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Schoolgirl Encounter

It was 7:30 at night in New York. The cluncking of Melissa's shoes echoed throughout the stairwell as she made her way down to the exit door in the back of Saint Catherine's Catholic Girls School. Still dressed in her mandatory uniform, a white button down shirt and a grey skirt with black shoes, she quietly opened the door and walked out into the alley way. The night air hit her hard and made her shiver a bit, but her goal for the evening drove her forward against the stinging wind. She made her way down about the winding streets until she came upon Radio City Music Hall She pulled out the money her parents had sent her in case of an emergency and went up the ticket booth.

Ticket Master- "How can I help you tonight?"

Melissa- "Do you have any tickets left for tonight's Backstreet Boys concert."

T Master- "As a matter of fact I do. I just got a cancellation on front row tickets. But I'm afraid I only have one."

Melissa- "That's fine because I only need one." He rung up the price for it.

T Master- "That will be $55.00 young lady." She handed him over the bills and took her ticket from him.

T Master- "You'd better hurry, their about to start the show." She nodded and made her way inside

The arena was packed with thousands of fans chanting the names of the five guys that were about to take the stage. Melissa quickly made her way down to her first row seat. The girl that was sitting next to her smiled and began asking her a question. Although it was hard to understand because of all the screaming.

Girl- "So, which one of the guys is your favorite?"

Melissa- "Well I have only heard their music, but I've never seen them before." The girl looked at her and laughed a little.

Girl- "Where have you been for the last 2 years, outer space." Then the girl noticed Melissa preppy uniform.

Girl- "Girls school huh?" Melissa nodded just as the opening music started to play. After about 1 minute, five figures were shot up from raised platforms on the stage with fire shooting out from behind them. Melissa eyes opened wide in astonishment as the odd looking one with the sunglasses on started singing. The girl next to her quickly pointed out each one of them to her.

Girl- "Ok, the one that just sang those notes was AJ. The one next to him on the lower platform is Brian, aka B-Rok, the one with the pony tail is Howie, the older more serious looking one with the great body is Kevin and the one in the middle with the blond hair is Nick." Melissa gaze rested on Nick as he started in with his part. She had never stared so hard at a guy her whole disaplined life. But she just couldn't help it. His body moved in rhythmic motions with the rockin' beat and his gorgeous crystal blue eyes glistened under the bright stage lights. Her focus didn't move from him as boys made their way down to the front of the stage. Her heart jumped several beats as the hot blond was standing right in front of her. The thoughts she was thinking had never entered her mind before, but she knew that he was the cause.

The group continued with two other songs and a dance break. Then each member came out on stage one at a time to sing a solo. First came Howie, then AJ, then Kevin, then Brian and finally Nick. A soft melody came over the speakers as the stage lights dimmed in on Nick as he took his place at the microphone, which was set right in front of Melissa. His voice echoed through her brain, and she was so transfixed by his beauty, that she didn't even notice that he was looking at her through the whole song. When he was finished, she applauded madly, but it wasn't over yet. He called for the other boys and they all began to sing a song called "Let's a Have A Party," with Nick singing lead. As he sang the words "Girl you gotta rock that body," his hips moved in a sexual fashion that made Melissa swoon. After the short rap, Nick actually jumped down off the stage and sang right in front of the fans in the front row. He reached out and touched Melissa's outstretched arm as he sang the words "shake it baby." Melissa smiled at him, as he did to her before he jumped back up and rejoined his band mates. As the song ended the girl next to her nudged her in the arm.

Girl- "He has been staring at you the whole night!!!"

Melissa- "He has not. I'm just in the front, so of course he's gonna touch the people in the front row."

Girl- "No, even during his own solo, he was staring at you the whole time!!"

Melissa- "I don't think so." The girl shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention back the concert. ‘He couldn't of been staring at me, could he?' Melissa thought to herself.

The concert seemed to end all too soon, and before she knew it, the Backstreet Boys said their goodbyes to the audience and exited the stage. Melissa pushed and shoved her way through the crowds but she was stopped by an arm clamping onto wrist.

"Excuse me miss, I need you to come with me for a moment please." The writing across his shirt read ‘security' so Melissa went along with him. She was scared, ‘what did I do wrong?' she asked herself silently as the guard escorted her through the backstage doors. Her brought her into a room with two couches in it and a table with trays of food spread out on it.

"Please wait here." He released her and left the room. She sat down on one of the couches and looked around the room. It was very drab, with it's white walls and tile flooring

About 10 minutes later the door opened. Melissa mouth dropped open as Nick walked in, closing the door behind him. Melissa stood up as he smiled at her.

