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Go Forth and Be Disclaimed

How can we not make fun of these guys. Really now.

Let's keep this short and sweet because we all know what an NSync humor site is all about. Try to follow, yes?

We like NSync. A lot. You can even go as far as saying that we love them. We have to, look at all this time and effort we are spending on this fine website. BUT...

We have come to realize that they are human. That's right, human. Just like you and me. And since everyone likes a little humor we put together this site. These are merely our insignificant thoughts and ramblings about NSync. We must warn you.

We can get cruel.


Downright vicious.

But that's only because we love them. Most of this stuff is completely false so please consider that before hating us. Also we tend to use um "swearing" here and there so if that offends you, please know that you have been forewarned. Thank you.

You have now been disclaimed.

::JC is adopted (take him home)::