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Chel sighed and put down her algebra book, "Dammit...who uses algebra in real life anyway?" she whined to herself, her gaze falling on the photograph of Nick on her dresser. She rubbed her temples, not relishing the idea of telling Nick that she couldn't get together with him while he was in town for a BSB appearance because she had to study or she would fail her algebra midterm. As if he were reading her thoughts the phone rang and Chel grabbed it, eager to hear his voice, "Hey beautiful..." he said down the phone, sending Chel's pulse racing. She sighed and sat down on her bed, the phone pressed to her ear, "Hi sweetie..." "What's wrong baby girl?" Nick responded, hearing the sad tone in her voice. Chel chewed on her lower lip, "Nicky...I...I can't see you while you're here...I need to study or I'm gonna fail my midterm and you know if you come over here the last thing I'll do is study...

Silence greeted her announcement and she thought for a moment that he'd hung up on her, "You have to study for your midterm..." "Yeah..." Chel sniffed as her eyes filled with tears, "I know we haven't seen each other in two months but if I fail this..." her voice trailed off as she started crying in earnest, and it took her a few minutes to realize that Nick was singing to her. Wiping her eyes she giggled down the phone, "Are you singing me lullabies Nicky?" Nick smiled at the sound of her laughter, "Feel better baby girl?" "Yeah...but I still can't believe I'm not gonna get to see you..." Nick thought for a moment, "Baby do you trust me?" "Of course I do Nicky...with all my heart!" "Then let me come over...I promise you that you will get all your work done...I promise..." Chel debated for a moment, "Okay..." "Okay?" "Okay..." Nick's fist pumped the air, "Yes!!!!" sending Chel into another fit of giggles. "I'll be there in twenty!!" Nick responded, hanging up and leaving Chel wondering what he was up to.

*Twenty minutes later*

Chel threw open the door to her apartment and there he was, looking suspiciously bulky and carrying his backpack. Her eyes widened and then she threw herself into his arms only to pull back a second later, "Nicky? What are you wearing? I feel like I'm hugging a lot of clothes and you're lost in there!" Nick grinned, "Let me in and you'll find out..." Chel stepped aside and Nick walked into her well lit living room, dropping his back pack and pulling his jacket off. Chel's jaw dropped, "Nick...I know you like to wear layers but don't you think you are taking this a little too far?" she walked around him, "How many layers are you wearing exactly?" Nick laughed, "I didn't know how many problems you needed to do so I figured I'd put as many on as I could..." Chel stared at him, "You dressed in layers because you didn't know how many algebra problems I needed to do?" "You can't figure this out can you?" Nick asked her, his blue eyes twinkling. She shook her head and Nick started laughing again, "Ever heard of strip algebra?" Every problem you solve correctly you get to remove a piece of clothing..." His announcement was greeted with stunned silence and then suddenly Chel turned and ran, leaving Nick standing in the middle of her living room with a confused look on his face, "Uh...Chel?" "Shhhh...I'm studying!" she yelled back, sending Nick into hysterics.

When he had regained his composure Nick scooped up his back pack and headed into Chel's bedroom. "I figured I'd watch you study or something..." he said, plopping himself down on the bed while she watched. Chel sighed, "You're not making this easy..." "Do you want me to leave?" "No!!!! I...I just keep imagining getting those clothes off you..." "Quit imagining and keep working...and maybe you'll get the chance to take them off me...hopefully before I sweat to death!" Chel stuck her tongue out at her boyfriend and then went back to work.

An hour later*

Chel grinned as she slid her hands under Nick's shirt, certain that this time she'd feel bare skin, "Aaaaaaaargh, what are you wearing now?" she ranted as her fingers touched more fabric. "Take my shirt off and find out..." Chel did as she was told, her eyes widening at she revealed the black wife beater that Nick had on, "Wow! You've been working out..." she whispered as her hands slid up and down his muscular arms. Nick pushed her gently away, "Back to work babe..." "Slave driver!" Nick shrugged and went back to the comic book he was reading. Fifteen minutes later Chel jumped on the bed, "I finished another one...but I think I need an extra incentive to keep going..." Nick eyed her suspiciously, "Like what?" "Like this..." she responded, pushing him down on the bed and then crawling up his body until her mouth was level with the waistband of his jeans. She grinned at him and then proceeded to untuck his wife beater, sliding it up so she could slip her hands under it. Nick sighed as he felt her warm hands on his bare skin and then gasped as Chel bent her head and kissed his abs. She started working her way up his chest, licking and sucking at the skin as she revealed it, until with a growl Nick rolled them over so he was lying on top of her, "To hell with the algebra," he whispered against her lips before his lips captured hers in a breathtaking kiss.

