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Crazy Things They Do

Inspired by my conversation with my Missourian psychotic gal, Heather once again. We were on the "Justin is illegaly good looking" topic and she made a very good conclusion. JuJuice has the honor of giving a LOT of little girls their very first impure thoughts. Think about it. That is SO crazy to me, I dunno. Maybe it's because it's late, maybe it's because I'm a psychotic and random right now... or a COMBO of both. Whatever it was, it got me thinking.

Check it: A 10 year old and her mom stroll into her first NSync concert. Lucky enough, they get front row and get ready for the concert. Needless to say, she is psyched beyond words. NSync shirt, book, bucket hat, patch, and glow stick in tow, "Crazy For You" starts. Justin gets RIGHT in front of her and does his "crazy things" seduction body roll:

All of a sudden thoughts run through her head like a mack truck. Things she did not even know she could think of. Pelvic thrusts are so much more clear. Justin's lips are just a little poutier. ::The following is all Heather. VERBATEM:: And damnit... what is that under Justin's jeans? She has no idea what it is, but she likes it. Justin's tongue gives her goosebumps, why is this happening? This girl doesn't know it but 10,000 other teenies are sharing her thoughts. I wonder if Justin knows how much impact he has on people's lives. I mean in some ways I can see him thinking man the chics, they dig me. However does he know he's corrupting young girls minds for the first time? I don't think he could even fathom the thought. Hmmm, my first sexual thought? Jonathan Taylor Thomas, I think. I mean the bowl cut hair, the shortness, the fat cheeks, what was not to love? LMAO. But seriously, this is a big thing for young girls. These girls are hitting the first steps of puberty with Justin right by their side. It's traumatic to me to watch him stand up there and thrust, I can't imagine that being the first thing these kids think of sexually dayum. Nothing will ever live up to it. I mean nothing, they'll be like well shit, he doesn't thrust like Justin. He is the odds on favorite around here. WE know this, however, can you imagine HIM corrupting your mind for the first time? Dear Lord, I'm glad I'm not a 10 yr old in the front row of an NSync concert. Reason #1~ Being sexually harassed by Joey and not understanding it. It would just be too traumatic. #2 Realizing that Lance wears Cover Girl like no other. (transvestite's can't be good for any 10 yr old's mind.) #3~JC's spazing would probably turn me off to the whole concert experience altogether. I would be scared. #4 Last and definetly not least. THRUSTIN JUSTIN FREAKING TIMBERLAKE. I would never be the same again. And no man would ever live up to my expectations. Timberlake is a tough act to follow. I wouldn't like having the job. And this is my point my friends. My 18 year old mind will never be the same now that Justin's in it. (Along with a lot of other experiences). I can't imagine him being the first of those experiences! GOD help this generation of girls, for they know not what they think.

JC is adopted (take him home)