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So What?

I was NSync humor site surfing today and found several disturbing articles from various sites. (Specific pages will not be disclosed because everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect that).They all had to do with Justin. Saying things like, liking Justin is getting, "old" and the only reason girls like him is because he's hot. Also, that only teenies think of him as their favorite. That everyone that likes Justin the best does because it's the cool thing to do. Crap like that. I was reading this and first of all, was very amused. Observations are one thing, totally false assumptions is another. Okay, YES Justin is the HEAVY favorite. And YES there are fans out there that like NSync only because of him. But saying that everyone that likes him the most is a teeny is ridiculous.

Justin is my favorite and has been since the day I knew NSync existed. Before it was cool. I made that decision on my own because his performing style, voice, outgoing personality, and HOTness attracted me. I didn't know he was going to be the most lusted after. (I just got lucky. Ha ha. FAVORITE=CAMERA MAN'S FAVORITE.) But there for all the fans out there who love Justy soley because of his hot ass, hot body, hot face, hot dance moves, etc... MORE POWER TO YA. It's okay, girls. Have no shame. Justin is HOT and that's why he's the favorite. Let's appreciate the wonder that is Justin Timberlake and not have our heads up our asses denying that we like JuJu because it's trendy. Alright. Just wanted to get that off of my chest. That's all I have to say about that.

JC is adopted (take him home)