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Can I have my life back? PUHLEEESE?

I want my life back, and I want it back now. If anyone has any answers to how I have let a boyband take over my brain, please e-mail me and let me know. If you have any ideas on how to make it stop, I would appreciate them too. So here are the top 10 reasons why I want my life back....

10. It's not "COOL MAN" when your boss at work asks why you have a picture of Steve's ass attached to the visor of your car.

9. So I could get a nickname that is shorter than Amy $Dolla Billz$ Chakirkasstimbertone...its a pain in the ass to write it out...

8. Maybe, just maybe I could give "real" guys a chance instead of comparing them to Chris, Justin, Lance, Joey, and JC...

7. I would not have to program my VCR 98345729520985 times in the month of March just so I don't miss a single appearance. (Since I am still pathetic and have no life, scroll down for the TV

6. I would be hella rich instead of spending loads of cash on trips, tickets, videos, cds, and friggin e-bay is the link..plug, plug.. Just e-mail Val at're desperate y'all!

5. My long distance phone bill would be obsolete since I call Ashley every single night to watch videos over the phone together...OH GIRL! REWIND

4. My room would not look like a friggin shrine to Justin and Lance.

3. I would not find it necessary to camp out in front of Media Play at midnight on the 20th of March, just so I can buy 6 copies of NSA. Yep, 6.

2. My vocabulary would not consists soley of the words, yes please, crunk, actually, basically, incredible, shit, piss, boff, dawtbawd, JUSTIN IS HOT, bed hed, hopefully....hope, crack is bad, and the like...

And the number one reason is....

1. I wouldn't have to lead a double life. I'M NOT SUPERMAN, DAMNIT!

But are the top 10 reasons why I am not gonna change,

10. I would have waaaay too much free time, and that could be dangerous.

9. I would not get to travel to Hawaii, Vegas, O-Town, Mississippi....

8. I wouldn't wake up to beautiful men looking at me from my wall every morning.

7. I now have signature dance moves like the JCCarlton or JCRunningman and Bye Bye Bye with Ash in the TransCon parking lot..

6. I like shrieking like a 12 year old when Lance thrusts.

5. TRL NEEDS me to vote a billion times for Bye Bye Bye, really...they do.

4. I save a ton of money on movie rentals by just watching PPV over and over and over for many evenings of entertainment.

3. I like to call my lighter Camo Chris. Everyone knows it, and everyone calls it by name.

2. I wouldn't have had the opportunity to see Lonnie back his ass up, Asswipe' tell us drunken stories of Cancun, singing Uke songs for Stever or listening to him bitch for hours on end, Joey at breakfast at 1 in the afternoon, Stever's preview of NSA, or Butta Baby in head to toe baby blue (it's crunk)...

And the number one reason I will never give them up...

1. I have met some of the greatest people because of them....y'all know who you are and how much I heart you...

TV Listing

Regis and Kathie Lee 3/7



2 Hour Tour on Disney 3/11

Saturday Night Live 3/11

Model Behavior 3/12

Good Morning America 3/12

Ultrasound 3/18

Rosie O'Donnell 3/20

TRL 3/21


MTV Spring Break 3/24-25

All That 3/25

Academy Awards 3/26

The View 3/27

JC is adopted (take him home)