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I dream for you, butterfies,
Flitting carelessly across a field,
And landing on every flower of gold,
And the riches that they yeild...

I dream for you, incredible skies,
In all it's wonderful hues,
With clouds of fluffy white,
And only intense shades of blue...

I dream for you, perfect health,
Never a illness you'll have,
You'll walk straight as an arrow,
As you travel across this land...

I dream for you, wealth untold,
In love and companionship,
To have someone who is honest and true,
And worships your every step...

I dream for you, friendships,
Of the honest and trustworthy kind,
Those who will be there for you,
Any place and anytime...

I dream for you, rainbows,
And all it's mysteries,
And hope you find your pot of gold,
Nestled among the trees...

I dream for you, faith,
In everything you do,
May your most difficult endeavers,
Be easy for you to persue...

I dream for you, beauty,
Inside your soul and out,
To be able to look in the mirror,
And face your spirit without doubt...

I dream for you most of all,
Love within your heart,
To have that special someone,
From which you'll never be apart...

With all these things I've asked for,
Remember what is true,
A Sister and friend I will always be,
As I dream these things for you.

With all my love to my Family and friends, thank you for making my dreams come true.

By: Joyce Mountain Lion Kozic
March 6, 2000
All rights reserved

