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Whatchoo Talkin About, Poser?!?!

dolla billz as you might know, i used to be a justin poser. *hangs head in shame* but the thing is, i was a GOOD justin poser. i never messed up. not once. no one ever called me out. now, i don't know if i should be pattin myself on the back, or if the people i was talking to were just stupid..its a toss up. but i had the privledge of talkin to "justin" today and i wanted to share with you. oooh...and i am gonna change the screen name, but just a bit of backgroud. the sn was something to the effect of poofu...and they said they were justin. dumass....that's lance. there is some swearing at the end, so cover your eyes.... p.s. do your damn research if you wanna be a successful poser. read comments on "jrt" will be preceeded by **

$$: hi justin

"jrt": Hi, whats your name?

$$: my name is ashley *cough bullshit cough*. and i am your number one fan.

$$: i know you must hear that a lot.

"jrt": not really *yeah whatever, the REAL jrt hears that shiznit all the time*

"jrt": Ashley is a pretty name

$$: OMG...THANKS! *i am in my teenybopper mindset here, so excuse me if i sound like an airhead half the time*

"jrt": Your Welcome *it should be you're not your, idiot. justin would know that, because he is*

$$: is there anything that you would like to ask me? i feel like i have been asking you way too many questions.

"jrt": age? where are you from? and did you go to any concerts? if so Thank YOu

$$: OMG...JUSTIN! your new song just came on the radio. omg omg omg..i love this song. it is the best.*lol..could i type omg anymore?*

"jrt": Why, Thank You

$$: i loooooove the choreography.....i love the way you thrust. it is awesome. you are so captivating...

"jrt": Thank You *could you say any less "justin"?*

$$: i am 15 and i am from atlanta. i have been to 8 concerts. i sat in the front row the last time you were here. it used to be the best day of my life, but today takes the cake! *i am 23 and i am totally bullshittin here, uh except about the front row part*

"jrt": aww, your sweet. Thanks For going to our shows *yeah, i know that i am sweet, but just wait poser i can be evil too*

$$: i love your shows. they are the best thing about the group. i mean....i am gonna go to a bunch more during the new concert series!!!!!!!!!

"jrt": aww, thank You, and I hope it is good

$$: oh i know that it will be! all of you are so talented and i really think that god must have spent a little more time on all of you. y'all are my inspiration. *hahaha, i am such a bser*

"jrt": Thank You That means a lot since the legal problems came about

$$: how's the benz? when i am old enough to drive. .... i wanna get one. what kind of gas mileage do you get on that baby?

"jrt": it's fine. Really good *could you say any less about your precious little benz justy?*

"jrt": but a Ford Explorer is better than the benz *tip off number 102983473928471 that this is not justin*

$$: really? why didn't you get one of those then?

"jrt": heck I was 16 and wanted a german car cause they were cool

$$: i heard that everyone got a new tattoo in hawaii!!!! did it hurt? i wanna get one when i am old enough.....

"jrt": when the needle first goes in *i have a tattoo, and that is not when it me*

$$: yeah. that's what i heard. some of my older friends got them. my one friend got your name tattooed on her. *hahaha..if anyone is ever stupid enough to tattoo his name on themself, let me know..i will go and slap them*

"jrt": that flame almost did me in

$$: really? it hurt that bad? do you have 2 or 3 now?

"jrt": And we had a show that night, and were Chris and Joey are use to tattoos I could not dance

"jrt": 2 *is that your final answer? i'm sorry you are wrong...the correct answer is 3 asshead*

$$: i thought that the one you got in hawaii was your third... *"jrt" is going down, down, down, down*

"jrt": Chris and joey's *nice recovery...NOT*

$$: no..i thought that you have the flame with the jTr and then the japanese symbol and then the third one you got in hawaii...

$$: oh well...maybe i am wrong. * still stringing this ass along, they think they are gettin away with it....*

$$: is the new video coming? is it done yet?

"jrt": I dont have JRT tattooed on me. *insert fits of hysterical laughter...RESEARCH PEOPLE....ITS CALLED RESEARCH.*

"jrt": which video? *omg...good one*

$$: you have JRT tattooed in the middle of your showed it to me at a meet and greet. and bye bye bye ...the new video. *"jrt" is starting to crack under the pressure*

"jrt": We are doing making the video Thurs.

$$: on mtv?

"jrt": and it aires next Mon *at least "jrt" got that one right....*

$$: ohhhh...some of my friends live in la and went to the video shoot. they said that it was cool.

$$: i can't wait for that video...can you tell me anything about it?

"jrt": that was the one for Germany,Us it is a surprise *i have one word for you...LIAR.*

$$: i love surprises.

$$: do you remember me from the meet and greet in las vegas? i had on a shirt that said i love said that you liked it and signed it for me.... *one i have never been to a meet and greet, two, i would never wear a shirt that says i love (insert name here)...i only wear DO ME shirts*

"jrt": Did you have brown hair?

"jrt": or blonde? *covering all the bases*

$$: omg omg omg remember me? *you remember me? coooool, cuz i wasn't there!!!*

$$: i have brown hair.

$$: its naturally curly just like yours.

"jrt": yeah, you were a sweet girl *that is so cool that he met me and thinks that i am sweet. moron. never met ya.*

"jrt": I hate my curly hair *i hate posers that can't pull it off*

$$: awwwww thanks! i love your hair. it is so beautiful.

"jrt": THank you

$$: you are sooooo welcome.

"jrt": I might surprise you tonight with it, I might go short and blonde *can't wait*

$$: really? that would be great. i can't wait to see you and the rest of the guys!!!!!

$$: so what is it like dating britney spears? is she as nice as she seems? *what i meant to say she a total airhead biotch?*

"jrt": Im not dating her, we are just good friends, She is really nice and cares about everyone *cough, bullshit, cough*

$$: used to date her back on the mouse club, at least. and i KNOW that you are only friends now, duh! you say that so much. i believe you!

"jrt": Ok! yeah we also dated in 97

"jrt": for a year and a half

$$: that is cool. i think you two make a cute couple. but i think we would make an even cuter couple!!!! *where in the hell do i come up with these cheezy lines?*

"jrt": yeah *see justin agrees, he's know that's i'm a fione piece of*

"jrt": she is dating that guy from Boyzone

$$: i though it was from boys and girls united? robbie, right? *get it right retard*

"jrt": she did date him, now its a boyzone guy *are you sure you have your story straight now?*

$$: oooh..i didn't know that. thanks for clearin that up for me.

$$: hey justin ya know what?

"jrt": what?


$$: no catchy comeback for me?

$$: know that you have been called out "jrt"...i wouldnt respond either.

$$: there was a time when i used to "pose" as justin and i was a hell of a lot better at it than you.

$$: if you would like to have a normal conversation, then you can write me back....

$$: but don't even try to pretend that you are justin. it is not even worth it. you may be able to fool some peeps, but not me.

i was waiting for about 5 minutes for a response, but "justin" signed'S GOING DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN....

JC is adopted (take him home)