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Gail's Words words...well here they are....I'm an old broad...Pretty much a loner as things go. An old homebody that strays out every day to cuddle and love and get paid for it *S* Seeing as how i'll maybe never be a granny i take care of little ones in the afternoons...then send them home to mom and dad *L* That way i get my sleep. What sleep i cna hear some of you saying *LMAO* Ok...i'll confess.....i do sleep EVERY now and then *L* But if ya call me on this i'll swear i never said it *G*

Gail's Dreams

My dreams? Wow!! This about the hardest thing to answer. I guess what everyone wants...Love, Happiness, Peace...all those thing which so far in their totality have eluded me. Love...well that's not for me i guess.....Happiness? I have that in small fleeting ways......and Peace? The inner peace i seek is always just beyond my grasp i think. But i keep one very small word in reserve...and that is HOPE!!

Gail's Wants & Needs

I've never been one to want much........I'm a simple lady i think. I usually take whatever comes my way and don't gripe (outwardly that is) much. Why bother? It doesn't accomplish anything but aggravation and ulcers *L* As for my needs? Whatever it takes to get me through the day....a good cup of coffee....a satisfying smoke and a beautiful sunset. That's about all i really need.

Gail's Likes & Dislikes

This part is easy *S* Well sorta....I LOVE the color Purkle *G* Just ask anyone. I collect hand blown Egyptian perfume bottles.. wizards and books. I so adore Laurell K. Hamilton and Ann Rice!! Plus the occasional trashy romance novel *G* I'm not sure i dislike anything....well thing.....TURNIPS!!! YUCCCCCK!!!!! *GAG*