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Wanna Get Outta Here?

Why would you wanna leave? That makes us sad. But if you HAVE to go, go to one of these awesome sites.

Giddy For NSYNC

My favorite website of all time. Even though it's been shut down, go anyways. Wendi and Heather are comical NSync geniuses.

Just Thrust It! a nsync humor page

With a name like that, you know you gotta check it out.

I haven't been going to this one for long, but I check it almost daily. Megan is straight up FUNNY.

Another great humor site. I am still laughing from the FANatic with Justin. A must see ya'll.

Pork & Porky are very creative and extremely humorous. So scoot on over there and support their tight page. - CLICK HERE!

Not a humor site but, as Lance would say, INCREDIBLE. The only fan site I go to, trust me it's worth visiting.

A very well put together site. Extremely funny and Leslie, who runs it, is really sweet.

Cute new NSync humor site. Go visit!

Justin is HOT!
This is mah girl Sheri's site. Go there. But not right this second...I mean, you are here already and we want you to stay....stay for as long as you like, but when you leave...Go there. On a side note, I love this friggin banner.

Justin Timberturd Humor Page! Check it out!

Very good site. She supported us from the very beginning of our humble little site and we are down with that. Um, yo.

This site is pretty damn funny. Awesome graphics that put us to shame. Go check it out! They need your support.

JC is adopted (take him home)