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I Feel the Pain: the diary of a Jigga and some Dolla Dolla Billz

Whenever we feel like, we'll write in here about various topics, NSync related and whatnot. Jigga (Nikki) will write in baby blue and Dolla Billz (Amy) will write in regular blue. And they're off...

February 3, 2000

My Dolla Billz has left me for O-Town and Bass Hunting. MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE, all day long Lamers. =). Anyway, how am I doing? Right now I have a stomach ache and it hurts like a bitch but I'll live, I promise. I was recently educated on the new MF lawsuit NSync has just been slapped with. If you don't know the happenings, I will give you a VERY short explanation. Apparantly, there is a music company in New Jersey named 'N Sync Inc. that had the name 'N Sync since 1992. When good ole' Louie formed NSync, 'N Sync Inc. licensed the name to Lou for $14,000. But when NSync and Lou departed, 'N Sync Inc. has decided that they want their name back and sued the group NSync for $100 mil. SIGH. That pisses me off, why don't they just leave our boys alone? They haven't done anything to hurt anyone, except for the healthy boyband comeptetion, of course. They work so damn hard to get music out and be in the public as much as possible and is this what they get? Shit, if I were them, I'd quit this group schtick altogether. *Knock on wood*. Their predetermined "shelf life" has already been long surpassed so it's not like they have to prove anything to critics. It's all about the fans for them and that's why they have so many loyal ones. Girls, these boys need our help anyway we can. Go vote for "Bye Bye Bye" on TRL and on your radio. Buy "NSA" the FIRST friggin day. Let's show our love every possible way, okay? Because I don't know about you, but I'm JUST TRYING TO GET EM PAID MAN!

January 27, 2000

random thoughts and useless bitchin for the new millenium by $$$. aol has been treating me right lately. so i guess they got the picture after my last entry. they realized they were messing with the wrong girl. ok. so how mf hot are nsync. i mean seriously. i am going into cardiac arrest here. i can overlook the fact that they looked like total scrubs on trl and find the hottness within. woo hoo! lance is sooo hot it is unbelievable. but on a side note. BYE BYE BYE BSB. YOU ARE GOING DOWN. DOWN, DOWN, one thing that i must comment on, is the fact that bsb fans are poor sports. i mean nsync has been gettin a lot of exposure lately, and it is damn near time they did. there seems to be a lot of animosty from the bsb fans about the single bye bye bye. wtf?!?!? do you hear us complaining about bsb being at #1? not really. i am really irritated that my radio station here "the beat" now calls bsb the "beat"street boys cuz they are handing out concert tickets for them like candy. asses. but they play enough nsync to make up for it, like right now. IOTHE. they are on at least twice every hour. but these girls are calling radio stations and bitching, whining, and crying that their precious nicky and the gang are no longer number one. and that my friends is poor sportsmanship. grow up. be a real fan. who cares who is #1 at that particular moment. no need to pout. amen. the end.

January 17, 2000

HOLY SHIT. this is dolla billz here, and there is gonna be a hell of a lot of profanity in this section. see i am generally a nice calm person, but right now i am violently angry. wanna know why? three little letters that cause me so much agony on a daily basis...A O MF L....lemme tell ya. i am trying to work on this website for all you peeps, and aol just kicked me off 8 yes..count em 8 times within the last 10 minutes. i would log on..goodbye...i would log on again..goodbye..then it wouldn't let me even try...goodbye...then i got in finally and two seconds after i celebrated..yep...goodbye amy. i am aol and i hate you. well.....this has to stop before i go insane and start spazzin like jc. maybe that is what his problem is. maybe he is such a freak because his internet connection drove him to insanity. here's my recommendations for a 12 step program for me and my aol...step 1: admit that your internet connection blows...step 2: make up games that consist of aol:39857239845729 amy:0 -- keep score..step 3: create a website where you can bitch about aol...step 4: admit that you like the abuse...step 5: grab a bottle of vodka and do a shot every time aol boots you, then sue them for makin you an alcoholic...step 6: pretend that aol is the best internet connection around...step 7: come to atlanta and we can go find ted turner and beat his ass over the merger..i know where he lives down here...step 8: toss your computer out the window because you can't deal with it anymore..(i am pretty close to doing this people)...step 9: start a petition to rename aol to pos..piece of shit...step 10: string together swear words that would make lance proud...step 11: get it to hate other people and kick them off association...step 12: give in, sign off, and cry...that's MY program. without it i may be forced to hunt down these aol bastards and kick their asses. so in closing all i have to say is GET BENT AOL. wow...i feel much better.

January 15, 2000

I've found a new revelation for y'all to chew on: Once you stop lusting over someone, another person both better and way more worthit comes along and you just start all over again. It's a vicous cycle in life and right now, it's eating me alive. For awhile, I was talking to this one guy, let's call him "Justin" (LOL). I really thought "Justin" and I had something going but lately he had been giving me mixed signals. I was like, screw it. I am not even going to try and waste my time on guys right now. Last night, we had a dance and I had an awesome time with another guy with "Justin" right there, wide eyed. Hey you missed your chance, bub. =) In other news, I am beyond excited to finally hear "Bye Cubed" on the radio. We have "Total Request" on the radio every night at a local station. And get this... NSync's "Bye Cubed" broke the record of making it to number one faster than anyone. Who had previously held the record? Backstreet Boys. Ha ha. What? That's right, you betta represent. Word.

January 8, 2000

Okay so I'm talking to my Missourian girl, Heather (what up?) about guys. We have the exact same views on them, it is scary. Condensing it by a LOT, we are both very picky and cautious about guys because of previews experiences and careful observing. We're both sort of talking to guys but are apprehensive about it. Let me tell you, it was so nice to let go and just rave to someone who actually understand what I'm talking about. As I was telling Heather, it seems that all of my friends either have a steady boyfriend or are gung-ho on using guys for a day and then recycling them. I am neither and lately I had been feeling like I am the only one who actually cares about starting a relationship based on actual feelings and not looks. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to sound like I'm the shit because I AM human and looks do matter. To a point. But anyways, it was just cool to be able to talk to her about it and both of us bouncing ideas and rantings off of each other. Ah, good times. See, she is this singer/dancer and when she goes on the road, I'm gonna go with her and we're gonna have hot groupies all up in da tour bus. Ye-hes. Hey Heather... RANDOMNESS IS GREAT. Are you feelin my timbs? He he he.

JC is adopted (take him home)