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Say Cheese

After 5 long stressful hours, the photo shoot ended. Brook Jackson carefully places her camera's and film into a bag and picked them up to leave. She had been there since 7a.m. taking pictures of a male pop band called the Backstreet Boys. These photo's were to be used as the promotional pictures for their new video. Just when she thought she'd made a clean get away, the director for the video Nigil Dick came up to her.

Nigil- "Excuse me Ms. Jackson, can I have a moment of your time."Brook signed and turned to face him.

Brook- "Sure."

Nigil- "I know that we agreed on having these pictures ready buy tomorrow, but the time for the shoot has been pushed up. I'm sorry to say this, but I need them today before you leave."

Brook-"WHAT?!! I can't finish them right this second."

Nigil-"Yes you can. I arranged for you to use the studio dark room."

Brook- "Please, I've been here since-"

Nigil- "I know that, and we're all tired but I'm afraid you don't have a choise. I'm not paying you to complain." Brook knew she couldn't argue with that. Without a word, she stomped off to the dark room, put her bag on the counter and locked the door. She emptied out the 5 film cases and got busy. After she had the first role of pictures in the developing liquid, she leaned back against the counter to take a breather. All in all the shoot hadn't been that bad, and she was never one to complain about working with five hottie's like the Backstreet Boys. The only down fall was the early wake up calls. She was so exhausted that she barely heard the knocking at the door. Once she composed herself, she turned on the lights and opened the door.

"Hey, Nigil wanted me to check and see how you were doing." It was Nick, the blonde cutie that adowned the pictures she was now taking out of the developing liquid.

Brook-"Just fine. I just finished the first role."

Nick- "Cool, can I see."

Brook- "Yeah, just close the door and flip that red switch. I'm about to put another role in the liquid." Nick did as he was told, locking the door also. The room was now bathed in a red light. Brook hung the wet pictures up on a line with some clothes pins as Nick looked over each shot.

Nick- "Your really good."

Brook- "Thank you." She smiled at the compliment as she took another roll of film out and placed it in the developer. At the same time she couldn't help but noticed how gorgeous her visitor was. Everything from his hair to his clothes and right down to his body was turning her on against her will. Nick turned to her and noticed her staring at him, before she shifted her head the other way. Nick's face turned a little red, but at the same time he was feeling very flattered and bold.

Nick- "Do you like what you see?" Brook knew what he was talking about, but refused to let herself admit to him.

Brook- "Yes, the pictures came out very well. I just hope Nigil likes them." Nick looked a little disappointed. His eyes grazed over her tall slender body with a lust that burned through him like wild fire. His hands ached to run over her thighs, her well shaped breast and then tangle themselves in the long waves of silky brown hair that fell around her shoulders. He knew he wanted this girl, so bad he could almost taste the sweet perfume of her skin and her lips on his entire body.

Nick- "You know that's not what I meant." He got very bold then, stepping behind her and taking her hair in his hands and pushing it to the side. Brook felt his hot breath on the back of her neck, which made her entire body tremble with passion and desire. Nick leaned his head forward and brushed his lips against the back of her neck, sending chills down her spine. Brook couldn't help but love the feeling, his lips were so un-believe ably soft as they caressed her skin. She lost all control of herself and decided to give into the want that was in her. She leaned her head backwards so that it was resting on Nicks shoulder, giving him an open invitation to continue kissing her neck and shoulders. Nick excepted the invitation and continued to let his lips lavish their affection on her. At the same time, his hands traveled down her sides and found their way under the hem of her red tank top. She moaned with pleasure as they slid over her tummy. She took one of her arms and put it behind her, grasping the back of Nicks head and feeling his soft blonde hair slip through her fingers. Without a word, Nick removed her arm and placed both of her arms over her head.

Nick- "Hold them baby." She did as she was told. Nick kneeled down behind her and lifted up the back of her tank top. As he slowly moved the ubstruction over her head, he laid feather like kisses all the way up her back, and finally threw the shirt to the floor. He didn't waste any time in unhooking the clasp on her bra and throwing that on the floor too.

Nick- "Put your arms down honey." Again she exceeded to his request. Nick retook his original position, and again started kissing the back of her neck and her shoulders. He filled his nose with the deep sent of her powdered skin as his hands found their way around her waist again. This time they did not stop at her tummy, they traveled upward until they were filled with the lush mounds of her perfect breasts in them. Book whimpered at the pleasure she was getting as he molded and squeezed her breast, and let out a light cry when his thumbs grazed over the hardened buds that were her nipples. Nick pressed his body closer to her's, feeling himself grow harder as he continued to play with her this way. When she thought she couldn't take it anymore, she breathed out quickly.

