your ass. I promise to squeeze your ass when I first see you. It’s a guarantee. Do you wanna know what I would do to you right now, if I was there?"

"Please Babygirl, tell me now. I told you all about me, now I wanna know. Make me feel so good Babygirl. It’s been so long. I know it’s just my hand; but with you talking to me, telling me what you wanna do to me, it makes it so much better. Please go on…"

"Mmmm…my Nicky is begging me now. Nicky I want you to wake Kid Nicky up. I want him to be wide-awake. Is he yet?"

"Oh yeah, he’s awake. He’s throbbing, because you’re voice sounds so sexy right now. Tell me what you want me to do now."

"Nicky, let me tell you what I would be doing if were there. You do what you want to, but I want you to know exactly what I’m imagining in my head. Now that I have such a good picture of you in my head."

"Okay, I’ll make Kid Nicky feel all good."

"That’s my Nicky. If I were there, you’d be laying on your back like you are right now. Your head tilted back, with your eyes closed. You have that cute little boy smile on your face, the mischievous one. The one that you smile when you know something that no one else does. And you’re gonna know exactly how I make you feel by the time I’m done with you."

"Babygirl, my eyes ARE closed right now. I’m imagining you here with me…on your knees beside me. You’re still naked, your nipples extended and your pussy shining with your cum. I wanna touch you so bad."

"Nicky, touch yourself like I would if I were there. I want to memorize all of your features…the softness of your hair, the strongness of your jaw, the feel of your tummy under my fingers and tongue and the silkiness of your dick in my mouth."

"Ohhhh…Babygirl, I’m so hard already."

"That’s just how I want you, Nicky. Right now, I’m running my fingers through your hair; it’s so soft and fine. I love the feel of your hair next to me. Now I’m kissing your eyelids, they are so precious to me. Your eyes are the most beautiful color of blue; right now they are really clear because of how excited you are. As I kiss each one of your eyelids, the other flutters open to watch every move I make. I run my fingers all over your face; across your strong forehead and down your cheeks. Your chin is so sexy…I run my tongue over every crevice. Those cute dimples are on display for me, as I tickle the underneath of your chin. You giggle; that sweet, lovable giggle. I move over behind your ears, because you are turned on by that as much as I am. You are moaning my name; it’s coming from deep inside of you. Nicky, what are you doing right now?"

As I was describing everything, I could hear a few faint moans coming from his end of the line. Nothing big, but enough to let me know that he was enjoying this like I was. Even while I was talking to him, my fingers never strayed from my breasts. My nipples were puckered and hard, and I wanted desperately to feel him beside me.

"Mmmm, baby, I’m right here. I’m running my fingers over everything that you’ve described. You know about my secret place, right behind my ears. What are you gonna do next?"

"Now I’m moving down. I lick down your neck; I can feel a couple of stray hairs from where you’ve missed shaving. I’m now right below your chin and moving down your chest. First I feel with my fingers and then I taste with my tongue. Now I’m at your nipple…Nicky…you have the sexiest nipples. As I swirl my tongue over the left one, my fingers are pinching at the right one. You’re wiggling around on me; I stop to calm you down. You moan out my name, god how I love to hear you moan my name. Just like you do when I moan yours. Your eyes are still closed, I wonder what you are thinking about?"

"Babygirl, it’s only you. It’s only ever been you. Ever since we met, I’ve never dreamt of anyone the way I dream about you. Even when I’m with someone else, you are the one I’m seeing. I know that sounds wrong, but that’s the only way I can relieve some of my… ummm… frustrations."

"Nicky, it doesn’t bother me that you think of me whenever you are with someone else. In fact, it’s such a turn on. Let me reward you for that…"

And was I ever going to reward him. I couldn’t believe it. He thought of ME when he was with another girl. WOW. Ego boost right there. Now he’s really gonna be happy whenever I’m done with him.

"Please, Babygirl…just keep going. I wanna know what you’re gonna do."

"Well Nicky, now I’m moving on to your other nipple. It’s been feeling neglected, so I have to give it my special attention too. I bite down gently on it; I don’t want to hurt my Nicky. You moan from deep in your throat, god, it sounds so sexy. As I nip and tug at it, I begin to suck on it. You liked sucking on my nipples, I wanna see how much I like it too. You’re writhing beneath my hands; they are now rubbing all over your chest. I can feel the soft blonde hair; it’s so soft. I move my hands to rub down your sides, gently tickling you. You giggle that sweet giggle again; you are completely under my power now. I’m still sitting on my knees beside you, I’m moving down your body so that I can get closer to the object of my attention. Your tummy is so cute; I place little kisses all over it. I look up to see your reaction; you have a small smile playing on your lips. I can tell that you are enjoying it. Nicky, are you enjoying it?"

"Mmmm, Babygirl, I’m really enjoying it. My hands are rubbing my tummy right now. I wish they were your soft hands. Remember when we would go out walking, and we’d hold hands? Your hands were so soft and small inside mine. I can feel the light touches you are touching me with. Please go on…"

"Nicky, I’m moving down your tummy now. I pass by Kid Nicky…"

"Nooooooo…you can’t ignore him. He’s been so good. Please?"

