On that day they waited til dawn and flew out on their brooms in the neighborhood where lots of children play.
As they came flying in, the children in horror scattered about trying to find cover.
Ghost were released from their graves and joined in on the fun. There where ghost and witches everywhere. The ghost enjoyed their moment frighten the little ones into the witches path, the bats helped the witches too gather their prey. The neighborhood was in a panic.
One little boy found a mask one of the witches had dropped and put in on. He found that while he wore this mask the witches didn't see him. He was able to walk about without harm and was able to run home to safety. Night became day and the witches and ghost where gone.
The next year on October 31st the same thing happened. The witches, bats and ghost terrorized the neighborhood.
The little boy who found the mask last year had an idea. He put his mask on and went outside. Nobody bothered him. He went to a neighbors house and told them about his discovery. The neighbor was so grateful they gave him some candy. He went to the next house and shared his insight and they too gave him candy. He was so excited he traveled the street going to each house, receiving candy at each house he went to.
So the neighborhood kids caught on and when October 31st came around the following year all the children made mask and wore them out that night.
Witches and Ghost were everywhere! But the children in masks were untouched. They went to every house and recieved candy for keeping the witches away. The witches flew angerily about trying to find some youngsters to recriut but none seemed to be around.
HALLOWEEN was created!
Neighborhoods all around heard of this discovery and decorated their houses and yards with Ghost and Witches, and hung skeletons on their doors. They cut out pumpkins and put candles in them to give the children light as they walked the streets in mask to keep the witches away and were very happy to give them candy for their efforts.
Since then Halloween has been a tradition and spread worldwide. Every child enjoys this night traveling the streets dressed up as creatures to help keep the witches of all they recieve a bunch of candy!
The dead was able to
by Mrs T. (All Rights Reserved)