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Brassavola acaulis

Syn. B. lineata, B. mathieuana
Origin Costa Rica, Guatamela, Mexico, Panama
Plant description Pendent, terete leaves, 40-80 cm long, up to 2cm wide with short secondary stem 2-7 cm. The rhizome creeps and produces alternately leaf growth and then flower growth, similar to the habit of C. walkeriana.
Growing Very little known in cultivation. The plant has been described as growing in moist foothill forest of Costa Rica, apparently, their central distribution point.
Blooming Season Said to be from May to July in Northern hemisphere.
Flower size and shape Sepals and petals are up to 8 cm long, and lip is up to 6 cm long and 4 cm wide.
Colors and fragrance The petals and sepals are greenish, sometimes purple stained or flushed on the outside surface of the sepals, and the lip is white. The flowers are very fragrant at night. Its fragrance is similar to B. cucullata, but sweeter and stronger. My plant has 4 noticeable veins on the lip, and the back side of the petals and sepals are reddish white.
Comments Easily identify by the growing habit. All my specimen were collected from Panama.
B. acaulis. side view
B. acaulis. side view