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Alright, It's Turkey Day with Mrs T !

I saw the other day, a plea for the TURKEYS. "Don't eat the TURKEYS on Thanksgiving, eat something else!" Maybe you have seen it too!

Did it make you laugh as it made me? I laughed not because I thought it was funny. I laughed because what else are you supposed to eat on Thankgiving?

Like this guygot all dressed up for a barbaque?

Do you think the Pilgrams or the Indians brought to the table

Do you think this womenfeed the everyday for a year because she had nothing better to do?

They didn't have anyto prepare a vegetarian meal that tasted good.


Thanksgiving has been a tradition for different cultures to come together and EAT

The Turkeys are raised, fead well to be our meal of the year. The meal to give THANKS, for many reasons. And give praise to the ones that cooks the meal for all of us to devour within 20 minutes.

So don't get that "Save the Turkey mode"

(besides,,,what are you saving them for?)

(How long is a Turkey's life span anyway?)

Be proud! And bring the home for your special Holiday dinner. Your guest will be happy you did.

P.S. Don't forget the gravy!