The Player

By: Amanda and Tanya

He'll meet you and sweep you off of your feet
He's nice and he's funny, so cute and so sweet
Surprisingly, he likes the same things as you
He does all the things that you love to do

"Hey beautiul." Joey whispered into the red-haired girl's ear.
Blushing Tasha responded, "You're not so bad yourself."
"So how are you doing today?" he asked putting his arm around her shoulder.
They sat down on the nearest park bench and began talking intensely. She really liked him. He was so cute and funny. Suprisingly he liked Hamlet as much as she did. In fact they liked almost everything equally.

He's the perfect guy, the one of your dreams
You belong together, or so it seems
He looks in your eyes, and plays with your hair
He tells you that he'll always be there
His touch is so soft, his hold is so tight,
His words are so soothing, his kiss is just right

A month and a half later

"You're so beautiful." he said as he buried his head in her shoulder.
"You're still using that same line huh?" Tasha laughed as they walked to Central Park.
"Well, Im not lying." He said kissing her gently.

You ditch all your friends for your new obsession
You don't realize your future is full of depression
You think that you love him, you give him your heart
Little do you know that he'll tear it apart

"Look, Amanda. I cant go out tonight okay?" Tasha said over the phone.
"Why? Its Joey isnt it? This is the fifth time youve done this Tash. Well at least I have Tanya to go out with. I guess you can have Joey. Call me when you have time for your friends." Amanda retorted.
"But-" she was cut off by the sound of the dial tone.
"Who was that?" Joey asked walking into the bedroom.
"Oh, no one."
"I love you."
"With all my heart." Tasha finished.

You do what he wants, you know its not good
You told him slow down, and you think he understood
You let it slide by, he's just having fun
You'll learn to like it as time goes on

"Joey I dont wanna do this." Tasha said as Joey began to take off her shirt. "I dont think we are ready."
"Oh, come on. I love you. And you love me too right?"
"Well, yeah."
"Well then we should show our love to one another." he said as he kissed her neck.
"I guess you're right." She decided that if he was happy then she would be too.

He's taken your heart, and locked it away
And you see him with a different girl the next day
You cry and you grieve, but then you forgive,
He won't do it again for as long as he lives

"Joey?Are you here sweetheart?"Tasha said as she stepped into their apartment.
She slowly walked back towards their bedroom, but stopped short when she heard a female voice come from the room.
"No Joey! Dont stop!" The voice moaned.
'Oh my God! How could he do this? In OUR house! In OUR bed!' Tasha thought. She slowly opened the door to find clothing scattered around the room. Something small and purple was thrown across the chair. Tasha came to the conclusion that the purple "thing" was the cheap blonde's dress.
"Joey what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Tasha yelled.
"I...uh, oh shit." Joey said as he watched Tasha walk over to the blonde and pull her by the hair onto the floor. Tasha proceeded to beat the fuck out of the skanky whore. Tasha picked up the fabric, as little as it was, that was her "dress" and threw it in the hallway along with the blonde.
"Joey? What the hell were you thinking?" Tasha yelled through her tears.
"I..actually, I dont know what I can say."
"Joey? One question. Why?"
"I dont know. All I can say is that Im sorry. Can you ever forgive me."
"I dont know."
"Please Tasha, I love you. I SWEAR it will never happen again." Joey pleaded.

At this point you've fallen into his trap
He has all control when you're in his lap
You believe he's sorry,
you're together again.
You give him a chance,
he's your only friend.
You're right where he wants you,
he molds you like clay,
And you see him with girl number 3 the next day

"What happend to 'I'll never do this again', Joey?" Tasha yelled. This was the third time he did this to her and she didnt believe him when he told her he loved her. How could she?
"I dont know what happened, Tasha. You gotta believe me."
"You dont know how this happened? What? Did she just happen to trip and fall and land on your dick?"
"I...uh, I love you?"
"No Joey. Fuck you. Im leaving." She said as she walked out the door.

He got what he wanted, accomplished his goal
He still has your heart, which he evilly stole.
He's taken your purity, you still can't believe
You feel hurt and cheap and extremely naive.
He's all you've got
he's your only friend.

"Amanda?" Tasha said into the phone.
"Can I come over please?"
Amanda laughed. "Actually, Im about to go out. Im sorry. Try Tanya." she said hanging up the phone.
"Please pick up the phone." Tasha said on the fifth ring. No answer. 'Damnit! If only my hair was blond and straight. If only I looked like I'd lost some weight. If only my clothes were a little bit tighter. If only my teeth were a little bit whiter. I know he's an ass, but I still want him back.' She thoght as she drove to her mother's house.

All you wanted was to have some fun
Now you wish that this whole thing had never begun
You wish that one day you'll see him cry
That one day he'll know how he killed you inside

But you know that he won't, cause he's numb to pain
He'll be with some girl while you cry and complain
Beware of the players, they'll steal your heart
And they'll give it back once its all torn apart

Don't let them suck you into their game Cause once you lose, you're never the same.
