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The Worlds Most Amazing Animal

The Jaguar is the largest predatory cat. They can be found in SW United States to Argentina.


Big cats, little Cats

I love them all!

This guy wants to know what your up to. Don't move to fast, he might think your his dinner.

Some people actually try to own big cats

As beautiful as they are, they are not good cats for the normal pet owner.

They require alot of attention not to mention food!

I prefer our small domestic cats. They are easy to please and you don't have to walk them either.

Who can resist this little furry lovable creature?

You don't even have to give him a bath, they're are self washing.

They love to catch mice. They play with them for awhile til they stop moving. Then they will bring them home for you to see that they have done their job!

Kitties are very Playful too!

They will run around and around playingTil it's time to take a nap. Cats nap often. It's amazing how many ways a cat can sleep.

Cats who live inside live longer and stay healther too. I always take my kitties to the doctor to get them fixed. I know if any of my cats ever had kittens I would not be able to give not a one away. Then I'd have to get a cat plantation for I'd have 101 Cats.

Meet one of my coolest cats!

I found him one night a bunch of us were sitting by the campfire after work drinking Budwisers. So I named him BUD.

Bud loved the car. He would sit on top of my seat with his paws on my shoulder so he could watch where we were going. Every night when I came home from work Bud would be sitting on the stonewall waiting for me. I would pull into the driveway and stop, open my car door, Bud would jump down off the wall, run around and get in my car. Always on top of the seat. I would drive up the driveway and park. We would both get out of the car and go into the house. Cats are just so amazing.

I have two cats now and let me tell you their personalities are completely different. Atilla the oldest she's all black and as soft as can be. She loves to be brushed and always sleeps right next to me. Atilla doesnot like anyone else. We call her the mean cat for she will bite anyone who tries to touch her except me. When I work at my desk she's under it. When I go in the bathroom she follows me there. Fortunitly she like my baby Daisy and they actually run around and play together at night after the children are asleep. Daisy is my calico and a little love. She loves to rub her nose into my nose. I don't really care for that little cold nose in mine but that's her thing. Shortly after bringing Daisy home I went on a 3 day trip. I returned late in the evening and headed straight for the bedroom to tell my husband I was home. As soon as I sat on the bed my little love came up from behind, jumped on my shoulders (she like to hang out there) and proceeded to kiss me on my check. (licking and everything) It was so cute how she showed me how much she missed me. (A hallmark moment) So if you would like to see my little love Daisy visitMy Dog Skip She's alot like me: Loving but doesn't take no crap from anyone.

Before You go there I would like to Dedicate this cat page to my baby I had for 15years.

She died of lukemia. I had her cremated seperately and I have her close by always. Abby was a fasninating cat. She loved to fetch.

I could sit on the couch for 2 hours watching a movie and continiously would just have to pick up her ball by my feet and throw it. She would bring it back ever time. When she was finished playing she would put her ball in her food bowl so she would know where it was for the next time. I love her and miss her so.

Thank you for visiting my Cat page and give your kitty a kiss for me!


Animals are our friends and if you treat them right you'll enjoy their cuddly love for years to come. You can tell them anything, HA HA!