"Nicky, I promise I’ll come back to him. Right now I’m feeling the muscular insides of your thighs; they are so strong. I knead them with my hands, they are shaking. You are getting so excited by how close I am to Kid Nicky, that you are shaking. I must really have a power over you…"

"Babygirl, you have such power over me. You have since the day that I met you. I just didn’t realize how much of a power you have. My hands are still following you. I never noticed how strong my thighs are. I guess some of that working out has paid off."

"Of course it has, Nicky. I keep placing small kisses everywhere. You giggle again when I kiss the backs of your knees. Your legs are now propped up; I run my hands up and down your calves. They are so sexy too. As I get to your feet, you start wiggling again. I look up and you have the cutest grin on your face. You tell me…"

"I have a foot fetish. You know too much about me Babygirl."

"Of course I know all about my Nicky’s fetishes. I softly place kisses on each one of your toes, they are actually cute. I move back up the insides of your calves. I lay your legs back down flat on the bed, and spread them. I move to get in between them. I rub my hands lovingly up the insides of your knees and thighs. Your eyes are wide open, staring at me. They are crystal blue and shining."

"With love for you, of course. No one has made me feel like this, and you haven’t even looked at Kid Nicky yet…"

"Of course I’ve looked at Kid Nicky. He’s so attentive; standing straight up. Nicky, what are you doing now?"

"Right now, my hand is moving closer to Kid Nicky. I just inch it there; I’m trying to stay in time with your voice. What are you going to do now?"

Right now, I’m going to start moving MY hand down towards my pussy. I’ve neglected it and Kid Nicky for long enough. Now it’s time to show Nicky how he made me feel just a bit ago.

"Nicky, I’m running my fingers up your thighs. I gently take your balls in my hand, massaging them softly. You’re moaning like crazy now. I lean down, and place a small kiss on the base of Kid Nicky. Your hips buck wildly, almost forcing him in my mouth. I move my hand up the length, towards the top. The tip is oozing precum; I take my finger and rub all around the slit. You’re eyes are closed again. You’re moaning my name; your hands are clenching at the bedcovers. I lean my head down again, to take the tip in my mouth. You taste salty, yet so sweet. Your hips are moving to the rhythm of my mouth; trying to make me go faster. I place my hands on your hips to slow them down; I want to do this my way. I move my mouth down the length, almost taking Kid Nicky completely in my mouth. As I nibble at the silky skin, you suddenly buck your hips like never before."

"Babygirl…oh my god…my hand is moving up and down my dick so fast. This feels so good; I can’t stop my hand. I’m begging you, please go on."

"Nicky, I move my hands back to Kid Nicky. As I run my hand up and down your length, right below my mouth, I start sucking slowly. I don’t want this to be over with too soon, so I’m starting off slow. Your hips are now thrashing below me; you are trying to get me to go faster. I take the hint, sucking more deeply. Kid Nicky is now completely in my mouth; I rake my teeth gently around himm, and you scream my name. I can’t stop your hips; they are too wild for me. As I move my tongue around the tip, almost completely taking you out of my mouth, your tummy starts to clench. I feel your orgasm coming…"

"Oh shit, Babygirl…Oh my god. I’m cumming…I’m cumming…SHIT…ughhhhhhhhhhh."

While he’s getting off, my fingers are working inside me at a fevered pace. I wanna get there as soon as he does, but I can’t. I can hear his breathing, so labored, and I can feel my orgasm fast approaching. As he starts to calm down, my orgasm hits me at full force. I scream out his name, and fall limply back on my pillows.


"Yeah Babygirl?"

"I can’t believe that we just did that."

"I can’t either. But can you finish up the rest of the story? I wanna know what happens next."

"As you shoot your load in my mouth, I take every bit in that I can. There’s a little bit that manages to escape my mouth, dribbling down the side of Kid Nicky. Your tummy muscles have relaxed, and you are now breathing heavily. I swirl my tongue all around, trying to clean up any cum that I might have missed. I look up into your face, and there’s that small smile playing on your lips again. I move up your body, setting my pussy on your tummy. I lean down to caress your face with my hands, and to softly kiss your lips. You can taste yourself on my tongue, and we battle with each other as to who can taste the most. After a bit, we settle down. We are just randomly placing kisses all over each other’s faces and I lay down on your chest. You’re so strong, and I feel so safe in your arms. My head is pillowed on your chest, and your arms are surrounding me. You stroke my hair, whispering sweet things in my ears. We fall asleep just like that."

"Damn Babygirl. I’ve never felt anything that strong in my life. I wonder how it’s gonna be when we actually get together, not over the phone. You are coming out on Friday, right?"

"I wouldn’t miss it for the world."

"Good, I can’t wait to have you in my arms. We have a lot of catching up to do, don’t we?"

"You know it. Nicky, I have to go now. I’ve got a meeting to be at in about an hour. I’ll call you sometime to let you know the full details."

"Bye Babygirl. I don’t know what I’m gonna tell Bone and Rok, I know they were at the door listening. I’ll make something up. I miss your sexy voice already."

"And I miss yours. I’ll talk to you soon."

"K…love you."

"Love you too, Nicky."