Chel moaned as Nick's tongue slipped between her parted lips and began to explore her mouth. Nick sighed against her as their tongues curled around each other and his hands began roaming under her jersey, caressing her warm skin. His hands moved up higher and higher until he was caressing her breasts through the satin of her bra. He pulled away for long enough to pull her jersey over her head and then his mouth was on her skin, kissing a trail from her waist up to her breasts. His hands slid round to her back so he could undo her bra and then he slid it off her, tossing it carelessly aside before he cupped her in his hands, his thumbs rubbing back and forth across her swollen nipples. Chel's fingers wound themselves into Nick's silky hair as she moaned his name, "Nick...your mouth...please use your mouth..." He gazed deeply into her eyes and she found herself drowning in his ocean blue depths, and then he bent his head again, nipping and sucking at the rosy flesh that surrounded her bud but stopping just short of taking it into his mouth. Chel arched her back, "Nicky...god...please..." and then she cried out as he took her nipple between his teeth and bit down. He repeated his torture on her other breast and then began kissing his way back down her body, stopping here and there to plunge his tongue deep inside her mouth.

His hands moved to the waistband of her sweats and he began sliding them down her hips, leaving her panties in place. Chel arched her back to help him remove her sweats, wondering why he hadn't removed her undies too. She soon got the answer to her question when Nick parted her thighs and licked her through the silk, "Oh my god...Nick..." she moaned, writhing against his face as he continued to tease her, sucking on her through the cloth. Finally, just when she thought she could take no more he ripped the silk and lace confection from her hips and buried his face between her thighs as she cried out in pleasure. His tongue roamed up and down her slit, lapping up the juices that oozed from her as her climax continued to build, and then he sucked her clit into his mouth, biting down on it and sending her completely over the edge.

A few moments later, when her heart rate had gone back to something approaching normal Chel sat up and pushed Nick until he rolled over onto his back, climbing on top of him. They kissed long and hard, Chel tasting herself on his tongue as she ground her hips lightly against him, feeling his erection pressing against her through his jeans. He moaned as she stroked his bulge, the moans changing to a low growl as she unzipped him and freed his cock from its confines. Suddenly an idea struck Chel and she jumped off him, leaving him lying there with a stunned expression on his face. He watched in confusion as Chel ran out of the room and returned moments later with a tube in her hands. "Baby girl? What??" he began but she silenced him with a finger pressed against his lips, "Close your eyes Nicky..." He did as she asked, shivering as he felt something slightly cool on his chest, "Chel?" "You can open your eyes now Nicky..." she whispered, smiling seductively as he opened his eyes and raised his head to look at his chest, "What???" He started laughing, "Got tired of writing your equations in your notebook did you?" he chuckled. Chel grinned at him, "Figured I'd kill two birds with one stone..." and then she bent her head and started licking the cake-decorating icing from his skin, concentrating on his nipples, which had hardened into little pebbles. Nick's fingers sank into her hair as she tortured him with her lips, teeth, and tongue, loving the low growling sound he would make when she teased him just a little too long. Nick raised his hips off the bed as she moved down his body, wanting her to remove his jeans and boxers and she gladly obliged, careful not to touch his cock, which looked almost painfully erect and swollen and much in need of attention. She kissed and sucked her way over the tender skin around it as Nick tried his best not to grab her and force himself into her mouth so he could get his much needed release.

" want...I need to be inside you NOW!" Nick moaned, the precum oozing from the swollen purple head of his cock signalling his urgent need. Chel smiled and grabbed Nick's arms, pulling on them to indicate that she wanted him to sit up. He maneuvered them so that she was lying on her back in front of him and he was lying between her legs. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he began teasing her, pressing the tip of his cock against her dripping pussy and then pulling back just when she thought he was going to plunge himself into her. Nick did this a couple more times before he decided he couldn't hold back any longer, and with a sudden, deep thrust he buried himself within her, sighing as he felt her velvet walls capturing him within their grip. He began thrusting his hips at a slow, measured pace, ignoring Chel's pleas to go faster and harder until he felt himself about to go over the edge, picking up the pace and ramming in and out of her as she moaned beneath him. They came together, each other's names on their lips as the waves of pleasure overtook them.

Chel waited until she could catch her breath again, and then smiled at Nick, whose face was buried in the crook of her neck, "Baby...can you cum help me study every night?"