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Since my first atunement, my life has not been the same. It took me many years to accept that I am a teacher. . Now that I have learned Reiki, I can accept being a teacher.

I believe in teaching Martial Arts in a righteous, responsible manner, well-backed with good philosophy and intentions. But,this differs from Reiki as it is the martial art recipient (of knowledge) that governs its use once taught.

Reiki is pure intent that cannot be abused. You have done most of the work already. You have intended to channel Reiki, and it is good. No matter what your religion or belief system, Reiki is real and is not "magic." All that I as a teacher would ask you to believe is yourself. Trust yourself and know that what you experience is real.

Level I Reiki Training and Certification

Learn to enjoy the Usui natural method of healing. The laying on of hands is a simple ability that anyone can do. Reiki is a Japanese phrase meaning "Universal Life-Force." By becoming a Reiki practicioner one becomes a channel for the Universal Life-Force. Although you will study and learn efficient hand positions, Reiki is not an intellectual attainment. To become a Reiki channel one goes through what is known as an attunement to permanently open ones channel.

Class will include:

¨ Brief history and philosophy
¨ Hand positions
¨ Meditation
¨ Attunements
¨ Practice-single and group
¨ Share experiences
¨ Discussion of Reiki Application
¨ Brief introduction to Reiki level II

Cost: $300 \

Local Merchant of Needful Things