You get 2 bootlegged concerts. We were personally at all three, and they are worth it people. Some of the funniest things we have ever seen happened at these concerts. Like take for instance...Joe Fatone Sr. in a grass skirt and a coconut bra mounting JC on the side of the stage....good hell, its worth the $40 for that priceless shot. Or how about Justin making the little girl in the front row was so cute. Plus you get Bye Bye Bye, all the Justin body rolls you can handle, Lance thrustin (holy shit), JC doing the booty bounce, Joey being hammy as usual, and Chris talkin about a capella. But you don't get it once...oh get it twice. THIS WAS THE LAST CONCERT OF THE MILLENNIUM, AND THE FIRST CONCERT OF THE NEW YEAR!! And just think people, y'all paid $20 for PPV, and you only got ONE you are gettin 2 for the price of 2 or something like
PLUS: YOU GET RANDOM FOOTAGE OF THEM IN HAWAII....find out what they REALLY did during the day!!!
The total length of this video is 4 hours. 4 whole hours of nothing but *N SYNC. AWWWW YEAH!