Nick- "What's up?"

Melissa- "Nothing, just a little confused as to why I'm back here."

Nick- "I asked security to bring you back here as soon as the show was over. I saw you in the front row and might I say that you are just about the most gorgeous female I have ever laid eyes on." Melissa blushed intensely, not knowing how to react to such a comment.

Melissa- "Thanks." was all she managed to get out. Nick sat down on the couch and motioned for her to sit down next to him. She did, but she didn't have the courage to make eye contact with him.

Nick- "Listen I was thinking, if your not doing anything right now, would you like to go out to dinner with me?" Melissa really wanted to, but she knew if she didn't get back to school soon, someone would surely notice she was gone.

Melissa- "I'd like to but I can't." Nick's face dropped in disappointment.

Nick- "Why?" She looked down at her uniform and them back up at him.

Nick- "Oh I get it, your in Catholic school aren't you." She nodded her head.

Nick- "So then why are you here?"

Melissa- "I snuck out to see the concert. I had never been to a live concert before and I had heard you guys were gonna be here, so I took a chance."

Nick- "So then why can't you take another chance and go out with me tonight."

Melissa- "Cause if I don't get back, someone's gonna notice I'm gone, then I'll get in trouble." Nick laughed.

Nick- "Do you always worry about if your gonna get in trouble or not." Melissa looked down at the ground, a little embarrassed.

Melissa- "Not always."

Nick- "Then prove it."

Melissa- "How?"

Nick- "Don't go, stay here with me." Melissa thought about what could happen to her if she did stay with him. But suddenly it didn't seem to matter. Her parents had had her locked away in a Catholic school her whole life. She was eighteen years old and had not had one day of fun he whole life. Tonight, she was gonna have some alright, maybe more fun then Nick realized.

Melissa- "Ok I'll stay, but on one condition."

Nick- "What's that?" She moved up closer to him, suddenly feeling very bold.

Melissa- "You have to kiss me." Nick eyes opened wide, but of course he gave in. He sealed his lips to her's in a blinding passionate kiss that went on for several minutes. When they broke apart, Nick got up off the couch and kneeled down on the floor in front of her. He placed his handson her knees and looked up at her.

Nick- "So, how forward do you want me to be with you?" Melissa removed the band that held her hair in a pony tail, and shook out her shoulder length brown hair. She moved a stray lock of his golden hair to the side of his face and smiled at him.

Melissa- "Surprise me." After a second, Nick parted her legs and slowly slid his hands up her warm thighs, while bringing his waist in between her legs.

Nick- "You mean like this." He pressed his lips to her's again harshly. His hands slid up under her skirt and grasped the untouched area between her legs. Melissa twinged at this new feeling but didn't attempt to stop him.

Melissa- "Yes, just like that." Her fingers combed through his hair as he continued to play with her. But suddenly her stopped dead in his tracks.

Nick- "We have a problem here." Melissa looked surprised.

Melissa- "What?" Nick positioned himself between her legs again and put his arms around her, bringing her body as close to him as possible.

Nick- "These clothes of yours have got to go." He said as he started undoing the button on her shirt. When finished he didn't take it off her. He just parted it and slipped his arms around the bare shim that covered her rib cage. Melissa caught her breath as his hands found the clasp on her bra and unhooked it. He slipped his hands under the lace cups that surrounded her breasts and clasped them in his palms. She leaned her head back, her breast aching for his sweet lips to kiss them.

Nick- "Lean back." She did as he commanded and leaned back against the back of the couch. Nick came up and started a trail of gentle kisses that ranged from her neck all the way down to the silken area between her breasts. He then took the opportunity to slip her shirt off her arms and pulled the straps of her bra down. He threw them both to the floor and continued his exploration of her body. With her left breast in one hand he made circular motions around her nipple, bringing it to a hard peak in seconds, while his mouth gentle sucked on her right breast. She leaned her head back and arched her back, to give him total access. He gave equal attention to each of her breast before coming back up to her face and planting a soft kiss on her lips.

Nick- "Did you like that Baby?" Melissa opened he eyes and smiled at him devilshey.

Melissa- "More then you know. But now it's your turn."

Nick- "Oh no, I'm not even close to being finished with you yet." He said as his hand unzipped her skirt.

Melissa- "Wait this isn't fair."

Nick- "What isn't?" She pushed him off her and sat up face to face with him. She grabbed the hems of his shirt and undershirt and started pulling them up slowly.

