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Chapter 7

"Fuck girl. After that you can move in for all I care" Calista gasped. Kimberly smiled and kissed her softly. Calista deepened the kiss as she slid into the pool and wrapped her arms around Kimberly's neck. They pulled apart when they heard Brian clearing his throat. He was in front of them, looking at them expectantly.

"May I help you Brian?" asked Kimberly as she wrapped her arms around Callie from the back and looked at him from over her shoulder.

"Probably, but not now. Calista, may I speak to you for a minute?" he asked as he looked at her.

"Sure Brian" Callie replied sweetly.

"No, alone. Please?"

Calista turned her head back to Kimberly. Kimberly nodded her head and kissed her cheek before letting go of her grip around her waist. Callie took Brian's hand and got out of the pool with him and followed him over towards the pool shower. Brian closed the shower door and then turned to look at her.

"Calista I.." he began, but Calista had cut him off.

"Brian wait." She put a finger over his lips to silence him and then leaned in and kissed him. When she pulled away, his eyes were open, a little surprised. Calista turned on the water and pulled her hair out of the knotted bun she had put it in. Her long brownish auburn hair spilled down her back and over her shoulders. She took a step closer to him and put his hands on his chest, caressing them over his abs and down to the top of his boxers.

"I know that you have been waiting a long time for this Brian" she whispered seductively. Brian simply smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her.

"And it wasn't easy. You made it hard for me Callie."

"Believe me, I know. It hurt me just as much as it did you."

"I doubt it."

"Well don't you worry baby, because it was all worth it." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her for a deep and lingering kiss. Brian responded immediately, wrapping his arms around Callie's naked body like a handcuff. Surprisingly, as much as he wanted to do her hard and rough, he hands were so completely gentle as they moved down her wet back and smoothed over her ass. Calista was about to press her lips to his neck when he moved away.

"Something wrong Brian?"

"No, but I don't want it to be in here."

"Ok, where do you want to go?" Brian didn't answer, instead he picked Callie up in his arms and carried her out of the shower. Kimberly and Nick were wrapped in a beach towel together as Brian moved past them and into the house, Calista held tightly in his arms.

"Yo frick, what are you doing?"

"Something I've wanted to do ever since I got here."

"Nick, Kim, come with us." Nick put his arm around Kimberly and the two of them followed Brian and Calista back upstairs to her room. Kimberly and Nick cuddled together under a blanket on the floor as Brian laid Callie on the bed.

Brian pulled the covers over her body and then got underneath them himself. "Hey Nick, do me a favor and turn off the lights please?"

"Sure thing Bri." Nick got up from his spot on the floor and flicked the lights off. The room became dark, the moonlight shining in on the bed where Brian and Calista lay. Nick sat back down behind Kimberly and wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her close to him, kissing her neck softly as they listened to Brian and Callie.

Brian lay on his side, leaning down to kiss Calista. She put a hand on his cheek, wanting him to continue on. He got up on top of her and kissed her more passionately. When she could feel the tip of Brian's cock at her opening, she moaned out, but Brian quickly silenced her with another kiss. He brought his lips to her ear and whispered, "Keep it soft angel. I want this to be perfect for you." He laced his fingers with hers and brought them to the side of her head as he entered her. Callie shuddered and arched her head back in pleasure. He began to softly kiss her neck as he gently moved in and out of her, making her moan in pleasure.

Kimberly sat and listened to Calista moan with her eyes closed, feeling Nick's warm lips on her. She sighed contentedly as the lovers fed each other what they had waited all night for.

Brian increased his tempo a bit, causing Calista to breath harder. A soft murmur escaped her mouth as she moved her hips against his. "Oh God Brian" she moaned quietly. Brian kissed her, compassionately tangling his tongue with hers. They still held hands the entire time, Calista practically clawing at him.

As Calista started to reach her climax, she thrust her hips up to Brian feverishly. Brian slowed down his pace, practically stopping and looked down at her. Calista opened her eyes and looked up at him in a pleasurable agony. "God Brian don't tease me now" she groaned. "I'm not teasing, you. I just don't want you going so fast." "But I'm about to come and I want more of you!" she demanded hoarsely. Brian kissed her sweetly. "Do you trust me?" "Yes." "Then trust me on this. Let me do the work." Calista relented and closed her eyes as Brian began to move again. The pain of her oncoming climax was driving her crazy. She released her hands from Brian's and moved them down to his ass, pushing him deeper into her. Brian passionately kissed her as his hips moved into her in a slow, gracious manner. He knew what he was doing to her and it made him even more hot for her.

They both climaxed together, Brian continuing to thrust slowly. Waves of utter pleasure and ecstasy rushed over them as they both came at the same time. Calista dug her nails into his ass and tried not to scream out. Brian slowly stopped moving, panting hard. He collapsed on top of her and felt his chest rise up and down with hers.

"Fuck Brian. That was…God that was good" she breathed.

"But not as good as me, right?" asked Kim as she got into the bed next to Calista. Brian rolled off of her and lay on her other side. Calista smiled up at Kimberly evilly. "Actually…"

"Not a chance. Because I was the best out of all of you" exclaimed Nick as he crawled in next to Kimberly.

"Nope, I'm gonna have to go with Brian. That boy knows how to make a woman orgasm."

"Really? Hey Brian, wanna go for a round?" offered Kimberly with a cute grin on her face.

Brian laughed shook his head. "Calista drained me."

"No sweetie, that wasn't draining. Just wait till I get to have my way with you" Calista charmed.

"Yeah, she learned from me" beamed Kimberly as she wrapped her arms around Callie and kissed her lightly.

"Let's just go to sleep. Remember, we do have all day tomorrow" said Nick as he wrapped his arms around Kim.

"And I hope it gets better and better" agreed Brian as his arms went around Calista. The four fell fast asleep, happy and spent. They were all looking forward to tomorrow.

The End