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Chapter 2

"You can't refuse. Now lie down." Kimberly did as she was told and laid flat backed on the floor. He kneeled down between her legs and ran his hands slowly up her limbs. Finally coming to her shorts, he looked over at Calista and nodded his head. Calista sat next to Kimberly as Nick slid her shorts and panties off. Calista bent down and locked lips with her friend, letting her tongue slip over every contour of her mouth. Claista'a hand soon found the hem on Kim's tank top and made it's way under it. The sensation of having one person molding her breast between her fingers and other between her legs licking her most sesative spot was more then she could bare. Getting sick of the upstruction that was keeping her and Calista apart, seh pushed away, long enough to remove her tank top and bra. Calista smiled sown at her and began trailing feather like kisses down her neck and shoulders. Kimberly cried out softy as she felt Nick's tongue enter at the same Claista closed her lips around one hard nipple. Kimberly tangled her fingers in Calista's hair, urging her to continue. Calista ravished the sme sweet attention on her other nipple, loving smell of the perfume radiating off of Kimbery's body. Kim felt her pelease getting closer. She pushed Calista away again and sat up, her breathing ragged.

"Nick, I'm gonna cum." She said, Nick increased his rythem as Calista and Kim engaged in another passionate kiss. Kimberly cried out in pain and pleasure against Calista's lips as she came into Nick's mouth. Nick devoured every portion of her release, before coming up and kissing each one of his girls. Kimberly looked over at Calista, still a little out of breath.

"Your turn, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Both Nick and Kimberly gave her odd looks. Calista just shrugged and looked at Kimberly intently. Kimberly looked back at her and smiled as a thought came to mind. "All right. Callie, sweetie, this is a two-parter. Would you want to watch Nick have sex with someone else and if so, who?"

Callie smiled. She already knew the answer to this one. She looked over to Nick and bit her lower lip. He looked at her, anticipating her answer. She locked eyes with him and got up on her hands and knees. She slowly made her way over to him and sat at his side. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her cheek against his so they were both looking at Kimberly. "Well, of course I'd want to watch him having sex with someone else…" she turned Nick's head so that he was now facing her, his face just inches away. "But I'd want it to be with Brian." She watched as Nick's eyes widened and he swallowed hard.

"I'll be right back" stated Kimberly. She walked out of the room, leaving Nick and Calista there.

"Me and Brian?" Nick asked.

"Oh yeah. God I would love to see you two fucking each other. Ummm, it makes me hot just thinking about it." Nick flipped her on her back, hovering over her. He leaned down and softly kissed her. "Well I guess it's only fair since I got to watch you fuck your best friend."

"Believe me, it's fun."

"I do believe you. How ‘bout you and I play around for a bit until she comes back?" he asked in a sexy voice. He pressed his lips to hers again and moved his tongue in, gently caressing it against his. Calista reached up and wrapped her arms around Nick's neck, drawing her closer to him. He moved his hands down the side of her body, giving her goosebumps. He stopped at the top of her pants and slowly moved his hand underneath them, going down towards her panties. He moved his hand further down, into her panties and inserted a finger in her, circling it around her clit. She moaned against his mouth She pushed back his head from hers and looked him deep in the eyes. "I will get you inside of me one of these days. And I don't mean just your fingers." Nick smiled and kissed her again, this time with an increasing passion. He continued rubbing her clit, inserting another finger in her. He increased his tempo as her moaning became louder and deeper. She removed one of her hands from his head and brought it down underneath his shorts to meet with his hand. She pushed it against her private, wanting him deeper inside. After a minute, her walls contracted around his finger and she released her juices with a scream. Just as Nick brought his hand up, looked deep in her eyes and licked her release off with his tongue, Kimberly walked back into the room, followed by Brian.

"Aw, Callie, you haven't left me for Nick now have you?" she teased as she took a seat on the ground. "Never!" exclaimed Callie as she got up, gave Nick one last kiss and sat down in Kimberly's lap. Brian took a seat next to Nick. The two girls stared at them intently. Kimberly wrapped her arms around Callie, resting them in her lap and licked her lips. "Now it's time for some real fun."

"Brian, did Kimberly explain to you what we're doing?" Nick asked with a qurious stare.

"Yeah, she did. Just do me a favor. The next time you guys decide to play this game, call me sooner. From what Kim told me, I missed alot of fun." They all disolved into a fit of laughter, unitl Callie looked over at the two guys and spoke.

"Ok, you know what's exspected of you. So, have fun."

"And what are you two gonna do?" Nick asked with sly smile playing on his lips.

"Enjoy the show, and maybe each other." She said turning around briefly to look at Kimberly. Brian and Nick both nodded their heads in approval. Brian started by lightly brushing his fingers through Nick's soft blonde hair and placing small kisses on his cheeks. Finally coming to his lips they engaged in a serious match of tongue wrestleing. Brian's hands traveled downward until they found the bulge in Nicks pants. Nick moaned in pleasure as he pulled his shirt off and helped Brian off with his as well. The running of their hands over each other's hard bodies was making the girls very excited. As Brian started to work at the button and zipper on Nicks jeans, Callie, who was still sitting in Kimberly's lap with her back toward her, took Kim's hands off her lap and pushed them down towards the area between her legs. Kimberly got the message immediately and rubbed up and down the outside of Callie's short as she kissed the back of her neck and shoulders. Brian and Nick were now both naked, with Brian on top training kisses down Nick's chest. Just before Brian was able to take his length into his mouth, Nick stopped him and flipped him onto his back. Kimberly and Calista watched as Nick took Brians rock hard cock into his hands and started pumping up and down. At this sight, mixed with the cries of ecstacy coming from Brian, Kimberly slipped her hands in Calista shorts and inserted two fingers into her. Calista leaned back slightly and moaned at this feeling, along with the high she getting watching Nick and Brian.

"Nick man, I'm gonna cum." Brian said as he started to sweat slightly. Nick stopped pumping him long enough to kneel between his legs and take his length into his mouth. Kimberly inserted yet a 3rd finger into Calista making her scream at the sudden gesture. Kimberly leaned close to her ear and whispered,

"I want you to cum with him." She said as she began rubbing Calist'a clit with her thumb. Nick continued his rythm up and down on Brian, until he felt Brian's body shudder as he came in Nick's mouth. At the same time Kimberly pushed her finger's into Calista one more time, seconds later feeling her lease spill on her hands. Nick swallowed every drop of Brian's juices before leaning up and kissing him with a deep urgent passion. Kimberly brought her hand up to Calista's mouth, allowing her to taste herself. Calista ran her tongue over Kimberly's fingers, drinking down her sweet nectar greedily. Kimberly turned Calista's face toward her and kissed her parted lips. They both them looked over at Brian and Nick.

"Ok, Kimberly, it's your turn to ask." Calista said with a devilish smile.

"Ok, Brian. Truth or dare?"

"I'll start with truth."

"All right, let's see…" Kimberly began.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, you guys go ahead and I'll be out in a second" said Calista as she walked out of the room, into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Kimberly watched her and then turned her head back to Brian.

"Tell me about the last erotic dream you had."

Brian's cheeks blushed and he slightly laughed. "Okay. I dreamt that Calista was her and she gave me my own little private strip tease and lap dance."

"Really now?" smirked Kimberly. "Did you like the dream?"

"Very much."

"Hmm. Thanks." Just then, Calista walked back into the room and sat down in between Nick and Kimberly. She put an arm around Nick and looked at them expectantly. Nick put his arm around her and leaned down to whisper something in her ear. When he pulled away, Calista had s satisfied smile on her face and she looked at Kimberly then Brian.

"So Brian, it's your turn."