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Mystic Ice's Personal Info

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This Is My Story

My full name is Joseph Lance Ware Jr. I'm currently living in Jacksonville, Florida. Im 5 ft 11 in., 145lbs , Light brown hair, And hazel eyes. Everything we have is what we are giving to us. Even if we had to work for it, well it was still giving to us by the lord. He has giving us life, hope, and freedom to make our own choices. I will admit that i'm not the perfect person in the world and nor would I what to be. I just want to live in peace. Do what I feel is right, and try to be the best man I can. Nothing stays the same as time goes on, Everything changes in shapes, form, color, and productivity. People come and go, People live and people die, ~~~lord bless their souls~~~. The only thing that stays the same , Is everything changes.

We all are children of the lord, from Adam and eve, to the present, what some don't understand is that we all are related in a way, For if life begun with Adam and eve. Then your father had a father, and his father had a father and so forth, continuing on till you reach the son of Adam, I can only wish everyone could read this and start living the way we should be living. For every time someone kills, robs, beats, or even threatens, somewhere on your family tree, you will come across a family member of the very person, of those you harm. For those who read this, im not trying to change the world, im just making sure this world doesn't change me. God bless you all.

My Dreams

I have had some, well haven't we all. But one dream I have is one I've been living with now for about 5 years. I started watching {{American}} football when I was about 9 years old, The memories of the game then, brings back allot, names, numbers, scores, plays, coaches, and of course the super bowls. Just to be in one of those, would be a dream come true, but over time I have to admit that I have messed this up myself, for I dropped out of school, not thinking of what I wanted to be later in life, but thinking of what I wanted then. For I wish I could do it all over again, well I cant say that, for if I did I wouldn't be sitting here making this page for all to see, but I wish I could just get the chance , which would be a chance of a lifetime for me, though you look at me in the pic and probably saying {{you will never make it, your to small}} but that's what they said bout spud web too, to small to play in the NBA, but he did it why cant i. Even if I don't make it if I get the chance, I will not be happy but at least I know I wont be one of these guys sitting on the couch, when im 50 years old watching the games on the TV, and saying ~~~wonder what would have happened if I tried out~~~ If I get the chance ~~~ I know the rejection will hurt, but later in life, you will see a smile on my face, cause ill know I tried.

My Wants & Needs

All I want in life, Is a good home, One that over looks the trees on the mountain. A loving wife, Someone who loves me for me, Not for what I have. A loving family, That makes me fell proud for all I've done for them. And wealth for my lifetime, Just enough money too live on, Would suit me fine. For money cant buy the happiness I want in life, Only someone else can give that to me.

My Likes & Dislikes

I've always loved meeting people, Just a little to shy to go up to someone and start talking to anyone, was the problem and still is, I guess that's why I got the computer here. I also like having fun with the people I know and love. Going out to clubs, Sporting events, Or anything else. I also like being able to chat with the many of friends I have here, Before I use to think that the people I chat to on here didn't care bout what was going on in my life, But recently something came up, and I've got to say that, I was wrong bout that, for you all know who you are, Thanks ~~~HUG~~~

My dislikes are the drugs, Crime, people who have no respect, Those who use others to advance in life, And do we have a bunch of those.

My Favorite Things To Do

Well im more of the athletic type of person, I like to run, Play around. Football, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, Auto racing, Fishing, Camping, Well would be easier to say anything outdoors. Long walks on the beach, Candle light dinners, Romantic evenings, Movies, At home that is lol, And just snuggling up with the person I love, Which I haven't found yet {{hint hint lol}}.If your wondering who I go for in those sports I've mentioned here they are.

Football~~~ Jacksonville Jaguars
College Football~~~ Miami Hurricanes
Baseball ~~~ Cleveland Indians
Basketball ~~~ Chicago Bulls
Nascar ~~~ Kevin Harvick #29 Goodwrench
Hockey ~~~ Florida Panthers

Here are some other pages i have done. Please let me now youve been here ~~~sign the guestbook ~~~or~~~just leave me an email and tell me what you think. Thanks for your time

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