To My Friends Page
These are some pictures of the great people i have met on the net.
each one is set as a thunmnail, and linked to a seperate page which has the full size pic and design which fits that persons personality.
If you would like to be added to this page and have a page built for your pic, please fill out all areas. I dont want just one sentence, i would like a full paragraph on each one, once your done with that then Please email me at (with the subjest as Friends Request Info). Include a picture of your self and some graphics or just tell me what type of graphics you would like to have, every graphic and color im giving to you unless you choose to let me handle that part. If i just get this form or just the picture and graphics i will NOT add you to the list. This is a chance for people to understand you better, and i will NOT accept any type of profaninity or nudity. Thanks for your time from the people at Mystics Design
Here are some other pages i have done. Please let me now youve been here ~~~sign the guestbook ~~~or~~~just leave me an email and tell me what you think. Thanks for your time

Web Design is © 2001 Mystics Design
Graphics are © 2001 Gail's Graphics
Gail's Graphics is part of Mystic's Design