Melissa- "Your over dressed, and I don't like it. These have to go." He held his arms up over his head and Melissa pulled his shirt off and threw it on the floor.

Nick- "Better?" Melissa ran her hands over the warm smooth skin on his chest as she pressed her cheek against it.

Melissa- "Much better." Nick ran his hands up and down her back as she kissed every square inch of his bare flesh. Nick drew in a deep breath when Melissa's hand ran over the front of his jeans and stopped to grab his hardened cock.

Melissa- "Does that get you excited?" With one swift motion, Nick pulled off her skirt and under ware and brought her body down to his, making her straddle his hips. His fingers played with her cunt as he kissed her neck and shoulders.

Nick- "You're a bad little girl. I'm gonna have to keep you after school for detention." Melissa moaned out in pleasure as one of his fingers entered her and he laid her down on floor. Nick knew her climax was coming soon, so he pulled his fingers out of her and licked the sweet juices that had expelled from her body off of his finger tip. He positioned himself between her legs and laid a trail of kisses from her stomach down to her forbidden area. At the touch of his tongue against her, she whimpered in pleasure. Nick lapped away all of her sweet juices and then returned to face her. But before he could kiss her again Melissa pushed him over onto his back and straddled his hips. Without a word she slipped his jeans off and ran her fingers over his cock in slow rhythmic motions that made his start to spin.

Nick- "Please don't tease me like this." Melissa slid her hand under his boxers.

Melissa- "Sorry baby, but one good punishment deserves another." With that she slipped his boxers off and wrapped her fingers around his swollen cock. Nick bit his lower lip to keep from crying out as her mouth lightly sucked on the tip.

Nick- "Please baby-," But before he could finish his plea, Melissa took his whole length into her mouth and sucked as hard as she could. His body started to squirm beneath her hands, as he began to reach his own climax. But he didn't want it this way. He took his hand and brought her face back up to his. He kissed her passionately as he positioned her sacred opening above his rock hard manhood. He released her lips and looked deeply into her eyes.

Nick- "Are you ready for me?" Melissa didn't answer with words, instead she lowered herself down on him and a soft cry from each of them echoed through out the room. Nick put his hands on her hips and guided her as she pumped up and down on him, slow at first and then faster and faster and faster. Nick quickly sat up and held her body close to his as she reached the point of her climax. Nick felt the silky walls around his cock begin to tighten, pushing him closer and closer to his climax.

Melissa- "Nick I'm gonna cum." Nick held her tighter and thrusted his hips harder up against her. The walls around him contracted and her juices spilled all around him. The thrill pushed him over the edge and he too climaxed right after her. A wild cry of pleasure erupted from both of them as they collapsed on the floor breathing heavily. Nick ran his hands up and down her back as she tried to regain composure.

Nick- "God, maybe I should of stayed in school rather then become a singer." Melissa laughed as she sat up on is hips.

Melissa- "As much as I hate to say this, I think it's time for me to head back."

Nick- "Oh no you don't." Nick got up quickly, picked Melissa up and in seconds had her pinned up against a wall.

Melissa- "Nick what are-." But before she could finish, Nick rammed himself back into her with such force that she cried out in pain as her head snapped back. Nick silenced her with a kiss and thrusted in and out of her again. The pleasure was almost more then Melissa could stand, but every time she tried to scream Nicks soft lips would silence her. This time the two climaxed together only it was Nick who did the screaming as he felt her walls tighten around him for the second time. Melissa fell against his chest, completely drained of energy. Nick managed to get them both to the couch and laid her down on top of him. There breathing was ragged as they laid there with their limbs inter twined together. After a few more kisses were exchange, Nick allowed her to get up and get dressed. He watched the curves on her beautiful body move as she pulled her uniform back on. Melissa threw him his clothes, kissed his stomach and then his lips.

Melissa- "Look me up the next time your in N.Y."

Nick- "Baby, you can count on it." They both smiled, kissed one last time and then Melissa left.

The whole walk back to the school, Melissa was in a daze and even when she got inside she hardly noticed one of the teachers (a nun) following her and asking her where she had been.

Nun- "Melissa where have you been, it's almost 3 o'clock in the morning." She didn't pay attention as the nun followed her straight to her room.

Nun- "I'm gonna ask you more time where you were, or we're gonna take a trip down to the Reverend Mother's office." Melissa turned around, still dazed.

Melissa- "More punishment?........Very tempting offer, but I think I've had enough sex for one night. See you in the morning sister." Melissa opened her door and laughed as she saw her teacher with her mouth wide opened and saying a prayer.