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About Myself

Things I most enjoy in life

My name is Brian David Robinson, and I am 29 years old. Born in Pleasant Valley, N.Y. in 1970, then moved to Houston, Texas in '77.Around this time, there were many Asian martial arts shows on (with the voices edited in English). My older brother and I would watch them, and then try the moves out on each other. I did not know there were schools in the U.S. that really teach martial arts. This is the first point that I can recall having an interest in martial arts.

My First Class

In '83 we moved back to N.Y. and it was then that I met Tibor Kiss. He made an impression on me that changed my life forever. He was a martial artist and a friend. Tibor trained very hard and assisted teaching Tae Kwon Do under Master Ira Fisher and Master Pete Michaelson. The head of the system was Master Duk Sung Son (9th level master). Tibor invited me to a class, and it was then, that I found what I had only been dreaming about. This gave me a strong foundation in skill as well as a martial arts value system, which I have never wavered from.

Living the Dream

During this time I competed in tournaments so large and organized it was unbelievable (and have not seen the likes of it since). The training was traditional and at times very hard. My progress was swift and did very well in all areas of study. This is what I had dreamed of. I loved every minute of it. The people were all of good heart and gave freely of them selves to all who asked. I knew then that this is what I wanted to do as long as I live.

The End of a Dream

One day I injured both my hips badly in competition. So bad I tore both hips out of their sockets. I had a hard time standing let alone to walk. How am I to train, when merely standing up felt as if someone was forcing butter knives into my hips. The doctors told me surgery was needed or I would have arthritis in both hips for life. Something down deep inside me new better and chose not to have the surgery. Thus stopped formally training (for three long years). I went to Chef School (Culinary Institute of America), which was also a passion of mine.

A New Hope

In '90 I graduated from Chef school and moved to Florida. The following year a friend, who new of my martial arts interest, told me he saw a Kung Fu school. I went and watched a bit from outside. A few minutes went by and a teacher (Sifu Richi Wilson) saw me and invited me in. We spoke about my problem and that I wanted to but, did not think it would be possible to train again. Master Glenn Wilson, who is the head of the school (Glenn Wilson’s Kung Fu Academy)and system (Gong Yuen Cha Fa ), came over. He told me that he could help me with the challenge I had.

I learned not only kung fu, but something I never new existed, the internal arts. This was Tai Chi and Chi Kung, which became a wonderful discovery, a whole new world opened up. This is what healed me and give my hips new strength. It changed how I viewed every thing.

The First Time I Felt Chi

The first time I felt chi, was during our warm up in class, working Chi Kung EE. It felt like there were magnets in my hands repelling each other. I thought I was crazy and did not say anything.A few days later at Master Wilson’s' house, I asked him (off to the side) if he had ever felt anything like that before. I thought he was going to think that I am some kind of crazy person. He smiled, then explained it in a way I could comprehend. I was relieved and excited, but then asked him how far can one develop this. He simply said, "I don't know. The more you put in to it the more you will get out of it. I have not heard of anyone reaching a limit. The only limits you have are the ones you put on your self". This became my ambition.

New Concepts

The System taught me to strengthen my legs using incredibly low stances, waist whipping (instead of using power only from the shoulders), fluid motion (not rigid), forms like none I had ever seen, my first weapons training and so much more.

By 1995 I obtained the level of Si Hing (gray sash). Through the years I learned Pai Lum Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and Kenpo. I taught classes, trained, competed and did well.


Martial arts to me is a journey of the mind body and spirit. One learns all they can along they way, taking chosen bits of information into them self, and making it their own. Creating and adding to an ever growing fountain of knowledge.

A Friend asked me once, which is the best style of martial arts, I told him simply, none. It is the practitioner. If a martial artist trains with his/her heart and is dedicated to their own growth in the art, then they will be a great martial artist. It is not just about being the best fighter. It is much more, it is about having the moral strength to be a good human being and about growing from with in.

Silent Dragon

In 1997 I felt it was now time to move on, and once again start a new journey. A former Sifu (instructor) of mine and friend, Sifu Dennis Pinon asked if I was interested in being part of Silent Dragon sytem. We had kept in touch, and as fate would have it, we would again be training together once more. Sifu Dennis asked me to come train at his school, but I had to be accepted by the Grandmaster of Silent Dragon. I wrote a letter, and was very nervous as I went to meet with him. When we met, I found Master Day to be a humble man with an open heart and a generous soul. He invited me in to the system and made me feel like a long lost friend come home. He asked me to be at the first Black Sash (instructor) meeting for the new begining of the Silent Dragon system.

I tested for the rank of 1st level Sifu and have been offered nothing but suport. Master Day became a Grand Master but was still the same humble man, a man who we all love. I have grown so much in so many ways since joining the Silent Dragon system.

In the never ending search for knowledge, I have learned and received my 1st level in Reiki (Japanese healing art) from Sifu Mike P. Glynn. In 1999 I received my 2nd level in Reiki, from (now promoted) Master Mike P. Glynn and was awarded my 2nd level Sifu in Silent Dragon Kung Fu and Tai Chi. I thank all who have, are, and will touch my life.

I have had the benefit of training under and attending seminars from many martial artists along the way. Some of whom have touched me spiritually, others who have taught me lessons that I still find new aspects of years later and for years to come. Some of these people are, but not limited to:

Master Mike P. Glynn- This man is very close to my heart. He has shown me understanding and patience towards others. To be loving to those who would wish you harm. Master Mike opened my eyes and heart to Reiki, while continually sharing the martial arts with me as a teacher, friend and brother. At a time when I was down he breathed new life and hope into my spirit. His teachings will eternally be with me.

Master Tom Turcotte- This is truly a skilled Master of not only the art, but of the heart. Master Turcotte, is humble, and has a heart of gold. Every time I see him, I am filled with a inner peace that is unexplainable. This gentle Master gives with his heart and I believe can see right down to a persons soul. The seminars and private class time we spend together is priceless. He has filled a void of knowledge, but of character in my life. I will learn from him and pass on the knowledge as long as he will teach. He has done so much for so many.

Master Smitty (Fred Schmitz)- Taught me to be strong in spirit as well as in the mind and body. “When we are one with ourselves, we are one with the Dragon." A man who will remain in me heart, my teachings, and whose' lessons I will reflect on for a lifetime.

Master Randy Sharkey- Always has been there for me as a teacher and a brother in the arts. He is tough, fair, values honor, and honest. Values worthy of a great human being. Gave me the ability to be strong, and to follow my heart, where ever it may lead.

Master Mike Erickson- He came into my life and opened up his heart and teachings to me. He is always challenging my skills and abilities without boundaries. Five minutes with him is like studying a year. We click together on a level that is unexplainable. He teaches directly to my subconscious, it is like instant knowledge or ability. The time we spend together will always be cherished.

I have also taken seminars and classes from: Master Steven Hayes, Si Tai Gung Daniel Kane Pai, Master Bill Gregory, Master Thomas St. Charles, Sifu Joey Schmitz, Shi Han Gino Cretella, Sifu Mark Thorson.

Brief History of Grandmaster Day
Kung Fu
Conditioning & Training Ideas
Tai Chi and beyond
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