Brook- "I want to see you. And feel you." After a few more kisses, Nick allowed her to turn around and face him. He stared at her in her naked glory as she ran her slender fingers over his chest.

Brook-"To answer your question, no, I don't like what I see." Nick looked at her in confusion, until she pulled his shirt and his under shirt up over his head and dis-reguarded them.

Brook-"Now I like what I see."Nick smiled as she placed her hands on his warm flesh and started kissing every square inch of chest. He sucked in a quick breath when her teeth ran across his nipples, turning them to hard peaks. He brought his face back up to his and gave her a deep passionate kiss that sent both of them into heaven. As his tongue explored the inside of her mouth, his hands grabbed her ass and lifted her up, so that she could wrap her legs around his waist. Keeping her held tightly to him, he took a few steps forward and sat her down up on the counter top. He released her lips and gave her an evil grin.

Brook- "What's that look for?"

Nick- "Well, I think I forgot to tell you but, I have always had an interest in photography." Brook laughed slightly.

Brook- "So what made you decide to become a singer rather then a photographer?"

Nick- "I could never find the right subject to take pictures of."He said as he picked up the camera that was sitting on the counter next to her. Brook knew what he was thinking and smiled at the idea.

Brook- "So, do you think you'll ever find one?" Nick smiled and ran his hand down from her shoulder and coming to stop on one of her breast."

Nick- "I think I just did."He put his arm around her, letting his hand come to rest on her lower back.

Nick-"Lie down honey." He eased her down on the counter, until she rested her back on it. She smiled up at him as he took the lens cap off the camera.

Brook-"So what pose should I use?"

Nick- "No pose." Without warning one of his hands found their way under her skirt and started teasing her clit. She let out a dep breath and moaned ever so slightly. He facial expressions were turning him on double quick.

Nick- "Say Cheese baby." With that he started snapping pictures of her as his hands worked their magic between her legs. She arched her back upwards as Nick entered her with two of his long fingers, at the same time the flash of the camera went off. She let out a cry of pleasure as she felt her climax nearing.

Brook- "Nick, I'm gonna cum!" Nick quickly increased his rhythm, snapping a picture as he felt her walls tighten around him. Her ragged breathing was making him hard beyond belief. He set the camera down and laid lightly on top her, kissing her opened mouth.

Nick-"Did my little girl like that." When she caught her breath, she looked up at him and smiled.

Brook-"There are no words to describe how great that felt." Nick managed to slip her skirt and under ware off as he continued to kiss her swollen lips. After, she pushed herself back to an up right position and grabbed the belt on his jeans. She pulled them loose and sent them down his legs along with his boxers. He stepped out of the clothing and kicked off his sneakers and socks. She buried her lips in the hollow area of his neck as her hand grasped his hardened cock.

Nick- "Oh god." Nick breathed as he threw his head backwards. She continued to jack himoff with her hand, as her lips grazed over his cheeks and throat. As the sound of Nicks moans increased Brook leaned forward and whispered into his ear.

Brook- "I want you inside of me. Let me feel this cock inside me." Nick needed no more invitation then that. He grabbed her ass again and brought her hard against him until his whole length was inside her. She was about to scream out in delight, but his lips silenced her cry. He started a slow rhythm with her, that increased every few seconds. She put her legs around his waist indicating for him to go faster and deeper into her.

Nick- "I'm gonna cum honey!" He said in her ear. Not five seconds later he felt her smooth walls tighten around him as he spilled his sweet juices into her. Both cried out in pleasure as they climaxed together. Brook laid back down on the counter, taking Nick with her and cradleing his head against her chest. There was an awkward silence, until Nick finally broke it with a joke.

Nick- "I wonder how those pictures came out?" Both of them laughed as Nick stood up and helped Brook up off the counter. They dressed themselves just in time to hear a knock on the door.

"What's going on in there?" It was Nigil. Brook turned on the lights and opened the door as Nick quickly took the roll of film out of the camera.

Nigil- "Nick I told you to check thing out, not stay in here chatting for a half and hour."

Nick-"Well, if chatting is what you want to call it-" Before he could finish, Brook elbowed him in the ribs. Nigil looked at them in confusion.

Nigil-"Well did the shots come out alright." Nick smiled and walked passed them. He held up the roll of film and smiled at Brook. She smiled back at him as he exited the studio.

Nigil- "Ms. Jackson?" She looked at him.

Brook- "I'm not finished with all of them. But so far I'd say that they came out with a bang." She closed herself back into the dark room. She picked up the camera, and a card that Nick had left next to it with his phone number on it. She smiled and looked to the hanging pictures of the group, zeroing her focus in on Nick.

Brook-"Say Cheese." She said and laughed.