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Celtic Witch & Bug (Celtic's Son)

Now the way i feel, I'm Having a hard time saying this about Celtic, She has been one of the sweetest people i've ever known, She has a good personality, Without knowing her i wouldn't know where i would be at, she has shown me just how much i needed to get a grip on life, I still wish we was together but the way i was before, trying to live a childhood that i never had. CW i still love you and always will, i know i was an ass, and i apologize, i know its over between us but i know there is something between us that is still breaking down the wall that i keep building, i wish i could hold you now, im depressed now that i know the hurt i've caused you and bug, if given the chance, it wouldn't be the same, i can say that now. but you are a friend no matter what happens from this point on, if we get back together or not. you will be in my heart and in my thoughts, you have allot going for you, but no matter what happens keep your head held high, Your beautiful, sweet, kind, thoughtful, caring, and intelligent. Until we see each other again, i will be thinking of you, bye for now, huggs and kisses....

Celtic Witch's Words

Being a single working mother is hard, but I see it as a lesson set before me by my teacher, the Goddess. To learn these lessons is to know true happiness, and that is my dream, not only for myself, but also for my family and friends. Whether they choose to follow the Goddess or not, she watches over us all as a Mother does. Patiently, letting us learn for ourselves the hardships of life and death. I am by no means perfect, I feel that I have much growing to do and still a lot of things to learn. Someday when I learn these things (I don't know how many lessons I have this life), I will be reunited in the Summerland with my Goddess.

Celtic Witch's Dreams

My dream is to be happy and raise my son into a beautiful, happy pagan man. While doing this I hope to become an RN and work in the cancer ward of a children's hospital. I also want to write Wiccan books for children and have them published by Llewellyn

Celtic Witch's Wants & Needs

I could go on forever here *LOL* I need to learn patience, responsebility with money, learn to like myself for who I am. I *need* to know when to let things go and shrug them off, I need to know when to release my anger. Public is not a good place for this!! ^_^ Someday I would like to visit New Orleans, Scottland, Ireland, and Japan.

Celtic Witch's Likes & Dislikes

Likes: I love Japanese anime, hentai, doujinshi, pretty much anything Japanese. I would like to even learn the language!! I like ice-cream and Skore bars. I like honest and energetic people. Love, sex (any which way, especially dom and sub), flannel or satan pajamas, someone who looks inside before they see the outside. Broccoli, corn, steak, ok any red meat. The miracle of life! MY SON!!!
Dislikes: Liars, people who can't take responsibility for thier own mistakes. People who abandon thier children and families. Unrequited love. Bigotry, racism, rapists, cancer, disease, people who have too many children and can't take care of them, the nurses where I work, being poor, money, smoking (even though I do :P It's a filthy disgusting habit), child molesters....I could go on forever LOL